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Steve winced as he hoped off of Peggy and headed inside of the building. It was empty, but it was warmer than the outside. The both got I side and steve limped through the halls alone in search for anyone.

He knew they hadn't completely cleared out the building so if some of the stuff was still there, shield would come soon as well. After getting turned around a few times, he finally found the lab, it was mostly empty. He walked over to the back wall and tried to find that hidden wall tony was talking about when they first infiltrated it.

After pushing in a specific spot, the wall retreated back and opened up to a pitch black hallway. He felt around for the walls but still couldn't see where he was going, he tripped down the steps and fell down the flight of stairs.

He grunted when he made it to the bottom and shook off the water that he landed it, "dammit" he muttered and stood back up. Luckily, the wall he leaned against had the switch for the lights and they all flickered on.

He looked around and smiled, completely ignoring the water and mud he was now drenched in. The base was still full of a bunch of alien weapons that was being hidden down there.

"They're going to come, they're coming!" He shouted and walked up the stairs again. He decided he was going to wait by the entrance but as soon as he made it to the hallway with the lab his head started spinning again so he decided to sit and rest for a few minutes first.


"Mr stark?" One of the agents said confusingly.

He took another gulp of his booze, "what" he snapped.

"Power inside of the base has been turned on. Someone's there." The agent informed him.

Tony scoffed, "great, another hydra bastard," he wiped his nose, "just, amp up the speed and get there ASAP" he downed the rested of the bottle and tossed it to the side. "Those sons of bitches never fucking stop, shoot whatever moves in there" he mumbled.

"Sir, with all do respect, it seems you've had quite a bit to drink—"

"Did you not hear me the first time!?" He shouted and pulled his jacket off of his shoulders. They nodded nervously in return. "ETA?"

"Two minutes sir."

He pulled his metal brief case out from under the pilots seat, slid it across the floor. With the tap of his foot, it opened up and stepped into it. His suit enveloped his body and he flew out as soon as the hatch opened.


Steve Heard a jet nearby and stood up immediately, his head, once again pounding, but he fought it and used the wall for balance as he limped through the hall.

Shield was here. He was going to see tony and everything was going to be back to normal.

He turned the corner and saw some agents entering the building, "hey!" He shouted and waved his stick around, but before he could say anything else a bullet tore through his shoulder and another into his chest.


"I guess hydra is riding horseback now" tony laughed and patted the horses back. Agents were already scanning the halls for movement.

Tony heard a shout, "hey!" And turned to see a muddy man waving a stick around in the air. His vision was blurry so he couldn't clearly see his face but he heard the two shots straight towards him.

His vision cleared as the man stumbled backwards and he noticed how familiar he looked, he scanned his clothes and noticed the star on his chest covered in mud. "Steve?" His heart sank.


Steve stumbled backwards, holding a hand up to his chest where the bullet pierced through him. He looked up slowly and saw tony further back, he was in his suit, but just folded his faceplate back. "Steve?" His jaw was dropped.

"T-tony..." he stuttered and fell to the ground. Agents ran to his side while others ran to the jet for the stretcher and more medical equipment. "Mr. Stark!" They shouted but he couldn't move. He didn't know if this was really happening. He couldn't believe he told them to shoot. "Mr. Stark!!" They shouted even louder but he was stuck in place.

Steve grabbed onto the collar of one of the agents, "Tony.." steve muttered between coughing up blood

"He's here captain, he's just..." she didn't even know how to say it, he just wasn't moving. "You're going to be okay just hang in there alright?" She finished and started helping the others to lift him onto the stretcher.

Tony had walked slowly to the jet behind them, in complete disbelief of what he'd just done and what was going on. This was his fault. He gave the order to kill his own husband. He sat down in the corner of the jet and watched as agents hooked him up to machines.

Steve rolled his head over and tried to reach his hand out to tony, but he was barely conscious at this point. He tried to call out for his husband, but the blood pooling in his mouth sent him into another coughing fit. Tears streamed down the sides of his face, and his only comfort was the agent trying to keep him awake.

"Come on, captain. Captain!" She shouted as he tried to just close his eyes and drift off, she patted his face, "you need to stay awake, you're going to be perfectly fine alright? You need to stay awake. What's the ETA!?"

"One minute" the agent responded from the pilots seat.

When she looked back steve had lost consciousness completely and his monitor started blaring, "oh no, no, okay start compressions" her mind was speeding a million miles an hour, this was captain America in front of her, dying.

Tonys heart sank and it felt like his heart stopped along with steves. What did he do? What did he do? Steve was going to die and it was his fault.

They made it to the landing strip and tony watched as she jumped onto the stretcher to continue compressions and rushed off.

He sat there alone in the jet, terrified and utterly disgusted with the order he gave. Steve was going to die and it was all his fault.


"He's been down for about a minute, 3 rounds of CPR, no response!" She shouted and the med team took over. They all rushed past into the OR, and she was lead to the conference room with the rest of the agents but fury and Maria.

Maria stepped outside to make some phone calls but fury started debriefing them. "What the hell happened? You shot him?!" He shouted to the agent responsible for pulling the trigger, Adam Smith.

"We we're notified that someone was there and mr. Stark ordered us to take down whatever agent was there."

"Well it wasn't an agent was it?" Fury slammed his hand down on the table.

"Director, there was no way we could've confirmed it was him and to our knowledge he was dead." She added and fury sighed loudly.

"To add," smith continued, "mr. Stark, seemed to be..." he paused.

"Seemed to be what?" Fury demanded.

"Seemed to be under the influence." She finished for smith. "He was drinking and irritable—"

"And you guys just decided to follow his orders!?" Fury outraged, he stood up when Maria tapped on the window for him. "None of you guys move." He walked around the table and as he exited he grumbled "this is fucking ridiculous."

"The rest of the team is on their way," she put her phone in her pocket, "and they got steves pulse back and they've started surgery." They started walking back to the OR side by side "on their first impression, the gunshot wounds are the most urgent, but his leg is broken and healed improperly, same with his ribs. To top it all off his skull is cracked wide open." 

"So he's going to be in there a while... where's stark?"

She sighed "still in the jet."

"Go get him."

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