Chapter 28

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15 years ago

Devils are born in The Underworld. After Devils are born, they receive a ranking and this ranking is unchangeable. A devil born without mana has the lowest ranking. The Underworld is incredibly boring for the Devils, so the Higher Ranking Devils pick on the Lower Ranking Devils. The lowest ranking, Devil, bled every day since he was born. Every day, he was tormented by the higher ranking devils. All devils wish to go to the human world and acquire their own physical body. But only one devil has ever made it through. So now the devils find entertainment by tormenting those lower ranked than themselves. One day, he was thrown at The Gate of the Underworld by a Higher Ranking Devil.

“This is it my life’s over,” the Devil thought as he flew towards the gate, waiting to smash into pieces. But...pain never came, his eyes opened, and he nearly fell over from shock. It was because he had no mana that he passed through the gate.
He was no longer in the Underworld anymore. There were blue skies above him, lush green grass underneath him, and trees towering over him. He had somehow passed through The Gate and ended up in the human realm. He was a Devil, so he should feel great joy by being here and having the ability to toy with humans all he wanted. However, the Devil felt nothing, no joy at the thought of toying with humans. He didn’t care about humans at all. What’s the point if you don’t even have a reason to live in the first place?

He wandered into a human town, he was bloody and beaten, but the humans were fearful and hateful of him.

“It’s a Devil!” One human screamed,

“A Devil!” Screamed another,

“We’ll be cursed!” Shouted another,

“Call the Magic Knights!” A human man shouted.

He listened to their shouts, confused. Why are humans talking about him? Why are they scared of him? He wasn’t hurting them and what were Magic Knights?

When more humans came his confusion grew. Who are these people? Why are they here? These new humans started firing spells at him. Different spells hit him from every direction and a strong force of wind knocked him off his feet. More of the humans that had arrived soon joined in using their magic to attack him. Scared, he started running for his life. He was so confused about why humans fired their spells at him. The Devil didn’t understand at first, he didn’t know why these humans were attacking him. As he was chased out of the human village, it dawned on him. The humans feared him, even though he wasn’t hurting anybody. The humans feared him simply because he was a Devil.

The Devil lay on the ground, bleeding, burnt, and dirty. The humans had chased him into the forest. Where he had collapsed, weak, injured, tired and the humans left him here to die.
No more Devils, no more Humans, no more pain. His eyes grew heavy; he was so very tired. He smiled weakly, as his eyes closed and his vision faded to black.

He opened his eyes. Where was he? He felt a throbbing pain in his head. Even so, he forced himself up.

“Hey! You’re awake? Great!”

Came someone’s voice, he looked in the direction of the voice. He saw a woman with long, light-colored hair which faded into black at the tip, standing near him.

“I’m Mikaela! Nice to meet you! You’re at my house. I found you outside in the forest when I was collecting some firewood.”

She then produced a board of light in front of him. The firewood laid on comfortably on top.

Mikaela then put down the firewood and picked up a dusty book that was covered with grime. Facing the young Devil, she bends over and held the book in her hands for the Devil to see.

Asta of the six leaf clover (written by: Marvelmyst and Soumy42)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat