God's Other Creatures

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¹ After the creation of the cherubim, God had known failure. ² And so He made a new creation. ³ They were born of His flesh like the cherubim, but knew not of evil. ⁴︎ And they were in peace with God. ⁵︎ And God created creatures in this order: cherubim, thrones, dominions, powers, seraphim, virtues, and malakhim. ⁶︎ But when God created many other species of Holy creatures of His flesh, conflict arose between them. ⁷︎ Each group would say, "Surely we are better than the other?" ⁸︎ To stop a heavenly war as large as that of the cherubim, God gave certain angels power over others.

⁹︎ To the seraphim, who were most loyal to the Lord, he gave the highest power. ¹⁰︎ Below the seraphim, the cherubim, for they were firstborn and full servants of God. ¹¹ Below the cherubim, the thrones, for they were second created and guarded the throne of God. ¹² Below the thrones, the dominions, for they had great influence among the other beings. ¹³ Below them, the virtues, for they were servants of the lord. ¹⁴︎ Below the virtues, the powers, for they are the soldiers of god, bringing order to the heavens. ¹⁵︎ And below all, the malakhim , most numerous of the beings and last to be created. ¹⁶︎ And so from highest in power to lowest it was so: seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominions, virtues, powers, and malakhim.

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