Same, But Different

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A/N: Okay, so this isn't so much a poem as a letter/message I just wanted to get out there and share with the world. Please, enjoy :)


I am a girl.

I am a girl who wakes up in the morning with birds nesting in my hair and my own personal Dracula warding off system in my mouth.

Sometimes I crack.

Sometimes I crack apart like layers of peeling paint and float about in no gravity while ugly, slimy snot runs from my nose and heart-wrenching sobs rob my lungs of air.

Sometimes I need a break.

Sometimes I need a break from life before it consumes me with its fast-paced social networking and nitty-bitty teenage drama.

Sometimes I hate myself.

Sometimes I hate myself and all my lead-weighted mistakes so much I want to yell and scream until God lets me trade lives with one of those ‘perfect’ girls.

Sometimes I lose my way.

Sometimes I lose my way and fumble blindly in the darkness for the light I cannot find.

Sometimes I feel guilty.

Sometimes I feel guilty as I shove that extra slice of chocolate fudge brownie down my throat or leave my mother to do the dishes after dinner so I can call my boyfriend.

Sometimes I make mistakes.

Sometimes I make mistakes not once, not twice but three times over, and then I drag the people I love down under with me to wallow in self-pity and anger.

Sometimes I hurt people.

Sometimes I hurt people because I screwed it all up like Armageddon, and when I lie awake at night their tears of betrayal run through my mind, silently shouting words of hate at me, cutting deeper than any physical scar could penetrate.

I have faults.

I am not perfect.

I can’t always guarantee I’m happy or that I won’t snap at you when you say the wrong thing.

I’m not always right and it’s not likely I’ll remember a stranger’s name ten minutes later.

I won’t go through life blissfully and without worry.

I will make mistakes and disappoint most people.

But guess what?

There are times; times when I forget all the drama and confusion.

There are times when I forget all the drama and confusion and all I want to do is scream with joy as the sun shines down like Heaven’s light and everything is good.

Times when I laugh and sing.

Times when I laugh and sing in the shower or prance around like a delusional fairy on cloud nine.

Times when I feel powerful.

Times when I feel powerful because my voice will make change in the world around me.

Times when I feel helpful.

Times when I feel helpful and wanted, when my friends need me to sort out a problem or boost their confidence like a teetering see-saw I bounce to the sun.

Times when I love.

Times when I love who I am and what I can do, the over-joyed accomplishment of a new hatchling tasting its first wing strokes of freedom.

Times when I am in control.

Times when I am in control of myself, my world and my actions because no one can rob me of my decisions.

Times when I am no longer just another girl in a messed up world.

Times when I am original and unique and different from everyone else.

These times make me happy, they make me laugh and dance and smile. They make the good times worth the bad times, the sun worth the rain, the love worth the hate.

Everyone is flawed and imperfect. We all make mistakes and screw up once in a while. That’s why we’re called HUMAN.

So the next time you’re upset think of all the good times, REMEMBER why it’s WORTH IT.

Because we’re all just lost souls trying to make good of what we have. So why not look on the positive side?

After all…


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