Her Beauty

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Her Beauty

She opened her eyes and when her tears cleared she could see her reflection in the mirror, and asked where is this beauty, this beauty they say they see? She looked at her hair, she looked at her cheeks, she saw the gentle wrinkles at the corner of her eyes, the slight difference in her teeth, she even noticed the light discoloration of sleepless nights that dressed the underside of her eyes, but she still didn't see, the beauty that they see when they see her.
She closed her eyes again and the tears Begin to Fall Again but something different this time, a gentleman close to her but not close enough for her to know as well is he knew her, stepped behind her and with a little leap of faith covered her eyes with his hands, he whispered in her ear, trust me, trust me with Blind faith, to help you see what I see.
With a slight quiver in her hands she began to reach to his and he said again trust me as you trust that the rain will come, as you trust that the wind will blow, as you trust that your lungs will breathe, then in a moment of second guess he began to pull his hands away and she pressed them back into place leaving her hands to rest upon his.
Now I want you to picture a Blue Sky in your favorite shade where everywhere you look is Blue Sky backlit by the Sun and I want you to add a few clouds just enough to soften The View above. now picture laying before you an ocean as calm as glass as far as your eyes can see until it meets the sky and right in the middle and Island, an oasis of Dreams with a perfection that is greater than Paradise and where time is but a grain of sand.
Now on that island visualize a single flower, the most beautiful flower that ever met the human eye, flowing with a beauty that even the Gods have been yet to create, now sit back with a deep breath and stand in awe of the gift of wonder that lies in front of you then open your eyes and see, with your eyes, that same vision looking back at you, And he removed his hands sliding them gently down her shoulders and resting at her elbows  As she opened her eyes. he whispered into her ear now my dear, you have seen what I see everytime you're near. with a gentle kiss upon her cheek he'd stepped away and disappeared Into the Night.

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