- DARE -

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I woke up to my alarm going off. I checked the time "4:37. Alright well I have just two hours before school starts." I walked to my bathroom. Looking in the mirror not seeing the same person I used to know. A 17 year old boy. Depressed, hated, unwanted, unneeded, useless, worthless.

"Why do I even bother?" I slammed my hands on my bathroom counter. I started crying. "I miss you Lea. I miss you too BaHiye." I cried for about five minutes. After I looked for something to wear. I checked the time once again. "5:02. Alright, I'll see you later." I looked at my dog as I walked out my house.

I walked to school. Through the dark alleyway I heard faint talking & laughter. I curiously walked over to the voices. "You got what I wanted right?" "Bro. You really think I wouldn't?" I listened to the voices. I peaked from behind a wall. Four guys. All in black. I couldn't see their faces. I was curious as I slowly walked closer.

"H-" "Fuck boys run!" All of them ran from me. I watched as they ran. One of them tripped. He quickly stood up & looked at me. He had purple hair. In the distance there was faint yelling. "SooBin! Hurry up!" I sighed. I turned around & continued my walk to school. I knew SooBin. He was Lea's ex-boyfriend.

I listened to my playlist as I walked with my head down. Walking to school alone. Walking in the slightly dark alleyways alone. I wasn't scared of much. I was scared of being alone. Now I am alone. My only family gone. SooBin left me when I needed someone. But it's fine.

"It's not like anyone cares." I murmured under my breath. I looked at the building in front of me. "Well you're back~" I covered my ears. The dreading voice I heard. I looked around for someone. But there was no one. I always questioned where the voice came from. No one was ever around when I heard it.

I walked inside the school to my homeroom. I sat in the very back. Just waiting for someone to enter the class. "Yes! For once we are the ones in the class!" I looked at the boys. I sighed quietly. Seeing SooBin brought back painful memories. Memories of my family.


"Hey. Who's up for a little dare?" I looked at my oldest brother. "Sure. I mean what harm can a little dare do?" I smirked as we all entered our names into an app on YeonJun's phone. "Okay. Now we just wait & see who has to do the dare." It was about ten to twelve seconds later when it picked a name. My name.

"Well Gyu. You'll be doing the dare~" TaeHyun teased.  I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah. Okay so what is the dare?" YeonJun thought for a bit. Only for SooBin to gasp. "I have one." SooBin whispered. I questioned why he was whispering. "What is it?" "Remember our old friend Kai? Lea's younger brother?" We all nodded.

"Yeah why?" SooBin smirked while looking at me. "You. Are. Going. To. Date. Him." I reacted a bit too loud. "You want me to date Huening Kai!? Why him!? It couldn't have been MinGi?! Or ummm NamJoon!?" SooBin lowly chuckled. "Gyu. It's him or just fuck off. One or the other." I was shocked. SooBin would leave me?

"I'm just kidding bro! I wouldn't leave you. It's either Kai or YeonJun." I choked on the water I was drinking. "I will NOT date my own brother! Huening Kai it is bitches!"

- 6:30 A.M. -

Me, SooBin, YeonJun, & TaeHyun all sat in class. I patiently waited for Huening Kai to walk into class. But he never did. 'Maybe he isn't here today?' I questioned myself. I shook off the thought of him. It's just some stupid dare. I sighed at the thought of him not being at school today.

"Okay. It's a free hour. So go off." I quickly ran to TaeHyun after the teacher said that. "Okay so how long do I date him for?" "I don't know. SooBin came up with the dare. Not me." I nodded. "Right." I was heading over to SooBin when I tripped. I fell on top of something. More like somebody. "I- ummm- Sorry! Ummm I'd leave but ummm yo- you a- are on t- top of me- me."

The voice was soft. But I knew it too well. "Hey Kai. How are y-" "Ummm can- can y- you plea- please get o- off of m- me." I quickly got off of him. I put my hand out & offered to help him up. But instead he gave me ten dollars. "H- here." He put it in my hand & pushed himself off the floor.

"Hey ummm Huening Kai?" He looked at me with fear in his eyes. "I'll g- give you- you mo- more mon- money to- morrow." I watched as he quickly walked to gather his things. I walked over to him. He had his head down on his desk. I gently tapped on his desk with my knuckle. "Kai. Would you ummm- Kai do ummm- doyouwanttobemyboyfriend?" I asked quickly.

He looked at me. "But why? Why me? You don't even like me. Why do you want me to be your boyfriend?" I got nervous. I didn't like him. I lov- hate him. I sighed. Mixed feelings about someone I don't care about. I was so confused at the moment. But I heard in a low whisper "But I- I gu- ess." I looked at Huening Kai! "Okay! I mean. Alright. Well I'll be with my friends. Bye"

"B- bye." I walked over to SooBin, YeonJun, & TaeHyun. "So what did he say? Did you get him to date you?" I looked at YeonJun. I sighed as I nodded. "Yeah." "Hey what's wrong little bro?" I looked over my shoulder at the boy with his head down on his desk. "Huening Kai. I just- I hate him? I don't know what I feel towards him."

SooBin looked at me. "Mhm. So you have mixed feelings about a boy. Who most likely hates you. For us killing his sisters. His only family. Then leaving him when he needed us the most?" I was shocked. My whole body was stiff. The day I hated the most. "Fucking SooBin! It was your stupid plan to fucking do that to his sisters! Why did you spare his life!?"

He scoffed. He leaned into my ear. "Could have killed him. The guy you were & still are in love with. But I didn't Gyu. Be careful with me. Because I won't hesitate to make him suffer worse than what his sisters did." I slightly pushed SooBin back. "Like I would e- even ca- care." TaeHyun ruffled my hair. "Hyung you would care. We all know you care about him."

I looked down. I was dating him because of a stupid dare. If I wanted to date someone it would be- Huening Kai. The bell rand letting everyone know it was time for the next class. Huening Kai slowly walked over & hugged me. He was shaking a little bit. "B- bye B- eomG- gyu." He whispered to me. I hugged him back. "Bye baby."


• Goodbye & Good Riddance • BeomKai ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora