The Train

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                            "I ran through the woods, but I couldn't escape their howls."

The train was very fancy. It was out of my style. I still remember what Mitch told me.

"Win, maybe you can. Don't give up on me, Finch. Please." And he's right. Maybe I can win. I sit, thinking about it.

"So. we're both going to our deaths, huh Foxface." I turn my head to see the boy tribute from my district.

"What's your name again?" I ask.

"Luke," He says. I nod.

"My real name is Finch," I say.

"Then why'd you say 'call me Foxface'?" He asks.

"Because it's who I am now. Sly, quick. Clever, smart. Fast. It's who I need to be." I explain. Luke nods.

"Allies?" He asks.

"I don't know if I can afford that," I say, not meeting his eyes.

"I understand. But, we can leave each other when the numbers start running low," Luke says.

"Sorry, no." I say.

"So right now I'm talking to an enemy?" Luke asks.

"Yes, so feel free to put your mean face on," I say. Luke laughs.

"Hello, hello, hello." a man says, walking through the door. "I'm Alex, your mentor."

"What does a mentor do?" Luke asks.

"Prepares you for your death," Alex says.

"How pleasant," I mumble.

"And you," Alex says, pointing at me. "Nice job at the reaping," he says.

"Why? Isn't getting sent to your death out of your control? I couldn't do a good job or a bad job even if I wanted to!" I said, my voice rising to a yell.

"You gave yourself a title," Alex says.

"A title?" I say.

"Yes, something that the capitol people will know you as. I was 'The Electric Thunder'," Alex says. I laugh. "What?" He asks.

"Nothing," I say. "Look, we're there." I say, gesturing to the window. The capitol was sitting there, glistening in the sunlight.

"Woah," Luke says.

"Yawn," Alex says. I smirk and stare at the window. It reminded me of candy; a delicacy in which I would never come across. But here I am. In the Capitol. Where they'll prepare me for my death.

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