Just as we got to the door that led to the Great Hall I heard Dippet closing my introduction, " Everyone please welcome Hadrian Peverell!" Dumbledore didn't even break his stride as he entered the hall, I followed behind him. As we headed for the stool for the sorting I took in my surrounding, I noticed at the Gryffindor table a whole section of Weasley's, I also noticed some families from my time, obviously different but I could see where their offspring get it, as my eyes swept the Slytherin table I noticed a lot of the families that were DE's, I could tell the Lestrange's by the hair and wild eyes, the Black's by the way their hair and eyes resembled Sirius, and the platinum blond hair of the Malfoy's. As my eyes continued to sweep the table I noticed a somewhat familiar brunette head, I focused in on that person only to be greeted by Tom Riddle. I almost stopped walking by surprise and horror 'Damn you Death,' I thought to the deity hoping he heard me curse him, I felt the hatred for what he will do swell in me along with uncontrollable anger, I quickly calmed myself, he hasn't done anything terrible yet... maybe I could give him a gentle nudge... for which direction I have yet to choose.

I sat onto the stool, Dumbledore lowered the hat onto me, very anticlimactic I know. As soon as the hat was upon my head I heard it's voice, "Well well well, what do we have here? The boy who lived, a time traveler, and the Master of Death? How interesting... It seems that my older self placed you Harry Potter in Gryffindor... it did well for you but, you did not reach greatness. However now you are Hadrian Peverell and you will reach greatness in Slytherin or maybe Ravenclaw on how your mind works... though you are too cunning..." before he could announce me into my new house I interrupted him, "Keep my secrets?" I asked within the barriers of my mind, "Why of course Master of Death," I contemplated for a second, before interrupting the hat once again, "Promise me that you would rather be shredded then give my secrets," I told the hat. I could feel it contemplating before I flashed a picture of the old coot in my head, "I swear on the magic that binds me to keep your secrets," the hat told me in reassurance, I simply nodded before jumping when the hat called out my house, "SLYTHERIN!"

I chuckled at the face Dumbledore made, he looked absolutely horrified. I set the hat down gently into the old coots hands then made my way to my new table. I made my way down to the end of the table closer to the door for two reasons, one an easy exit, and two I didn't want to be anywhere near Riddle. As I ate my meal I could feel eyes on me, I ignored it being used to people staring when I was the boy who lived, then the savior of the wizarding world, though to be honest the wizarding world was far fetched maybe the savior of Hogwarts would be more accurate since that's all Voldemort could do. I let a small smile slip onto my face at that, I slowly glanced up to see many girls whispering and giggling as they looked at me, even some boys were looking at me with clear want though they were also whispering about me, I looked down to see some of the snakes look away being caught staring though none of them were whispering. As I continued to look at my fellow housemates I noticed a pair of onyx eyes watching me, I took in the males appearance he appeared to be a Black, his hair was as long as Sirius' with the same natural curl, his features were also close to Sirius' except a sharper jaw and cheekbones, I sent him a wink only to watch him get flustered and quickly look away, I chuckled to myself amused by my own shenanigans. I watched as the assumed Black started to talk to who was diagonal of him I couldn't see who it was because of the big head blocking my view, I huffed in annoyance, I turned back to my food and continued to eat.

I followed the prefect to the dungeons as they continued to explain the works of the Slytherin house and school in general, I just blocked her out as I took in my surroundings, memorizing everything so I wouldn't get lost, I had never really explored the dungeons, too may unpleasant people that lived there, or would it be would live there... who cares. "Peverell," I heard an irritated voice say, I looked to the prefect with an apologetic look, "Sorry about that I easily get lost in thought," I said rubbing the back of my neck to make myself look sheepish, something I learned when I got in trouble with McGonagall, I saw the girl blush failing at keeping the mask on, "It's no problem... em... the password is venomous," she said clearly still flustered, I smirked as I thanked her and followed her into the secret wall passage. The Slytherin common room looked much the same as it did when I came in to spy on Malfoy with Ronald, it was a wide room with a roaring fire directly across the opening, green dim lights lit the room giving it a slightly more eerie feeling, couches and chairs were placed strategically around the room, most of them looking quite comfy, the windows the were ceiling to floor reveled the inside of the black lake, the windows had snake like pictures and designs on the window pain, the ceiling was also a window looking into the lake which made the whole room even more green and eerie.

The prefect cleared her throat catching my attention as I looked at her she began to speak, "The boys dorms is on the right," she said as she then scurried off to a sofa covered by a group of girl. I started down the stairs going further into the black lake, I was looking at the names on the door looking for the one that had mine, seeing Peverell on a door I entered, looking up I saw a room full of boys mostly future DE's... in fact they were all future DE's... I mustered up a pleasant smile, "Hello, I am Hadrian Peverell," I greeted the room I noticed there were at least four beds two on either side of the room and a desk for each occupant, but the room seemed to have at least eight or ten boys. It dawned on me that they must have been holding a meeting, but I kept the pleasant smile on my face, "I think we are done discussing for today, I will see you tomorrow," I heard a smooth baritone, the voice sounded like music to my ears, I could listen to that voice all day if I could. As the boys who were not living inside the room left, they shoved past me, very roughly in fact... how rude. I looked up at my fellow roommates, "Sorry we were talking about a homework assignment, we didn't mean to startle you," the smooth baritone said again, I followed the voice to be greeted by Riddle... I take back all my early comments... his voice sucks hairy kiwis for all I care. "No, not at all I was just a little confused is all," I said as pleasantly as I could, I watch warily as Riddle stood, "Allow me to introduce you, this is Abraxias Malfoy," he gestured to obvious platinum blond, though unlike his offspring with cool silver gray, he had more a blue steel color to his eyes, he was tall at least 6'3 with broad shoulders, "Orion Black," he gestured to the boy I winked at earlier, now that he was standing I could see that he was maybe an inch or so shorter than Malfoy, I nodded to him in recognition, " Corbin Lestrange," he gestured to a boy with short brown curly hair, his eyes were a crazed chocolate brown, he was lean standing a little taller than Malfoy, "and I am Tom Riddle," he said lastly, I took him in he had a nice head of dark brown hair, not to dark where it looks black, but more of a dark chocolate with little lighter streaks, his eyes were red showing clearly that he practiced the dark arts, he was at least the same height as Malfoy if not taller,  he was also broad shouldered but lean making it clear that he was perfectly proportioned to be handsome, if not sexy. I instantly burned that thought. 'I'm rooming with sociopaths... great.'

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