Chapter 25

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Just read..I am too emotional to talk..

Seee ya at the authors note.

"Loveth why?" Lovelina asked

And she just sobbed.

"I can't hold it anymore..Loveth you killed your mom and my dad.." I said

"Mercy!" Lovelina shouted but Clara held her back.

Loveth looked at me

"When you didn't want to come and meet your mom she started taking drugs to suppress her depression, your final decision to not come on Saturdays finished it all,she took and overdose...

My dad*sobs* rushed over to your mom's house when the doctor called and he was rushing through the Express that a trailer hit him from the back and he ran into a petrol station which caught in fire" I said and sat down to cry..

"Loveth, you are mean and wicked and only God can move me to forgive you" I said and pulled a crying Lovelina with me . I took her to the room .

Clara's pov

Wow,this girl is wicked sha.

"Clara please can I go to the kitchen?" Loveht asked me still in shock and I nodded.

She left ..

Loveth? Why? Why? Why?

Next thing I heard was screaming.

I ran to the kitchen and saw Bola screaming and trying to clean blood.

I looked again amd saw Loveth on the floor ,her stomach had a deep and long cut in it..

In her hands were a bloody knife,I checked her pulse and saw she was alive.

"Merxy lovelina,come here" I shouted

Bola and i carried her into my Lexus..

We all piled in to the car and rushed to The family specialist hospital.

We got there and she was rushed into the emergency room.

I was allowed in so I wore my net,gown and all..

Lovelina's pov

We waited for the doctor or even Clara..

Mercy was cursing beside me ..she was furious with Loveth for causing disharmony ,complications and all in her life

An hour later. Bola and Merct had slept off..

Then I saw Clara coming out crying with the doctor patting her..

I knew it was all over my sister was gone...

Authors note

Wow..this is utterly wicked of loveth

Move on..

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