
I looked to my right and saw an annoyed Mikaela after she got Julius' attention and he seemed to realise what he was doing and went back to his chair, sighing dejectedly, like a kid who didn't get candy.

Mikaela's P.O.V

I am getting a headache from all those questions, he reminds me of Orion, both are magic nerds with a child-like personality. As he calmed down he asked us what business we had in the Clover Kingdom.

"We would like to form an alliance with the Clover Kingdom." Julius' face had a look of surprise but it disappeared quickly as it came.

"May I ask why would we want to make an alliance with you, foreigners who come from an unknown country?"

"You may have already heard, but the Spade kingdom is slowly infiltrating the Diamond Kingdom and they are planning to also take the Heart and Clover Kingdom. Even though it may seem that Staria has nothing to do with this, we actually do and we know why they're doing this. We have already made an alliance with Heart and we were hoping that Clover would also cooperate. This alliance will only give you advantages; you could get information, manpower and trading offers outside of these four kingdoms. If you refuse, then we have nothing more to discuss, remaining as neutral kingdoms and we'll be returning to Staria at early sunrise."

If he does not accept it's their loss we're only doing this so that our baby stays safe otherwise we wouldn't have come to the clover kingdom. I heard from Lolopechika that their king is obnoxious and a total sleazeball. (He's also a trash bag with an ego so big that the kingdom couldn't fit it. The useless piece of shit is more useless then Aqua from Konosuba, AND he's childish, arrogant, ego-driven, self-absorbed, slimy fame-hogging, a voice even worse then Asta screaming in the first few episodes, totally not king-material and horrendous fuck wad that his name should be King Trash, just like Trash and Bitch from Rising Of the Shield Hero.)

Julius' P.O.V

This is a very generous offer with nothing to lose, but even if they sound sincere, we still need to be alert.

"Marx, what are your thoughts on this alliance?"

"W-well it seems like this is a very appealing offer, but I am suspicious in why they don't want anything in return, even if it was only something small like a few of our trading routes. So may I ask you this, Miss Mikaela. why aren't you asking for anything?"

Marx and I both stared at them, there was a long silence before she answered.

"We don't particularly need anything from you, our country is stable and peaceful so we don't have anything to request. Only thing that comes to mind is quick contact to you and no trouble."

I wasn't shocked by her answer as she seemed like a reasonable and kind ruler, but I did feel like she personally wanted to ask something. I didn't pry as we just met.

"Then we will agree to this alliance. Marx, could you bring out the necessary contract?"

"Ah, no need to worry, we've already handled that. Kevin, could you give me the contract?"

Kevin, who was behind Mikaela, held out his hand and a contract appeared out of thin air. It didn't look like he used his grimoire; these people sure are interesting. I need to know their magic!!! After reading the contents carefully in case of a hidden deal, we both signed it and with that, it's a deal.

"I must say Julius, you are different from what Lolopechika told me. You aren't obnoxious, narcissistic or arrogant as she said. I can't believe people are spreading false rumors about you."

Asta of the six leaf clover (written by: Marvelmyst and Soumy42)Where stories live. Discover now