He ignored me though as he looked out the window humming his recent favorite song which i believe is called Breakaway. I wondered where he wants to fly away all of a sudden and ofcourse he would never forget the one's that he loves. Tay and the lyrics he choose, I can never get used to them.

The office was a chaos, 12 of us are going on stage with our MD and there was lot to be done by everyone. And just like there was a briefing before we arrived, everyone seemed to know what to do and are scooting around to do exactly that. We let ourselves be handled as our Maes wanted, we can't fight them anyway. Posed when we had to, smiled when we were asked to, being ourselves as instructed, greeting everyone we met.

We were sent on stage in no time and the lights hit my skin hard. Nothing we are not used to, I know we looked like eye candies, atleast Tay definetly did especially with his ear ring. A lot of usual things happened, We talked about our products, were asked questions, a ramp walk and then the photo shoot. I always wonder if the dictionary i have is from a different world as Tay's dictionary had a million more words and he never stops blurting them out. Doesn't matter where we are. To add to that though Off and Gun were asked to stand on the otherside they somehow end up with us and that just makes Tay more energetic to talk non-stop. The jokes he makes with that undeniably contagious smile are hard to ignore. Somehow I managed and the event is coming to a wrap. We huddled together again for closing shots and statements.

And somehow without me knowing Tay, Off and Gun ended up just behind me. I heard Tay talking again "Should we go to the same place for dinner today after this?"

"Shhhh..." I shushed him, stage is no place to talk about dinner.

"P'Tay did you not buy deserts for New, why is he sulking again" Gun commented on the other side.

"Why should I always buy him desserts, he never buys anything for me" Tay complained.

"It's Okay New, Don't feel bad I will buy all the pastries for you tonight" Gun stated just to fire up the conversation slightly squeezing my shoulders like he is comforting me. Off smiling proudly at his babbi all along.

"Oyy Gun, I am the Pet here, you are supposed to buy snacks for me" Tay reached out to pinch Gun from behind me to make a strong statement.

"Ha? That would make New jealous and you know how scary your boyfriend gets when he is upset" Tay laughed at that and Gun's words made me pinch him too. These two so called friends, don't know why but they just looooves teasing Tay and me, like we don't tease ourselves enough. Tay kept glaring at Off like he was mad at him for not stopping Gun from teasing us, Well, It's not like Off can stop that little bomb though.

"What! You think I am not a possessive boy friend too, take your hand off Hin, Now" Tay gritted. Tay doesn't look the part but he too is as smart as they come. His reply made me chuckle and made Off laugh hard and take his hand off of Gun as if to say he is completely supporting his Peng.

The banter went on and I saw Mook struggling to keep a straight face for the cameras with all the non-sense that is going on behind her.

We were back in the dressing room packing up when Tay asked again "So, Let's go to the same place for Dinner?"

"Hmmm... Oyy Off tell your Peng that I am not going anywhere I can't eat cakes" I intentionally mocked Tay, there was a certain peace in that. But then what came is unexpected.

Off turned to Gun and said "Oyy Gun tell New that I can take care of my Peng alone completely all right" I don't know why Off turned possessive of Tay all of a sudden. I just laughed at his retort.

Well... Unfortunately Gun also thought he also have to turn possessive. He wrapped a arm around me and said "Your Peng is no good he doesn't even buy sweets for New, I will take care of him from now on" We seriously couldn't control our laugh, Tay and I were laughing soo hard by now.

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