[season 1] -team-

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When class was over, we were all dismissed to go eat dinner or do whatever we needed to do for the night. Endorsi and Anaak were practically uninjured from their fights, and only a a good chunk other regulars were in a condition like mine, that is to say, they were not in critical condition.

I went to the cafeteria after getting bandages and showering, hungry from all of the fighting and thinking that occured today. I looked at the menu and realized that I would have to get something like a kimbap roll, or a food that I could hold between my wrists. I chose (r/f) and took it to my room with a bit of struggle.

'Stupid (y/n), grabbing a sword with your hands, now who has limited food options? Stupid, stupid, stupid.' I silently cursed to myself.

I ate (r/f) in silence, feeling frustrated from everything that happened today. I still don't know who I am, and I have a knack for killing and hurting others permanently when I have to fight. On top of that, I make rash decisions like stopping a sword with my bare hands when I lose focus. It was like the more I learned about myself, the more I became frustrated with who I was.

I could feel my throat tightening up and my eyes starting to water.

*knock* *knock*

I jolted from the sudden knock on my door, quickly wiping my tears away. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Yes?" I asked.

It was Hatz and Shibisu. They each held out pieces of paper with a table on it.

"Um, do you mind being our friend?" Shibisu asked.

I gave a confused look, but decided to let them in.


"So in short, you need me to sign a paper for you."

"Please help us out!" Shibisu said, smiling nervously.

"I don't mind, but..." I started, "I haven't heard anything from Hatz yet." I finished, smirking.

He gave me a small glare before reluctantly bowing a little bit.

"Please...sign...the paper..." He said reluctantly.

"So my friendship means nothing to you?" I whined.

He simply turned away.

"I thought we had a bonding moment!" I said, getting a bit closer to him.

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