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Note: This story is fictional; characters, events. The anime used in this book does not belong to me, credits goes to the creators of the anime Haikyuu!!, to Haruichi Furudate. The plot does not always abide to those in the anime for this is a story written by my imagination. All real life events similar to the story is purely coincidental. This story may also contain major spoilers of the anime. DO NOT READ if you don't want spoilers.

I am currently exploring and expanding my writing style so please do know that I am trying out different methods. This is my first actual fanfic. Vote or Comment as you may wish. Enjoy!





!!! Trigger Warning: READER's discretion is advised. !!!


Nothing's new to life. Nothing's new to my life. I wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, take a shower, and get ready to leave for work. Nothing's ever new. I've been doing the same routine for almost three years.

After high school, I've done a lot of different things. I've tried my best to stitch my wound, take care of it, and cover it so that no one could see it. But even with what I've tried to do, nothing ever worked out perfectly. The wound would reveal itself to the world.

Getting into college, I decided to go down a different road; I told myself, "I'll have to forget it and move on, whatever it takes." I got a mouthful from Kuroo when I told him about it. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't change anything so I decided to give up. Maybe if life was only a video game, I could've restarted the game to begin again.

But that's just it. Life isn't a game.

If life was a game, we could've just fooled around and not care about our future. We could just stay at home and wait for a quest to complete in order to get diamonds, and buy ourselves whatever we want. If life was that easy, I would've never given up.

I'm in my office, reading the submitted reports. Having to be the CEO of my company, I have to do things like these for the very least. I flip through the papers and briefly lift my eyes off the words when I hear a knock on the door. The door opens slowly, and Hana enters my office with a sweet smile on her face.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion. I have submitted the resumes of interns for this year. We have five in total; three boys, and two girls. They're all equally skilled and they all have been approved by the president. The girls are assigned to me, and they're your next potential secretary once I take my leave."

She hands me the clipboard with the resumes, and I quickly scan the documents. They're all my age. Well, I guess that's a given, considering the fact that I am still in college.

"You will be meeting the boys tomorrow, as ordered by the president, and you will be meeting the girls, now." The squeak of the door as it opens catches my attention, making me avert my attention to it. I give Hana a quick smile as she arranges my things, and I simply give the two women a glance before returning my attention to their resumes.

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