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Clarisse's POV

The sky still seems gloomy although the rain stopped for a while. Who would have thought that something as colourless as water could make clouds so dark? Only a few seconds have passed when it has started to drizzle again. I'm wondering when will my eyes stop drowning from these tears? It's already 3 AM yet here I am occupied by sadness while laying on my bed. I've been trying to sleep but it's tough, I just can't.

I have been staring at the ceiling while the heartbreaking scenario repeatedly plays back in my mind. My cat jumped on my bed beside me so I patted her for a bit before she lay down cutely. Good thing, Mischa is here to be my companion. I found Mischa before under the tree while raining cats and dogs. She's such my sweet precious cat as well as her kinda bluish and greenish eyes that twinkle like a star.

"Meow~" Mischa softly purr as if she's talking to me. Maybe she's greeting me for my birthday. It's my birthday and as usual, I'm not totally happy, I never really celebrate my birthdays completely and I guess that's my curse.

I decided to close my eyes when I saw Mischa fast asleep peacefully. I let out a deep sigh before attempting to sleep several times. After a moment, the feeling was familiar, I am falling into a void again. Besides I just found myself in a white astronaut suit while standing on a reddish yet brownish-orange mass of land.

'I think I'm not on Earth. First of all, why would I have to wear this suit if I'm on my own planet?! Why am I even here?' I confusedly ask myself out of the blue.

Then all of a sudden I heard a deafening explosion from afar. I was about to run when I saw different kinds of people; they are not the typical one but they also look like humans. They ran towards me so I tried to cover up to protect myself from those who were panicking.

My heart skipped a beat when I realized they cannot touch me! They all just passed through me without feeling anything. I bet they can't also see me but the weird thing is, I could see all of them!

"Run for your lives, my children!" Shouted by the wounded woman to her crying children.

"We can't leave you like this, Mama. No, we won't leave." The elder one cried.

Their Mother gave all that she got to push them away from her. The children can't do anything when they saw other people wearing white suits coming near them. They quickly run as fast as they could while continuously crying. My vision became half blurred when the persons in white suits came near to the wounded woman. I couldn't do anything but to look at them suffer.

"Please, I'm begging you. Don't kill me, my children need me." The woman was crying and begging for her life.

"Shut up, It's time for you to rest. You don't need to worry." The man said then a glowing blue bullet was shot directly into her head without any hesitation. Wait, there was no gun, and it looks like pure magic?! I was stunned with shock, covering my mouth as I shed a tear while staring at the lifeless poor woman.

'Why do they have to kill those innocent people? What a stone-hearted human beings!' I shook my head while feeling sorry for the death of that woman. I looked around the whole place then I realized those people who wear those white suits are the same as what I'm wearing.

I stepped back a little, wearing my shocked face. I started breathing sharply while observing everyone around me.

'How did that happen? I'm not part of them! I won't ever do that to others. I won't dare to kill anybody!' My mind was filled again by questions and confusion. I followed the others who also wear this kind of suit. Then I shockingly found out that they've been making people's lives much miserable than I thought.

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