The Poet

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The Poet

Ink, paper, pen,
It all calculates,
It all resonates,
It all formulates,
Into creation,
Paintings, constructed of words,
Building sentences,
Drawing within the readers mind,
The scenery of poetic expression,
Words compiled so perfectly,
The blind can see clearly, every piece,
Without ever gaining sight,
The poet,
Is the painter without a canvas,
The photographer without camera,
The descriptive, descriptor, of description,
Imprinting a road map into the imagination of the literary world,
Allowing the unseen to become the seen, to all who have not yet seen,
The beauty of both the beautiful and the mundane,
Or the tragic, the dark, the light, and the exquisite in life,
Missed by the everyday eyes,
With ink, paper, pen,
The poet,
Can paint color into an otherwise, grey washed life,
Welcome, into a poets theatre,
Where, words become emotion,
And worlds never again look the same,
Listen, as a simple blade of grass, becomes one with the beauty of the rose, and as delicate as a winter born snowflake!

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