Chapter 7: Suddenly Seymour

Start from the beginning

"Have you noticed how exhausting it's been living together?" Blaine asked me.

"Well no not particularly." I said, mumbling.

"See! Gah I hate the mumbling!" He said. "We literally got into a fight for three hours over a towel.. we made Artie cry. If we make a grown adult cry, I can imagine what trauma we put our child through!"

"I was PMSing." I said softly.

"Living together is supposed to be a trial run, And i got to tell you, i think we are failing it." Blaine said, his honesty hitting me like a truck. His words hurt more then he could ever imagine.

"Thank you for finally saying something truthful.  Where's that guy been?" I said, holding back my tears, biting my lips to try and ease the burning in the back of my throat.

"You've been completely aloof And totally remote and distant. It's like i don't even know you anymore." Blaine said.

"Thank you for being so wonderful with your words Blaine." I said, making him roll his eyes. "Do you even want to have a wedding? Do you even want to marry me?" I asked.

"Maybe I don't!" Blaine shouted. His words stung. They hurt more then the words of Sebastian, or the actions of West. I couldn't hold back the tears any longer.

"What changed?" I asked. "Because last time I checked you were the one asking me to marry you." I said.

"Don't." He said.

"Was it something that I did? Because you know that I love you so much. Blaine we can make this work." I said wiping my tears.

"I love you too... but we are still kids." Blaine said. "Look. Let's just call it quits before we absolutely hate one another." Blaine said. I looked down at the floor.

"I will never forgive you for this, Blaine." I said, getting up out of my seat and walking away.

I didn't bother to open my umbrella. I let the cold rain soak my clothes and my hair completely. I didn't care. Once I hopped inside my car, I started to sob. Everything hurt so much that I couldn't breathe. I pulled out my phone, calling a recent number of mine.

"What's up little C?" Santana asked, answering her phone.

"Santana?" I asked, sobbing. "Santana." My words were almost inaudible because I was crying so hard.

"Oh my god, babes what is wrong?" She asked. "Talk to me."

"Blaine called off the engagement." I said, still crying.

"He did want now?" Santana asked, sounding very angry. She started to scream things in Spanish, making me kinda scared. "I'm going to kill him."

"Santana can I stay with you until I can find an apartment?" I asked her.

"Yes. You can stay with me as long as you want. I'm on my way to your apartment now to get your stuff. I'll meet you at my place. I don't want you to have to see him. And if I see him I'll punch him for you."

"Thank you Santana." I said, hanging up the phone. I knew the one person that would be able to give me all the advice I could ever need.

I looked out my window, to see Blaine still sitting in the restaurant, holding his head in his hands. In a second, almost like he knew, he lifts his head up and looks at my car. He made direct eye contact with me. I shook my head, and drove away.


I ran down the hallway of the school, getting strange looks from everyone that I passed. I mean yes my mascara was all messed up, and my clothes are completely soaked, and I look like a mess... yeah I would stare too.

I kept running, my sneakers squealing on the tile floor. I spotted him walking towards me. He saw me, and was very confused.

"Cav?" He asked. "You look awful." I ignored his comment and hugged him, letting the tears fall again. I couldn't possibly hold them in any longer. He pulled me into the choir room, setting me down on the piano. I cried even harder, explains to him what had happened. Sebastian didn't say much, he just sat down at the piano and started to play.

Lift up your head, wash off your mascara
Here, take my Kleenex, wipe that lipstick away
Show me your face clean as the mornin'
I know things were bad but now they're okay

Suddenly, Seymour is standing beside you
You don't need no make-up, don't have to pretend
Suddenly, Seymour is here to provide you
Sweet understandin' Seymour's your friend

Sebastian sang. He got off the piano as the band started to play where he left off. He grabbed my face, wiping off my smeared makeup. I took his hands walking him out of the room.

Nobody ever treated me kindly
Daddy left early, and Mama was poor
I'd meet a man and I'd follow him blindly
He'd snap his fingers and me, I'd say "Sure"

We walked hand and hand down the hallway of Dalton, smiling at each other. We gathered a crowd.

Cavanagh (Sebastian)
Suddenly, Seymour (Suddenly, Seymour)
He purified me (Oh, oh)
Yeah, Suddenly, Seymour (Suddenly, Seymour)
He showed me I can (Showed me, I can)
Learn how to be more
The girl that's inside me
With sweet understanding (With sweet understanding)
With sweet understanding (With sweet understanding)
With sweet under-
Seymour's your man

Sebastian and I ended with the long note at the end, earning cheers from the large group of boys that surrounded us.

"There is that smile." Sebastian said, making me smile even bigger. "You don't need him to be happy."

"How long have I been ignoring that life lesson?" I asked. He laughed.

"Four years." He said.

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