The day I ran into you.

Start from the beginning

"Are you okay?" Scott asks.

I open my eyes and my cheeks are wet.

"It's alright." I say to soothe myself.

Scott drives us to this cute coffeecorner and it surprises me how easygoing he is. He even managed to drag my thoughts from my plan. With every single minute I am doubting if my plan would be a good choice.


Scott's POV.

Mitch and I go along really well. It's been 3 weeks since he ran into me and it already feels like I've known him for a lifetime! Even when it's hard to understand him sometimes.

One week ago he opened up to me about why people shouted the most foul and bad wishes to him. At first, he was scared to share it with me. I had to promise him not to judge him and to stay his friend.

I was shocked to hear what he's been through and I understood why he couldn't visit his best friend anymore. He was filled with pure guilt. He was the one who drove the car that night.

Despite his guilt, I tried to convince him to visit her one more time and tell her how he feels. I'm sure she'll hear him. It will be good for him, so here we are.

"Ready?" I ask him.

"I'm not, but you're right. I need to do this. For me, for her." Mitch answers.

I hold his hand and squeeze it softly.

"I'll be here if you need me." I say.

"Thanks for doing this with me. I'm scared." Mitch sighs.

"It's okay to be scared." I smile.

Mitch takes a deep breath and enters her room. When the door opens, I see her. Mitch stops and tears stream down his face. He looks at me and I nod.

"You can do this." I whisper.

I know he can. I've never met a braver person than him.


Minutes pass by and I'm starting to get bored with the games on my phone. I've only seen a nurse enter her room 30 minutes ago. Mitch is in there for 80 minutes already.

As I want to ask where the coffee machine is, Mitch runs out of her room fully crying. The next moment I have him in my arms. I hold him the best I can and suddenly my heart breaks. I can't see him like this, his pain touches me more than I thought it would. I feel a few tears roll down my face and I lay my head on top of his.

"I'm here..." I whisper as I rub his back lovingly.

For the first time, I realized I'm in love with him.

"They-I..." Mitch sobs.

"Breathe, Mitchy..." I say.

"I gave them the permission..." Mitch cries.

"Permission to what?" I ask.

"To remove the tube!" Mitch shouts as he breaks down into heavy sobs again.

"Oh no. I'm so sorry." I comfort him.

His best friend Kirstin has no family, she only has him. The responsibility fell hard on Mitch.

"I killed her... I killed her..." Mitch sobs.

"No, you didn't. The truckdriver did. Not you. You just freed her from any pain she had to endure. You're a hero, Mitchy." I tell him.

Eventually his sobs die down.

"Let's go to my house." I say.

Mitch nods and with one sad look at her room, we leave the hospital.

Trio ONESHOTS (Scott, Mitch, Kirstin)Where stories live. Discover now