"What makes you think he doesn't regret?" This time the man showed some expression on his always blank face as he looked at me like I said the most stupid thing he ever heard in his life.

"He is someone that stand against the one who created him. He is the devil and devil does not regret his sins." He commented carefully choosing his words. Something stirred inside me at his words. Something unpleasant as I felt dishearten with those words and a strange feeling bubbled up inside me, making me smile sadly like I was in some trance. 

"No one is a saint Yoongi! We all have our own mistakes and there are some mistakes in our life that we are too late to regret." His mouth opened and closed like a fish at my words not knowing how to process my words. "If we acknowledge those mistakes, we only gonna loath ourselves wishing we could turn back the time and undo it. And we know seeking forgiveness for that mistake wouldn't lessen anything but make us more pitiful." I continued ignoring the surprise look on his face. "He committed the grates sin and he knows that he is too late to regret  it. So instead of regretting and suffering with the guilt for the rest of eternity, maybe he decided to stay the bad guy." I turned around once again to stare at the painting with a daze look. "After all feeling empty is better than loathing yourself with regret and guilt!" 

I didn't much as had a chance to take even a breath after those words as I was slammed harshly against a book rack, knocking some book down from the impact. My breath caught on my lungs when I felt something wrapping around my neck hard enough to suffocate my throat. My eyes brimmed with tears and I was met with a pair of glowing ruby with extend canines glaring hardly at me. Lucifer!

"Who are you to pity me, you FILTHY HUMAN?" He roared hissing at me with no mercy. My legs were wobbly, but I didn't had the luxury of slipping down on the floor as his hard grip kept me pinned against the book shelf. My lungs were protesting, screaming for air, but my mind was frozen fearing for my life.

"Not just look-wise, the attitude and the way of thinking is the same. Now I know why everyone is drowned towards her." I heard Yoongi's calm voice commenting from somewhere in the room. And this cause the devil to loosen his grip and blink back his angry haze. The devil let go of his grip letting me finally fall down clutching the floor and heaving for the air. This scene oddly reminded me of what happened to that visitor from heaven. "But you have to remember your highness!" Yoongi's bitter voice echoed in the old library. "She is not her. She will never be her!" With those words I heard the man walking away leaving me with the silent devil. I didn't dare to lift my head or even breath loudly fearing his reaction. It felt like I am walking on a very breakable egg shell. 


I kept my gaze lingered on the wooden floor analyzing the pattern while staying full alert. Not like I could fight against him though. But this is how our instincts works, even after knowing fully well it's useless, we still try, depressed and greedy to live a one more minute.

"Who are you?" I froze. Even my breath hitched as I heard his voice laced with curiosity for the first time, instead of disgust and anger. And for the first time I dared to keep my mouth shut as my desire not knowing how to answer his question. I got used to answering almost instantly not wanting to trigger him up, but for this question, I am lost. What kind of a answer he expect from me? 

I let the silence wonder around us being patient to remain in the same spot, avoiding any sort of interact with the devil until he decides he had enough and leave. I squeaked when I felt his cold fingers wrapping around my forearm and pulling me into feet without much of an effort. It took me few seconds to balance my wobbly legs and until I do so his firm grip remained on my hand keeping me from falling. His shadow was draped over my small frame while I stayed stiff waiting for his next moment and a quite sigh of relief escaped from my parted lips when the man stepped away from my personal space, allowing me to breath finally. 

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