Wicked: To Hurt and Not Show.

Start from the beginning

"What do you have in mind?" I asked her.

"Anywhere that mine and your parents would agree on." She answered.

I chuckled. "I don't think there would be any problem with my parents. You know how they are. I already told them I want to spend Christmas break with you guys."

"That's awesome!" she squealed. "Now all we need is a plan."

"I don't think you should be doing that." I told her with a mocking face. "Who knows what hell you're gonna put us through?"

Suddenly, there was a smack on the back of my head. And I realized, it was Sam who hit me. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Don't sass me." she muttered. "I'm better than Cal. Speaking of, you think we should invite him?"

I gave her a wry smile. "Sorry. Well, Cal, he's the very definition of lunatic. I don't think he's fit to travel anywhere."

Sam chuckled. "There's not much difference from me and him. So I think he passes."

We travelled the habitual course of everday way going to school, with a little addition of snow of course. By the time we got there, the festive has already started. There was a huge banner of different Christmas greetings all round our classroom and colorful merry lanterns embellished the entire place. The food table at the end of the room had been slightly ran over and Ms. Hannigan's desk was filled with gifts in differents wraps and colors. I knew everybody loved her.

"Louise! Finally, you're here." cried Ms. Hannigan. "Shall we start the games?"

I beamed at her, shrugging a little playfully. "Do whatever you gotta do, Ms. H. The floor is yours."

She rolled her eyes at me, but a playful tug at the corner of her quirky lips were fairly visible. She called attention to the class and everyone settled in. I sat at Sam's lap. Too bad that only Sam and I got homeroom together and that the rest of the band were in another.

"Alrighty! First of all, Merry Christmas to you guys." said Ms. Hannigan, her hands clasped together in excitement. "I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but to you too Gunner, don't be too moved."

The class erupted into small fits of laughter, Gunner waving his hand off to Ms. H. The two had been mortal enemies ever since life could tell. It was pretty entertaining for the most part since Ms. H would always be kicking his ass but pretty annoying too.

"Second, we're going to start the ever fun games that you've all been waiting for." Ms. Hannigan continued. "If everyone could just form a line outside, we could start. No, it's fine. Just leave your bags."

Everyone did as told, a bit reluctant if I may, but responsive at the most. Surely, everyone was nicer than usual. Probably, the very essence of Christmas might be doing the magic. It has this tug at the pit of my stomach and I was more than sure everyone was feeling the same.

We formed one line outside, and I got to be at the fifth spot of the twenty-student line, Sam being before me and Gunner behind me. Soon enough, Ms. Hannigan walked out of the room with a fish bowl that was a pool of varies papers in different colors swimming inside in her hand. She called two males from the front before handing the bowl to Sam and walking back into the room. After around five minutes of waiting and loud chatter, the two males earlier trudged out of the room with a small table, that contained small red and blue cups perfecrly squared out on top, aroung thirty at the least. They were slowly and surely carrying the round table so I was gueasing the cups weren't empty. As soon as the table landed, the two went back to the line and Ms. Hannigan retrieved the glass bowl from Sam.

"Eveyone, listen." she called. "I have five sets of liquids here."

She denoted the cups on the tables beside her. "Coke, Fish Sauce, Vinegar, Soy sauce, and uh..." She made a disgusted face before turning in the last of her tiny finger. "Hot sauce."

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