Ch5: More about her

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Note: Pls remember that in this fan fiction the characters are around 10 and 11 years old and definitely not 6 years old like in the show! So please don't forget that when you read. Thnx!

________________________________________________________________________________Few days kept passing including the weekends, sometimes Gekko and Luna Girl secretly meet up together. One night, Gekko and Luna were both sitting on the shelf of a house talking together, "Can I ask you something? " asked Gekko

- "Okay if you want so, what is it? " answered Luna Girl

-Gekko: Those days I saw that you've been acting really nice toward me *blush a bit* And I wanna know.... How did you became a villain Luna? 

-Luna Girl: Oh.....  How did I became a villain? It's because.... Because I never had the opportunity to have a great childhood as you... 

-Gekko: Oh? Why not? 

-Luna Girl: *sight* Because I'm Albinos, my skin is really fragile to the sun. .... All started when I was abandoned by my father for some reasons, I live in an orphanage somewhere in the city, and life there is really strict... All the kids had to respect the schedule, but in my case, I was forced to stay inside my room without leaving.... While all the other kids go play outside, I was forced to stay inside and sometimes do chores. All the other kids were making fun of me because I'm albinos... What's funny about a girl with white hair and a pale skin who can't go outside and forced to do chores like a slave?! This is not fair! I have nobody to love me and nobody respect me or give me some attention! 

-Gekko: *gasp* This is bad indeed. No one deserves that treatment

-Luna Girl: Yeah.... I had enough of living like this, so one night, I ran away from this orphanage, it was hard living lonely and trying to hide from the security with riskes to got sent back to the orphanage, but once I found my luna magnet everything changed. I could get powers and an army of moths to follow me. 

-Gekko: Oh.... So that's how you became the villain of today, right?

-Luna Girl: Yeah.... 

-Gekko: You know, I can see what you really need deep down

-Luna Girl: And what is it? 

  At the moment she asked, Gekko slowly approached her and gently wraps his arms around her waists and hugged  her, "What you really need right now is love, a lots of love! ^^", the moon girl blushed in process. "Oh you silly lizard kid" she said as she softly kiss his cheek which makes him giggles and blush, and both cuddled for a hours as they bound became step by step bigger and stronger 

   But none of them noticed that behind them was hidding a spybot filming them... "Look at them together, after all it's Gekko she loves huh? " said Romeo as he watched the picture flimed by his spybot from his lab, "That boy should be me instead! 💢 You won't keep her for yourself for long Gekko, you won't be together after that, you'll see! " added jealously Romeo

To be continued

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