[season 2] -what is love-

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Narrator P.O.V


[A/n: I've been doing so many p.o.v changes recently, someone help 💀💀]

As Hatz went out to think about his feelings, (y/n)'s mind was jumbled up in a blur.

'He's going out to think? Maybe he doesn't wanna hurt my feelings...but what if he likes me? No, no, no, don't get your hopes up...but what'll happen to the team if he hates me? What am I gonna do? Ajshshshsj! Too much thinking.'

(Y/n) took a few deep breathes and calmed down. She very desperately was trying to get her shit together, not wanting another breakdown like what happened in floor 15.


Hatz was, well, trying his best to channel his inner samurai spirit. That is to say, he trained as he thought about the situation. Which was admittedly not the best course of action.

He was currently doing about 100 swings, but he couldn't help but make mistakes, even during a simple warm up. He would accidentally loosen his grip, pause for 10 minutes at a time, and at one point he dropped his sword. It was a complicated situation.

Of course, at the times you screw up someone is always there to watch you.

"Hatz? Did something happen?"

It was Shibisu.

From around the corner Shibisu revealed himself. He was quite confused with how the swordsman was acting, but had an inkling to what it might've been linked to.

"What makes you assume so?" Hatz asked, going back to his 'training.'

Shibisu rolled his eyes at this.

"I don't know, maybe the fact that you've dropped your sword, stopped for ten minute intervals, and the fact that you're actually replying to me with a full sentence while you're training." Shibisu replied sarcastically.

Hatz sighed and put down his sword, silently and reluctantly agreeing to one of Shibisu's therapy sessions.

"So...wanna spill?" Shibisu asked, walking closer to the swordsmen.

They sat on a nearby bench, Shibisu trying to get Hatz to untense from whatever situation he was in. It took a moment, but the swordsman soon told the story. From the near death confession, to the talk with Endorsi, all the way to the accidental confession. Shibisu nodded as he listened.

"And so...I came here to think. But I have not had any luck with it so far."

Shibisu thought carefully before replying, taking in all of the new information. It wasn't like this was totally out of the blue. In fact, he wasn't actually all that surprised. Some of the signs were there, but Hatz was hard to read, and (y/n) desperately hid her affection under the pretense of friendship.

"From the way you're describing things, it sounds like you share the same feelings, no?" Shibisu replied.

"I...I don't know. I've never understood the concept of romance. And I've never associated (y/n) with things such as kissing or sex."

"I see..." Shibisu took another moment to think, "well if you were to associate her with those things now, how do you feel?" He finished.

At this question Hatz's face became several shades of bright red. As if hearing the sounds of her soft laughter wasn't enough, being able to actually kiss the lips from which they erupted? It was all too much for him, nevermind holding (y/n) so close to his body without the wall of clothing between them.

'Ah, so he's a virgin.'

"I feel...this pain in my chest. But, it's a good pain, I'm not sure how to explain it."

Shibisu gave Hatz a good 'ol pat on the back.

"That, my good friend, is what others call being in love with someone."

The two sat in silence again.


In the kitchen, strong smells of various foods wandered aimlessly. Rak was a surprisingly good cook, and he was also quite effecient. Everyone began to grab their plates to eat. Endorsi, however, had other plans for the friend that sat next to her.

"Why don't you go call them inside?" Endorsi asked.

(Y/n) thought about it for a moment, but quickly remembered the event that took place hours before.

"I think they'll come in soon. Also, you betrayed me! Why would I do a favor for you?" She replied.

"This isn't for me you dunderhead. I'm saying that you should go to him. A few hours is enough time for mr. Samurai."

(Y/n) nervously picked at her fingernails. Endorsi noticed, and sighed at this action.

"Alright, I get it. Anaak, go with (y/n) and call those two losers inside!" Endorsi yelled.

"What? Why should I-?!"

"I'll stop stealing the Green April for a month, so just go." Endorsi said, half threatening, and also half negotiating.

Anaak rolled her eyes and mumbled something about killing Endorsi later, while dragging (y/n) along with her.


"Ew. Are you guys having a bonding moment right now? Get a room."


Anaak and (y/n) stood in front of the two, who were talking in an unusually serious manner.

"Whatever. Endorsi said to call you two in." Anaak replied bluntly.

Shibisu took a look at Hatz, and then looked back at (y/n), immediately understanding Endorsi's plan of action.

"Actually, I have to talk with Anaak about something, so we'll go on ahead." Shibisu said.

Anaak gave him a confused stare, but he quickly hushed her and dragged her back inside, leaving (y/n) and Hatz alone.

"Would you like to sit down?"


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