Chapter 6: I Can't Lie Anymore

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(First Person POV, (Y/N)-chan)
I've been backed into a corner, all eyes were on me! I caved to Mikuo. "I can't lie anymore. As much as I want to deny the existence of demons, I simply can't do it."

"Woo! I was right! Take that Kaiko!"

"Mikuo, it seems that you were only correct a bout your accusations of Len. Get off of the table now, you're making a scene."

"Aww..." Finally the idiot sits back down. "I've been right before, it's just no one believes me because I'm just "Kaiko's idiot brother..."

"So, you're saying that this idiot here was in fact right about Len?"

"Yes, and I suspect that Rin is also one." I then flipped back to the Baku pages. "Len had me go up to the roof of an abandoned building, and I encountered this girl. When the boy came to my house that night, I asked him about her, and he said that she was his sister."

"Oh! I get what you're saying!" (BFF) said thinking back to the day we met Rin, "she introduced herself as Len's sister that day, so if Len's a demon, she would be too." I nodded.

(First Person POV, Len-kun)
Go home or have (Y/N)? What does she mean by that? I've fallen for (him/her/them), haven't I? This isn't good! I want to go home, but I also want to keep (Y/N) happy. I was never happy back home, where as (Y/N) has made me happy with even just looking at (him/her/them), just like the person that ended up with me stuck in the human world.

I flop back into my bed. Luka will come to visit today wouldn't she? My choice needs to be made by then.

(First Person POV, (Y/N)-chan, after school)
When I made it to the ice cream shop, I saw that Miku looked a bit troubled, I didn't ask her about it.

I got changed into my uniform, and that's when Mikuo and Kaiko came in, and dragged their mother upstairs. Kaito sighed at this, it seems like they knew their kids would find out.

Work went like normal, except for occasionally hearing Mikuo shout. How does he shout so loud anyway? There wasn't much speaking either, unless it was with a customer.

(First Person POV, Len-kun, at his abandoned building)
I was still laying on the mattress, feeling like a piece of trash, when someone came to visit me. I knew who it was without a doubt. Luka.

"So, have you made your decision, Len?"

"I have, I'm staying here," I said, holding my ground, as I was standing now.

"I am afraid that you be chosen wrong."

(First Person POV, (Y/N)-chan, a few moments later)
After the twins were done with their mom, they came down and started working too. Which is when Rin came in. She was in tears. "(Y/N)! Something terrible had happened to Len!"

"What! No way!"

"What happened?"

"That woman found where he was hiding and took him back home to be killed!" The blond was absolutely devastated about this. "We may not have the best relationship, but we about each other! I can't imagine the world without him anywhere in it!"

Mikuo and I turned to Kaiko, who in response said "I'll cover for you two." Then Mikuo and I got changed again, and went with Rin to rescue Len.

We then went to the roof of Len's abandoned building.

"Mikuo, it's a good thing you came along, because I'm gonna need your help to get us to where we need to be. I may be great, but even I haven't limits."

"Alright, stop preening yourself, and let's do this."

Then the two started opening a way to the demon world. "Don't worry, I'm coming for you Len," I said at a volume that neither could hear me. When they were done we had walked in.

A/N: You can also read here:

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