Chapter 3

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Zaks POV

Quickly I pulled my top off and wrapped it around Y/N's arm and pulled her jeans up. I could hear Billy on the phone to the ambulance.

"Where is he?" Y/N mumbled.

"It's alright. He's gone." I soothed.
She started crying. I could hear Jerry outside screaming, "Get away from her"
Standing up I asked Jay to stay with her. Striding purposefully over to her boss I fronted up to him.

"I will not ask you again. What did you do to her?" I asked pushing my sleeves up my arm.

He didn't answer, this did it for me. Before I could stop myself my fist flew up and punched him in the jaw.
I heard a sickening crunch as my fist connected.

"Zak!" Jay called from the office.

Quickly I ran back in to find Y/N sat up against the desk. Crouching down i grabbed hold of Y/N's hand.

"Zak, your hand. What happened." she asked, looking at the redness that had formed on my knuckles.

"It's nothing. What did he do to you?" I ask.

"He tried to..." she cried.

"Did he?"

Y/N shook her head as paramedics walked in.


The paramedics quick checked me over and told me that I would need stitches but I didn't need to go to hospital.

I had had a fear of hospitals since I was a teenager. My father was taken into hospital and I never saw him again. He died when I was fifteen.
My mother had disappeared a couple of years before.

Zak stayed the entire time and helped me to my feet. He put a hand around my waist supporting me.

Time Skip

Zaks POV

We met Y/N later that night at the Brewery.

"Are you ready to do your interview?" I asked her. She had changed into a
F/C long sleeve top, and blue jeans.

She nodded and Aaron pointed his camera towards me.

Ghost Adventures x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang