The Cherubim

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¹ In the beginning, God created the heavens. ² And in the vast universe He made himself a home. And He called the home Heaven, and it was good for it was in the design of the Lord. ³ And God made beings to fill the vacant regions. ⁴︎ They were born directly of the holy flesh of God. And thus the beings were called cherubim, for they were children of God. ⁵︎ But they were not pure because, like their Father, they knew sin. ⁶︎ And they became disobedient.
⁷︎ The beings began to make parts of the heavens their own, and would fight. ⁸︎ They fell to sin, something only God Himself had power over.⁹︎ So, because only God had power over sin, he threatened to remove the sin from his creation if they were to challenge the Lord.

¹⁰︎ A massive war broke out in the heavens, and the armies of the cherubim stormed the Holy Heaven. ¹¹ And so God punished all that he created. ¹² He tore from them their arms, and instead gave them large wings, so that they could not raise a weapon against God. ¹³ And He gave them three additional mouths, one of a beast resembling a bull, one of a beast resembling a lion, and one of a beast resembling an eagle, so that they could not speak to each other. ¹⁴︎ And upon them He placed many eyes, each eye connected to the Lord, so that they could not leave His surveillance. ¹⁵︎ And they were made to serve the Lord. ¹⁶︎ And thus the cherubim knew the justness of God and punishment for sin.

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