Tea Gardener (Yu-Gi-Oh)🍋

Start from the beginning

The rest of the crew went to clock out for the day as Tea looked over your clothes.

Tea: Look at you, you look like you sleep in those rocks!

Worker: Sometimes he does.

The crew laughed at you as Tea continued her examination.

Tea: Your cheap washer will never clean this, you're better off letting me clean it.

You: My washer works fine, I got it on sale.

Tea: From a junk vendor who got arrested yesterday for smuggling.

You: But my washer works.

Tea: Yesterday it caught fire.

You: But it still works.

Tea: It's not up for debate, you're coming to my apartment and getting cleaned up.

You crossed your arms like an enraged teenager.

You: Fine.

As you were clocking out, Tea handed you a bag.

Tea: Here are some cards I got for you.

You: You got me cards? Why?

Tea: Because I know how much you love dueling.

One of your fellow workers chimed in.

Worker: Be happy your girl gets you cards, mine doesn't even pick me up after work.

You: Maybe she would if you brought her to that restaurant I told you about.

Worker: A two star sushi place isn't really that romantic.

Tea: And you only ate their once.

You: But it was cheap.

You and Tea walked to her apartment, and as you did, opened up the card pack she had gotten you.

You: Spell...trap...two star...hey!

Tea: Anything good?

You: Yeah, a Dark Magician Girl!

Tea: Really? I used to have one of those.

You: I didn't know you dueled.

Tea: Back on earth, my friends love it. They're actually supposed to come in the station in the next few days.

You: You should come to the next duel meet, you could be my lucky charm.

Tea: And what makes you think I'm lucky?

You: Because everything turns out right with you.

Tea lightly kissed you on your cheek.

Tea: With that charm, how could I say no?

You and Tea eventually arrived at her apartment.

You were bathing in Tea's shower, noting how much more classy it was compared to yours.

You lived in the lower section of the station, though you could afford equal housing to Tea but decided on the cheapest apartment possible.

You hummed a tune as the gently warm water bit your chiseled body, which you obtained in your profession as a miner.

After bathing your safe in an adequate shower for once, you stepped out and dried yourself off, noting how soft Tea's towels were compared to the rags you literally dug out of the dumpster and put through your questionably safe washer.

In case it wasn't apparent, you are quite cheap.

You hung up Tea's towel and stepped out into her bedroom, where your clothes were kept.

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