I quickly showered and walked into my bedroom, searching through my draws for something dark I settled on a black Ghost Adventures t-shirt and a black pair of Big Stepping jogging Bottoms. 

Zak's POV

Y/N walked into the bathroom so I sat down on the sofa, when I felt someone touch my shoulder. Looking behind me I noticed no one was there, great now this girl has something following her.

A text popped up on my screen, it was from Jay.

J- Hey, how's y/n?

Z- She's okay but I've just felt something touch me. Now she has a spirit here

J- Sorry dude, we're going to pick you up at 12:30 am

Z- Alright see ya

I put my phone down as I heard a door open and close. Looking behind me I saw y/n stepped out of her room, walked over to me and sat down beside me. She rested her head on my shoulder and switched on the TV. Skipping through the channels she came across the Travel Channel and Ghost Adventures. I chuckled slightly, it was the reseda House of Evil episode.

Once it had finished both me and y/n checked our phones, sighing she put her headphones in and started listening to music. It wasn't long before she was asleep.

Her head slid down my shoulder and rested on my lap, I sighed and put my head back.

I must of drifted off because I was woken by a knocking on the door. Gently I moved y/n off of my lap and covered her with a blanket. Stretching I made my way to the door. Opening it a girl, not much younger than y/n stepped in looking down at her phone.

Becca's POV

I knocked on y/n's door as my phone pinged, looking down I saw the door open. Stepping in I walked straight to the kitchen.

"Tell me all about it!" I laughed as I pulled a glass out of y/n's cupboard and poured myself a glass of wine.

"Tell you about what?" A deep voice asked, there was something familiar about his voice.
Looking up a tall muscular man was stood in front of me with his arms crossed over his chest.
He wore black jeans and a black short sleeve shirt with a white cross on one side.
He had a pair of matte black glasses and his hair was styled into a fin.

OMG I was stood in front of thee Zak Bagans. I set my glass on the side and screamed.
He quickly hushed me, looking over his shoulder.

"Zak Bagans, I can't believe that I'm stood in front of you. I'm your biggest fan." I said, slightly quieter.

He rolled his eyes and un crossed his arms.

Zak's POV

The girl screamed, quickly shushing her I glanced over at y/n. She groaned and pulled the blanket up to her chin.

The girl started saying how she was my biggest fan. I'd heard it all before and my only concern was that she was being a bit loud.

I rolled my eyes and leaned against the counter. She kept rambling on but I never took my eyes off of y/n. She seemed to be sleeping peacefully.
We must have been stood there for ten minutes when y/n started groaning and thrashing around.

Quickly I made my way to her, crouching down beside. The door knocked, I told the girl to go and see who it was whilst I stayed with y/n .

Y/N sat straight up, sweat dripping down her neck and tears streaming down her face.

"Hey, it's alright. You're okay." I soothed, as Billy, Jay and Aaron walked in.

Y/N  buried her head in my shoulder, her body shaking as she sobbed. 

"Y/N?" the girl asked, walking over to her.

"Hey, Becca." y/n sniffed, pulling her head out of my shoulder.

"What's up." 

"Just a nightmare, that's all." y/n replied, wiping the tears away.

The blanket slipped down revealing the bandage on her arm.

"OMG Y/N WHAT IS THAT?" Becca yelled, pointing to y/n's arm.

"Becca please don't." Y/N sighed.

"NO, WHAT HAPPENED? DID YOU DO THIS? IF YOU DID THIS  TO HER YOU BETTER..." Becca screamed, walking towards me. I stood up and started backing away. She looked furious.

"BECCA! IT WAS JERRY!" y/n cried, cradling her head in her hands.

Becca's face fell, shock plastered across her face she walked to her friends side and hugged her. The whole room fell silent. 

"Who want's to go out then?" Aaron asked, trying to lighten the mood. 

Y/N looked up and smiled, "Yes, I definitely need a night out." 

Getting up Becca and y/n walked into her room. 

Standing up I looked towards Aaron, who was staring at Becca. Laughing I punched him in the arm.

"Dude, what was that for?" He asked, holding his arm.

I just laughed and shook my head. 

Time Skip


Becca always kept some clothes at my place, for situations just like this. I quickly showered and pilled on an black crop top and a pair of black shorts. Becca chose a tight fitting blue dress, I lent Becca one of my necklaces and I put on my favorite one. My mum had given it to me before she died, it was a beautiful blue crystal in the shape of a heart surrounded by vines. 

Stepping out the boys were sat down laughing, they all looked so at ease with each other. They were the true definition of a family. Smiling I crept up behind Zak, Billy saw and I motioned for him to be quiet. A grin spread across his face, as Becca did the same behind Aaron and Jay.

Jumping up me and Becca screamed making them all jump.

"Dammit y/n. You scared the shit out of me." Zak laughed as he clutched his chest. I burst out laughing, I couldn't help it his face was a picture.

The guys turned around and stared.

"Close your mouths lads, don't want to catch flies now do we." I laughed, as the boys snapped their jaws shut.

"Are we going out or staying in tonight then?" Becca asked, her hands on her hips.
The guys quickly stood up and rushed to the door, laughing I shook my head.

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