Chapter 2

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Heechul groaned as he was taking a shower, the hot water running down his body. He really wasn‘t a morning person and  the fact that he barely slept last night didn‘t make it any better.

Sleeping in Teukie's bed was uncomfortable you could feel the springs of the bed poking on your back. "This must be a reason why Teukie was lacking sleep all the time." Heechul thought as he turned off the faucet and then he heard the door open.

"Oh there you are." Teukie said coming into the bathroom, closing the door behind. "Yeah I just finished the shower." Heechul said, opening up the curtains.

Leeteuk's heart fluttered because he saw his lovely angel standing without his towel. "What am I thinking?" he thought shaking his head back into reality. "Here, a towel."

"Thanks." Heechul said and saw Teukie turn around. He stared at his friend's back thinking about how can one person hold all the responsibilities of a 13 member group and sleep on an uncomfortable bed. Heechul wrapped the towel around his waist and walked out behind Teukie.

"Why?" Teukie referred to why was Heechul behind him. Suddenly Heechul placed his hands on Teukie's shoulders and started to massage them. "Nothing I just wanted to give you a massage."

After a couple minutes Heechul slipped his clothes on and headed out the room. "Why did he do that?" Teukie thought as he also started to get dressed.

Heechul is acting kind of weird today” he thought to himself. Or maybe it was an imagination of his tired mind, he wondered. Thanks to checking the schedules he had been awake most of the night and he was feeling more than exhausted.

Suddenly he stopped in his movements. “The schedules!!” His shirt in his hand he quickly headed towards the kitchen.

As he reached the living room he saw Kangin, Shindong, Heechul and Ryeowook having a lively conversation over breakfast. “Ryeowook-ah where are the papers from the kitchen table?”

“I left them there and prepared breakfast here Hyung. Now come and eat before Shindong finishes everything”

“Hey, I don't…”Shindong complained, but was interrupted by Heechul.

“And put a shirt on Teukie! We see that enough on stage” he pointed at the other's chest and for a moment Leeteuk thought he saw a flush of pink covering Heechul's cheeks.

He shrugged. Following Heechul's order he looked around. “Where is Donghae?”

“He went downstairs. He said he wanted to eat with Eunhyuk, Sungmin prepared breakfast too” Ryeowook explained and Leeteuk could hear the obvious longing for having breakfast with Yesung in his voice. “I am lucky Heechul is in the same dorm as me." Leeteuk thought because of the complicated problems the other couples are going through.

They all finished the prepared breakfast so Leeteuk went into the kitchen to try and finish the schedules that were left there. He picked up a couple of papers to see where he left off. "Oh?" he exclaimed.

"What?" Shindong said coming over to the table. "These schedules are finished, I thought I didn't' finish them." LeeTeuk said.

"Oh the schedules? I finished them for you this morning." Heechul said from across the room. Everyone stopped and looked at him. "Hyung are you sick?" Ryeowook said placing his hand on Heechul's forehead.

"No i'm not sick." he said flicking Ryeowook's hand off. "Can't someone help once and awhile." Heechul complained, quickly getting up and walked to his room.

Leeteuk looked at the papers and thought "He did all this for me?"  "Hyung we all should head out it's almost time for all our first schedule." Kangin said. Everyone went back into their rooms to change into fashionable clothes.

"Teukie....ha~ i'm very tired." Heechul said, glomping onto Leeteuk's back. "Me too, but come on change your clothes we're going in a few minutes."

The younger nodded and turned around. As he headed towards his closet he suddenly felt Leeteuk's hand on his wrist. “Thank you for doing the schedules Chullie, but you shouldn't have done that”

Heechul turned back around, looking into the elders eyes questioning, but after a few seconds he lowered his gaze. He had wanted do something to support his friend but it seemed that so said wasn't pleased about it and it made him feel guilty.

Why do I even care?” the younger wondered. He normally didn't care what people thought, he just did what he thought was right, but for some reason Teukies's thoughts and feelings mattered to him, a lot actually.

“I know you wanted to help, but it is my responsibility. You shouldn't have to worry about it” the leader continued.

Heechul shook his head. “Teukie, I know you feel responsible for all of us and you are a great leader, but you shouldn't handle it alone. We are almost the same age and Jongwoon is old enough too. Just let us help you sometimes. Your shoulders are too small to carry responsibility for 13 people” he winked but his eyes showed concern.

“But.." Leeteuk stopped and Heechul quickly told him. "Shh. We have to go remember? Manager hyung said he wanted to speak with us about something important."

The older listened to the younger's words and changed into his clothes. "All white again, I guess it fits for his angel nickname." Heechul thought looked at the older and walked out the door.

"Okay you all ready?" Leeteuk called out to the other memebers in their rooms. "Yes!"

The 5 went down stairs to get the other 7 that were waiting in their dorm livingroom. "Ya! Let's go." Leeteuk said. Soon all 12 of them got into the private bus seeing that their manager hyung was already in there waiting.

"Hyung what did you want to talk to us about?" Leeteuk said as soon as he saw their manager. "Hold on I want all of you in the bus at least." he said with a little chuckle.

One by one they all sat in their seats. They were all sitting in they're expected couples with only Heechul and Leeteuk by themselves.

"Okay what I wanted to say is that on August, 14th (2010) is when you guys will preform the first concert of Super Show 3." 

As soon as they heard the news everybody started to chat excitedly and soon they arrived at all their individual schedules.

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