iii. the royals

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i'll see you soon.

𝟏𝟑𝐓𝐇 𝐀𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐋 𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟕

ALEXANDER HAD BEEN AT HOME FOR A WEEK WITH HIS FAMILY, and he hadn't realised how much he had missed them. However, that didn't mean he missed all the jobs he had to do, and all the dinners he had to attend in his parent's name or just as a guest. It meant that he always had to be on his best behaviour and be in the best shape, because any slip up would be detrimental to his reputation. He believed it was a lot of pressure for a twenty-one-year-old, but he had grown used to such expectations.

However, he was not expected to be the next King as he was only fifth in line to the throne, and so his father was slightly more lenient with him. It was his older brother Edward who had the most pressure, being the next to take the throne after their father. But Alexander was not as close to his brothers, and sometimes even despised them. Especially Edward, who had referred to both Alexander and his late brother John as "animals" and "nuisances" after John died, Edward seeing their epilepsy as a burden to the family. They hadn't been on best terms since, even after Edward gave a sincere apology.

They were older than he was - Edward was thirty-two years old, Albert was thirty-one, Henry was twenty-seven and George was twenty-four. They often treated Alexander like a child, especially Edward, who had fought in the war. But the sibling that Alexander got along with the most was his sister, Victoria. She was the only one he felt respected him at all. He did, however, get along fine with his mother and father.

Alexander was sat in the gardens at Windsor Castle when his sister arrived, sitting on the grass with his niece - Elizabeth - as he basked in the sun's rays. It was a fairly warm day, which wasn't common at all in England. He grinned as the baby grabbed his finger, making small noises as she shuffled further into his arms. He only looked up he realised his sister had come to join him on the grass.

   "It's about time you showed up. I was getting bored," Alexander said, shifting so that he was sitting up properly. Victoria smiled, sat across from him. His sister was nine years his senior, but she spoke to him like he was her own age. He appreciated it greatly.

   "Why are you sitting out here with Lilibet?" Victoria asked, reaching out to touch the baby's cheek.

   "Albert and Elizabeth went out and asked me to look after her. She's always preferred me to him anyway," Alexander jested, smiling down at the child. The baby was only eleven months old, her birthday being at the end of the month. But Alexander had bonded with the possible future monarch, his niece.

   "She prefers your over her own father?" Victoria laughed, knowing Alexander was only joking. Just then, two more children ran over, a four-year-old and a two-year-old. They clambered onto Victoria, their mother. George and Gerald were their names, but they were quiet and not as close with their uncle as their mother was. "How has university been? Have you been fairing well?"

   "It's alright. Rather boring, if you ask me," Alexander responded, looking down as Lilibet began to try and gnaw at his finger. He gently pulled his hand away, allowing the baby to crawl around for a bit on the grass. But she stayed close, mostly clambering over and around him. "Far too much work, too."

   "It isn't supposed to be easy," Victoria reminded him after telling her sons to play with Lilibet so she could talk to Alexander. "I bet they'll be especially hard on you, however. They can't have you failing, or their reputation will be at stake."

Alexander shrugged, shifting so that his legs were stretched in front of him and used his hands to prop himself up.

   "Father's health is getting worse," Alexander spoke solemnly, picking at the grass beside him. "I'm sure you've heard. He only just got back from his recuperative private cruise in the Mediterranean, but he still doesn't look well." Alexander murmured. He never murmured, as it was seen as rude, but the subject was difficult for him to speak about.

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