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"M- mom?" I looked at her in shock. "N- no. It- it isn't you. It c- can't be you. They- they told us th- at y- ou died." She looked at me in disbelief. She then slowly shook her head. "What kind of son did I raise?" She looked at the empty bottles of Soju on my floor. Then at the bag of cocaine & pills on my desk. "Mom I'm s-" "Sorry? How long have you been doing this?" I looked down. In a low whisper loud enough for her to hear I told her.

"Six years..." "Six years BeomGyu? Six years of this mess? I- why? Why did you disappoint me like this?" I had enough. I was tired of this. "Well if you were alive for these six fucking years then where were you when we needed a mother!? Huh?! You call yourself a mother when you weren't even fucking here!" She slapped me. "I'll admit that hurt. But my heart hurts more. Just stay out of my life!" SooBin & YeonJun ran into my room from the yelling. "Mom!?" They both said in unison. "Mm YeonJun, SooBin. How are you two?"


I was angry, pissed off. All the agony I felt. "Ha! How are we? Good to ask. Did you even die? Honestly. Did you? Because by the looks of it you didn't!" SooBin walked over to BeomGyu. "No. I wanted to see how you three would be if I was gone for a year."


SooBin's eyes filled with hate. YeonJun's with agony & sadness. BeomGyu's showed nothing. Too many emotions he felt at the moment to even show any. BeomGyu looked at his mother. He wanted to cry but he didn't. YeonJun yelled out of anger. "Why!? Where were you!? Dad left us! & you show up six fucking years later!"

SooBin finally said something. "I- when- mom why did you do this? Why would you do this to us? You knew dad hated us. You knew he would leave at some point. But why have them tell us you died? We were devastated. Especially BeomGyu. The one who was closest to you." Their mom scoffed. Ignored their feelings. Soon to take it out on them.

"Where were you three? Huh!? Not with me! You guys dare to tell me how I'm not a good mom but you're not good kids. Wh-" There was a gunshot. Their mom fell to the floor. They looked up to see.. "Dad?!" The three said in unison. Their dad looked at the three. BeomGyu ran & picked himself in his bathroom. SooBin & YeonJun filled with anger & hate. "Why!? Go! Leave us alone! You wanted both to do with us! You left us! Get out of our lives!" YeonJun yelled at his dad as him & SooBin ran to the bathroom door.


Me & SooBin kept trying to open the door. But BeomGyu has put something heavy to block the door. "CHOI BEOMGYU OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!" I banged on the door. Me & SooBin still desperately trying to open the door. After 20 minutes we gave up on trying to open it. Our dad has left & for some reason took the body of our mom with him. I slid my back down the door while SooBin did the same on the wall.

"BeomGyu please open the door." "No." BeomGyu responded. "Dad's gone. I'm sorry he did that to mom. We both know how much you love her. Just please come out of the bathroom." BeomGyu finally opened the door. He had small cuts on his wrists. "I know. I said I wouldn't do it. But I did. Wasted off of the drugs & Soju. I- I- just thought it was a good idea." He started to cry as me & SooBin hugged him. I gently rubbed his back.

"No one is mad. Just please try to stop. We all made the promise not to. I've stopped. I don't know about SooBin but I hope he stopped too." It took about two hours of us trying to calm BeomGyu down before he stopped crying. His eyes were all red & puffy. His nose was stuffy. "I'm just going to sleep. Night." I looked at the time. It's only six o'clock. "Okay. We'll be here. Go to sleep Gyu." We left his room once he was asleep.

- 3:51 a.m. -

I woke up. The time was 3:51 in the morning. I sighed & walked into my bathroom. I turned on the light & looked at myself in the mirror. I smiled at the sight of my dog. "Hey (whatever you wanna name the dog) whatcha doing?" He just looked at me & sat down. He tilted his head just a bit. "Yeah I don't like me either. It's okay though." I smiled at what I said.

On the edge of crying I hugged (whatever you named le doggo-). I sat on the bathroom floor with my dog. I started drinking very few of the bottles of Soju. Maybe about two or three. "Hard liquor. Hard truth can't swallow.~" I was half asleep & singing whatever came to my mind. Whatever lyrics I thought of.

"Exhale depression as the wind blows~" I slightly laughed at everything I said. "Ring ring~ phone call from depression~ you use my past & my memories as a weapon~ On the other line I talk to addiction~ speaking of the devil all the drugs I miss them~" I finished the few bottles of Soju & threw them away. I laid down singing myself to sleep.

"Run up on me, get hit up~ Ambulance needs pick him up~ Six shots to the head like whoa~ Run through the six no woes~ Throw money, throw hands, throw blow~ Up, down, left, right, A, B, cheat codes~" I continued to cry the more I sang myself to sleep. "Sometimes I wish I could hit your phone~ I don't really wanna walk through life alone~ Ain't too many real people here no more~ I lost my woadie my heart cold~ Now, I gotta walk through life alone~ Now, I gotta walk through life alone~ Now, I gotta live this life alone~" I stopped crying. My clock read 5:13. I closed my eyes. "I'll rest for a bit."

- 6:23 -

I woke up as my alarm went off. "FUCK!" School was about to start. "Fuck fuck fuck." I muttered under my breath. I quickly got ready & left. I quickly ran to school. I was thirty-seven minutes late. I ended up with detention. I sighed as Felix took a piece of paper from my notebook & wrote something on it.

"Do you know anything about why BaHiye won't respond to me? Or why she left me?"


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