[season 1] -bonus game-

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Now that we were done with the door test, we just waited for everyone else to appear. Shibisu went to talk to a plain looking boy from another team, and Anaak went to use the bathroom.

Which left Hatz and I together.

I would just like to say thank you plot convinience, wherever you are.

This time I could feel Hatz stare at me, which was unusual since it was usually the other way around.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked, not sure why he was staring.

He shook his head.

"No, I was just remembering the question I asked before we went into the test."

I tried to remember what he was talking about.

"Oh, when you asked me where I came from?"

He nodded.

"Well...that's a bit difficult to answer..." I said, scratching my neck.

"I don't mean to pry into anything-" Hatz started.

"No, it's not like it's private or anything it's just...how do I phrase this...I actually have no clue where I'm from, that's all. I actually entered this tower cause I heard that I'd be able to find my answer, but I've been unlucky so far." I said.

"I see...that must be difficult, not knowing who you are..." he said, looking down at the sword he was polishing.

I felt bad for making the mood depressing. I'm not good with deep shit. Definitely not with someone that I barely know, that's for sure.

"Sometimes it is, but I'm just glad that I have a chance to find out who I am in the first place. It's no biggie." I replied.

We stayed silent for a moment, and soon enough Shibisu and Anaak returned.

Leroro also walked into the room, saying that he had 'good news.' He explained that it was a bonus game, and at first everyone was against it, but when he got more into detail with the reward, he seemed to catch everyone's attention. Once people agreed to join, he explained the rules.

Basically, groups had to steal a crown, and whoever had it at the end would win. There were different rounds, so whoever got the crown during the first round would be at a disadvantage. There were also rules that prohibited the person who wore the crown to step off the throne, and teams were not allowed to enter one another's rooms.

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