Impossible odds

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I was standing in the same place as I was when I fought the nomu. Except now it was devoid of all color and there was a cold breeze that stung as it crawled across my skin. It was a weird place. I could feel things even though I didn't have a body. I looked down upon my fractured soul, Holes that went straight through me where abundant. The man I was about to meet liked to pick me apart like some machine

"I wondered when you would come to see me" The familiar voice caller out

A robed figure stepped out of the shadows. Pulling his scythe behind him which made a rather od sound for a blade. Almost like a screaming sound.

"You said it would be soon. What's your price death" I asked

"Oh, I already took my payment. But I have a proposal for you. One which you would probably like to hear" He cackled as he looked behind me

"You see depending on what you do in life you get sent to heaven or hell and it's my job to keep track of who goes where. You, my friend, is heavily leaning towards going to hell. But I could look between my fingers and let you into heaven where you could meet your good old parents. However, I could also send you back into that meat bag." He laughed out the last bar while pointing behind me with his skeletal fingers.

I turned around and instantly wished I hadn't. Not because of how my broken body looked. But because of how Nejire looked. She was sitting on the ground next to me, With my hand in hers just staring out into nothingness. She looked tired, in pain, and disappointed. I flinched slightly as a paramedic walked through me and over to her. He checked for a pulse but only shook his head. A single tear fell down Nejire's cheek.

I turned around to face death again. He probably knew my answer since he only shook his head.

"Why do you insist on going back," Death asked as he approached me

"Because before I only wanted to find the boss of the people that killed my parents. But now, I have someone that needs me and I have someone I need" I said with a smile looking back at Nejire. She was still holding on to my hand

I looked back at Death who only smiled and shook his head.

"I lost almost all of my humanity long ago. but what little part I have left makes stuff like this worth it. Go to your girl, you will have to go against impossible odds to not get back here. But hey, just maybe good old uncle death will give you a push." He said as he pushed me back into my corpse.

I gasped for air as the pain surged through my body. The paramedic who was talking to Nejire almost passed out from shock. Nejire instantly turned to me to check if she was dreaming, She wasn't. I slowly started to lose consciousness again.

"Nejire listen to me, This will be hard but I will be back. Just wait" I said weakly before passing out again

For an unidentifiable amount of time, all I knew was darkness until a sharp light pierced through my half-opened eyes. This was yet again followed by a sharp pain in my chest. This time however there were people around me.

"Nejire" I cried out quietly

A man in all white with a face mask rushed over to me

"Nurse we need more anesthetics," He said clearly in a hurry

"Where am I?" I whispered

"You at the hospital undergoing surgery. Hang in there son, don't you die on us again" He said as I lost consciousness again

I was yet again back in the darkness. Where I remained without feeling anything for a long time. The only thing I felt were shooks going through my body until they stopped as well. After a while, I regained my hearing partially. Most of the time I couldn't hear anything. But those short moments where I could hear meant that I knew I was alive.

Sometime not long after I regained my hearing a man came into my room. I didn't recognize his voice so I assume he was a doctor

"your still not awake I see. It's not like I thought you would be since your lucky if your heart doesn't give out until at the end of the week. But I've been saying that the last three weeks so who knows"

I felt horrible not being able to react to his words. I might not have a week? I've been out for three weeks? It felt like minutes. As my hearing began to disappear again I was left alone with my thoughts.

What felt like seconds later I felt something in my hand for the first time in who knows how long. It was a familiar feeling even though it took me a second until it clicked. It was Nejire's hand. I picked up faint noises until my hearing kicked in as well

"I don't think I told you about our internships yet. Well, I was a Ryukyu as you already know. one day we met up with Endeavor and Todoroki. But you weren't there." She sounded devastated. Like how I sounded when my parents died

"I helped catch a bad guy and I was gonna message you about it. But I realized that you wouldn't be able to answer" She continued as she wiped a tear with my hand

My only thought was that I needed to comfort her. But no matter how much I tried I couldn't wake up.

"I'll get going, Mom and dad are probably worried about me. They are worried about you to so please come back" She said before starting to sob

I heard her get up and start to walk

"Come on, move!!" I yelled in my head as I desperately tried to regain control of my body. Suddenly I felt my hand move.

"Death give me a push here!!" I yelled in my head yet again. Out of nowhere, my eyes shot up. I looked to my side and sure enough, Nejire was walking towards the door

"Nejire" I whispered out. It felt weird to talk after so long but none the less she stoped before slowly turning around.

Her eyes meet mine as she stood there with me just smiling.

"Hi, darling" I whispered as a tear fell down my cheek

"Y/N?" She asked before slowly walking towards me. When she stood next to me I slowly lifted my arm and placed my hand on her cheek. It was extremely taxing on my muscles after having been idle for so long but it was worth it.

Tears started to fall down her cheeks as she sat down next to me on the hospital bed. I moved to my side before making space for her to lie down which she gladly accepted. We laid there for about 10 minutes before she spoke up

"You know it's not nice to your girlfriend to first die right in front of her then be in a coma for 3 weeks."

"Sorry, but you survived and that makes it worth it for me. There are far better guys out there than me" I whispered

"But I don't want anyone else. I want you and only you" She sobbed before starting to cry into my chest

"Well I'm not going anywhere now," I said as I put my arms around her

We shared a kiss before we both decided to sleep. I was surprisingly tired after having slept for 3 weeks but I didn't mind. I had the girl of my dreams right beside me.

Authors note:

Hello everyone!The story continues! I didn't have plans to end it after the last chapter I just wanted to 

bamboozle you guys.

Anyways this chapter arrived earlier than expected so yeah.

I just want to say that I would very much appreciate it if you would follow me if you don't already. A special thanks to the ones who have been here with me from the beginning

Love every single one of you guys!

I'm out

ps: don't forget to answer the question in my latest post

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