Bang Bang.

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FlutterShy's POV- I turned around to look at Rainbow who was snickering with AppleJack. Those two were very close, but um..n-not..that close..

She looked at me and started smiling. Her smile was very very beautiful...I wanted to say something to her but I froze.

"Hey, shy, you alright?" She asked as she sat next to me in Rarity's seat.

I nodded and blushed dark, some of my hair fell in my face.
I reached to fix it.

"Here. I got it." Rainbow said as she pushed my hair behind my ear, and smiled at me.

Making me blush.

She chuckled.

" say something about AppleJack?" She asked.

She did..but...I couldn't tell Dash. I knew she would tell AppleJack.

"W-well..s-she told h-how...they um...kissed.." I said as I tucked my head in my hoodie.

"That's all?...seriously?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Ah, well thanks anyway flutters." She said as she went to go sit with AppleJack and touched my shoulder.

Aj's POV- (sorry I don't feel like writing 'AppleJack')

"Pssst...Rarity!" I shouted loudly.

She kept ignoring me.

I watched her the whole time... In the not weird and creepy way.
The whole time I was watching, suddenly Twilight comes in my face.

"We're you staring at Rarity?!" She asked as she smiled big.

I couldn't lie to um...

"Sort of." I said as I shrugged.

She raised an eyebrow.

"How do you sort of stare at somebody!" She said as she charged off.

Okay yeah, for some odd reason she wanted me and Rarity to be together, I don't think I would...or she would, or...ugh.

I watched Rarity get up and sit next to me.

Having my eyes on her the entire time as she moved.

"Well...I cannot stretch it want me~" rarity said.

"W-what!" I said as my voice cracked.

"Oh! Honey Hush! You know it's true. Even if I'm not your type..." She said as she twirled her hair.

"Well...." I started.

"Hush! Don't say a word! I know you love me! But...we must depart!" She said dramatically as she put a finger to my closed lips.

I slowly put her hand down.

"Okay, yeah, never do that again." I said.

"But! AppleJack! Darling! Don't you see..! This is the!...worst!...possible! Thing!" She shouted and grabbed my cheeks.

"Um....rarity..." I started.

"I never had this many freckles..." She said.

"Mhm..." I said as I slowly took her hands from my face.

"Okay. You're on crack." I said as I walked over to Twilight.

Twilight's POV-

Why can't they fucking kiss already. I look up and see Aj walking towards me.

"Oh hey.." I started.

"Hey, Twi. Got a minute?" She asked.

"Sure." I said as she sat down.

"I was wondering...if you...tell rarity to calm down..." She asked.

"Calm?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Calm. As in...the opposite of Pinkie Pie." She joked.

"I could try..." I started.

"Ah! Thank you!" She said.

"If!" I shouted.

"You....tell pinkie that there's the one certain girl who sort of liked her..." I said as I held my hands together.

AppleJack laughed.

"Sure." She said as she walked back to her desk.

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