"A Promise"

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 Janus stayed in Parthenia with Patton for a few perfect months. He had been welcomed into the castle as an esteemed guest and soon-to-be member of the Parthenian royal family. Patton was still expected to stick to his usual schedule, but he always made time during the day to spend with his fiancé.

They spent hours simply walking together. Whether they strolled through the gardens or the castle hallways, they loved simply being with each other. Sometimes they walked in peaceful silence and other times they talked about whatever they wanted.

The two princes decided that they wanted to be wed in the ballroom they met in. They wanted the floral arrangements to be white freesias, which were the flowers that Janus had proposed in front of. They planned out every aspect of their perfect wedding, all while hand-in-hand.

It was turning out to be the best time of their lives.

Three months before the wedding was to take place, Janus was watching Patton practice fencing when a servant rushed in. He immediately knew that something was wrong. The prince's private lessons were never to be interrupted. Patton's instructor didn't stop the lesson for a moment though Patton was very distracted by the presence of another person. The servant ran over to Janus and whispered something to him. Though Patton couldn't hear what he had said, the look on Janus's face told him it wasn't good.

"May we please end early?" Patton asked his instructor, who very begrudgingly agreed. The prince quickly put his sword away and hurried to Janus. "What's going on?"

"The Archduke of Dulcinea has led his troops close to my borders. I'm needed back home." Janus explained, wrapping his cape around his shoulders and heading for the hall.

Patton was in shock. He stood in the training room for a moment before running to catch up to Janus. Janus however seemed to be completely calm. Or at least very concentrated. He walked purposefully towards the front of the castle.

"Janus, wait!" Patton called after him.

"I have to go." Janus sighed, not stopping his stride.

"Can't we talk about this first?"

"What is there to talk about?"

"You.. you can't leave!"

"I have to."

"But.." Patton's voice broke and trailed off. He knew how selfish it was to want Janus to stay instead of going to protect his people from invaders. But still he wanted him to stay even though it was selfish. Janus finally stopped. He didn't want to leave but if he didn't he'd be endangering his people by leaving them defenseless and without a ruler in a time of crisis.

"I'm sorry." was all he knew he could say. Patton understood his motivations, so explaining it wouldn't do any good. Instead he took him into his arms and held him as if he was the only thing keeping him alive. Patton hugged him around the middle tightly. Janus placed his hand on his back and gently ran it up and down. "I'll be back in a few weeks."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

Patton managed to pull himself together enough to escort Janus to his carriage. They shared a tender kiss as one more moment of bliss before Janus was forced to go. Logan appeared to take the prince back to his lesson. Patton lingered on the castle steps watching the love of his life being taken away. But he was comforted by the thought that he would be returning in a few short weeks, after which they would be married and live happily ever after.

But it wasn't to be.

After Janus returned home he met with the head of the royal guard, his top generals, and multiple advisors. All of them came to the same verdict: Apollonia would not engage in war. Instead they would play defensively to protect their people and their borders. Janus stayed at home making decisions regarding their own militia until the Dulcinean troops surprisingly made their retreat. Although Janus didn't trust that Dulcinea was fully retreating, he had time to return to Parthenia for Patton.

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