Tall Oaks

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A.N: hey everyone! sorry for the delay in this chapter, I was out of the province for a week helping my brother move lol. But I'm back now with another chapter for you all. It's a little longer so I hope it makes up for the delay! Sorry for any grammar errors and such, I tried going through it a few times but I might have missed some. Please rate this chapter when you're done and leave a comment on what you think!!

The cold bars of the cage dug into my shoulders, making my flesh prickle. The size of the cage made it impossible to stretch out and ease the cramp in my legs, I thought, as I twisted and turned to relieve the pain in my knees. The cries of the others did not affect me any longer. They cried and moaned, sounding both far away and right next to me. The dryness of my tongue felt like sandpaper as it swept over my chapped lips. The endless cycle kept on hurting.

Mossy-brown eyes cried out for me through sunken cheeks. His hollow face no longer showed any signs of the tears he cried; they dried a long time ago, just like the bodies. They didn't remove them. The smell and sight faded away days ago, or maybe I just don't have the energy to care.

My heart hammered in my ears as cold hands dragged me away. I didn't recognize the reflection of the little girl staring at me from the man's sunglasses. His smile was anything but kind. I missed my cage. A thought I'd never even imagine thinking, but this man scared me more than bars and needles. This man wasn't alive, but the heat from his breath fanning over my face told me he was something more. He was a monster.

I couldn't take the red glint in his eyes anymore, I shoved him away and spun around, only to be stopped by a wooden door. Long gone were the cold cages and dark rooms and children's cries. A black nun's robe hung off me like the lies of sinners at church. Voices spilled out of the room.

"I can't find her! It's been two days since I last saw her. Shouldn't we call the police?"

"We will not be discussing this any further, Bindi. Get back to class." Bindi...she was one of the girls from the desk incident a few days ago.

"No! Not until you look into this!" She stamped her foot.

"Not another word. Get back to class. Don't make me tell you again." That voice. I know it, but who? Who?

I was yanked out and away from the door. The sun warmed the chill out of my bones. The smell of fire irked my nose and stuck to my face as I rushed by.

"FIRE! FIRE IN THE EAST WING!" People—students screamed. Their face's slack as they stared at the building up in flames.

"Don't you get it? She's burning the evidence!" The young man's eyes slid onto me as he ran through the crowd.

The dust and ashes in my hand crumbled as my fist tightened at my side. The smell of gasoline polluted the air and stung my eyes. The nun's disguise I wore clung to my skin as the fire grew hotter.

Answers. I need answers. The young man and the professor have them.

Shadows played across my eyes—the blurry faces of two men chattering as I watched on. The older one spoke up, his head shaking. "Right now, we need to call someone to clear out these bodies. I want to take a closer look at this sample. If only my phone worked here, I'd call the BSAA in a second. Chris would handle this without a hitch."

Chris? Chris Redfield? Yes—I remember.

The evidence on the USB was going to be enough. I had to get out of here and take it, but take it where again?

The gunshot whipped by my head as I escaped through the window. Confusion blinded me as I cocked my head back and spotted the man in military green lowering his gun. His towering figure and hardened eyes locked on to my own. Chris. There was no time to play around and ask questions. I can't jeopardize my mission. I have to get to the extraction point.

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