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 A few months passed, and Patton's whimsical mood hadn't faltered. Every time there was any sort of event he made sure that Janus was invited. And every time Janus received an invitation he made sure to attend. They would sneak away to spend as much time together as possible. It was always a bittersweet parting by the end of the event when Janus had to return now.

Nowadays Patton practically floated as he walked around the castle for his day-to-day activities. The staff definitely noticed the change, as did Roman. Ever since the New Years ball he had been spellbound by the Apollonian prince. Now Patton was eagerly waiting for the next social event where he'd have an excuse to invite Janus back.

He was in the middle of a fencing lesson when Logan interrupted with a message.

"Patton, you're needed in the garden."

"Oh.. okay." Patton nodded as he returned his sword to its place on the wall. He wasn't happy to have to leave his lessons early but he understood. What he didn't understand was why he would be needed in the garden of all places.

"I would suggest that you dress in your more formal attire."

Logan led Patton to his room, where he changed into a much nicer tunic and exchanged his boots for a pair of slightly heeled shoes. After he was dressed nicer Patton entered the hall, where Logan was waiting for him.

"What's going on?" Patton asked as he and Logan walked down the hallway towards the courtyard.

"You'll see in a minute." was all Logan said.

The two arrived in the courtyard and Patton was admittedly confused. He looked around for anything out of the ordinary but found nothing was different. When he looked back, Logan had vanished from sight.

"Logan?" Patton called out. He roamed the gardens searching for anything of any importance and eventually stumbled across- "Janus?"

"No, I'm the milkmaid." Janus teased.

"Janus!" Patton shouted happily. He gave a quick head bow before throwing his arms around the crown prince's neck. Janus laughed and hugged him around his torso. They stood in the gardens holding each other before Patton backed up enough to look at him without leaving his arms. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"I wanted to surprise you."

"Well you certainly did!" Patton giggled, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Perfect." Janus smiled. He let go of the hug and took Patton's hand in his own beginning to stroll around the garden.

"Why the surprise visit?"

"Do I need a reason to want to see you?"

"I suppose not, but normally you would have one."

"I do. But I'd rather not get into it just yet. I'd like to wait for the perfect time."

"Okay." Patton nodded. He started swinging their arms slightly as they walked. The flowers were in bloom, so the garden looked gorgeous. The two princes wandered in peaceful silence for a bit wanting nothing else from life. If they could, they would live in that moment forever.

"I hope this doesn't come across as ridiculous or strange, but I honestly can't remember the last time I felt this genuinely happy."

"I feel the same way."

"That's a great relief to hear."

"Did you worry I didn't feel the same way?" Patton asked.

"A little." Janus admitted.

The Dragon & The Prince - A Moceit StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant