Chapter 9

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"How did he escape exactly?" Batman asked, no, demanded in his usual tone.

"He managed to evade capture, got to the hanger when Robin and Kid Flash were guarding it, incapacitated the two, stole a motorcycle, and drove out of the hanger while it was still open. We've been over this a dozen times," Green Arrow sighed.

"I'm still just curious as to how he was able to escape when this mountain is filled with league members."

"He's smart and resourceful," Canary sighed, turning to Batman. "Just like his father."

Batman glared at the blonde woman, but didn't say anything. he knew she was right, this was his son, a son trained by the League of Assassins no less. If that didn't raise concern, he didn't know what would. 

"We should start having an increase in patrols in Happy Harbor," Batman said. "This is becoming a priority, we can't have him killing anymore."

As the league discussed the doors slid open. Batman turned to see his sidekick, Robin, scurrying into the room, "What have you found?"

"A lot," Robin sighed. "I cross reference the things we were told by that man from the Triad before he died, and it's a lot. In Europe, the local loan sharks and small gangs around started disappearing and showing up dead days later. In Italy, the Italian mob nearly disappeared over night. Same with Ireland, and he took a trip over to Russia and took out a good portion over there and getting at the ones in China."

"Yakuza?" Canary asked.

"Crippled," Robin answered.

"Cartels?" Green Arrow wondered.


"Then what, he returned home and took on the others?" Green Arrow scoffed.

"That's his goal," Batman nodded. "He wants to destroy it all, all the gangs and the crime and he thinks he can do it by killing."

"No I know I can do it by killing,"  a voice said, one speaking through their very own computer.

"Frank," Batman glowered.

"Yeah, you can call me Punisher, no other acknowledgements people, especially not from you," Punisher said snappily. "Your system here was pretty easy to hack, practically elementary."

Batman glared, not enjoying the fact his program had been hacked. He turned to Robin silently and gave him a nod, the Boy Wonder nodded back and immediately got to work on trying to trace the hack.

"Ah, tracing my hack I see," Punisher's voice sounded throughout the room. "Don't bother I'll belong gone before you can even get here. I just called to leave you this one. Simple. Message. Don't get in my way. I will end the gangs, the Yakuzas, the Cartels, all of them, forever. If you even think of getting in my way, you can consider yourself on my kill list. Until the next one, I hope it's never."

With his final words, the transmission ended, leaving everyone in silence, "Robin, you and you're team go to the location and see if you can track him. If you find him do not, I repeat do not engage. This man is extremely dangerous and is willing to kill you, so I'm telling you do not disobey this order."

"Yes Batman," Robin nodded and ran out.

"You really think the team will listen to instructions, especially when they haven't in the past?" Canary wondered.

"I'm putting my faith in them that they don't," Batman sighed. "But we'll keep an eye on then for this one, we don't know what he will do."

Punishments (Punisher DC crossover)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ