Chapter 33: Waving Guilt Away

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Chapter 33: Waving Guilt Away

The three men walked across the street, heading towards a house that was in the corner. Joe was in the middle and Baggy and Jamie were at his side. Joe's eyes were red and full of thirst for blood. Vengeance was the only thing that will sooth his broken heart. Hard as stone, he knew he wasn't the same old Joe, he was now a father and he'd just lost the woman he loved. He needed to see that murderer dying, and begging for forgiveness, there was no other way he will be calmed down. To hell with Billy and his orders, he will prove to be a man and with no need of Billy. Joe was a man, now, and he wanted things to be settled in his own way.

"Yo, Joey! Are you sure about this shit?! Billy's gonna kill us if he knows," said Baggy, his eyes looking around to check if the coast was clear.

"Yeah, man. We better let Billy solve this shit out," Jamie added while he turned around, trying to detect any adversary.

"Shut the fuck up! Both of you! If you are shitting on your pant then get the hell outta here and go and fuck Billy! But tonight, I will take this motherfucker down," Joe hissed his eyes never leaving the house, they were heading to.

"You sure is this Jamaal, guy?" Jamie asked.

"There's no damn black shit on the B Street or the Hall, only in the damn Cutty Macks. And if he isn't the shithead, then, at least he will tell us who did it!" Joe responded.

When they arrived at the house's front door, Joe gestured to Baggy and Jamie to get away, and so they did. Both Baggy and Jamie left him alone, and decided to tell Billy as soon as the sun arise. Joe walked to the steps of the front porch and sauntered towards the front white door. Behind it, Joe could hear muffled laughter, kid's laughter, a television with cartoons and pots colliding in the kitchen. He didn't dawdle in knocking the door, and so he did. Two knocks were needed for somebody to open the door. And when the door was ajar, Joe saw a little chocolate girl with pigtails and a warm grin.

"Who are you?" she frowns, still grinning at Joe.

"I'm Daddy's friend," Joe tilted his head and faked a smile, eyes dark as night.

"Who is it, Tonya?" Terrell's voice came from the inside.

Joe lifted his head up and saw a suspicious black man, obviously Terrell but due to Joe's lack of information, he thought he was Jamaal.

"Tina, Tonya, go upstairs now!" Terrell shouted and without hesitation, Tina lifted Tonya up and climbed the stairs.

"You Joe Darley?" Terrell asked, trying to distract Joe.

"Are you Jamaal?" Joe asked entering the house, with gun in hand.

And before Terrell could answer and get his own handgun, Joe aimed for his knee and shot it. Terrell screams and grunts of pain made his wife, Tina, rush down the stairs, whimpering for the aid of her husband. But before she could land on the first floor, Joe aimed for her left arm and without hesitation he pulled the trigger. The bullet impacted her arm and she collapsed in the stairs first steps.

"Tina!" Terrell screamed when he saw his sniveling wife around a poll of blood.

"Terrell!" Tina cried, drowning in her tears as she saw her injured husband and thought of her daughter.

"Shut up!" Joe interrupted them while he took a few steps ahead, till he was standing in front of Terrell. "So, you are Terrell. Did you killed my woman? Huh? You the motherfucker that killed her?!"

Joe's eyes were wild and twirled in insane vengeance while he sneered at the wounded Terrell.

"Yeah! I killed that bitch!" Terrell fearlessly confessed. According to rumors, Joe was a little scared girl that always was behind Billy's protective care.

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