'So am I Harry, so am I.' I smile, and I kiss him. I want to take away this worry that he has. I want him to be able to tell me his feelings when he feels them, like I'm learning to do for him. I hope he knows how much I love him, and that I'll love him no matter what. His hands come up to cup my cheeks and I can't help but smile.

I rest my head on Harry's shoulder, and he leans back against the bedhead and we stay there in silence for a while. I'd like to stay here forever, in this world made for only Harry and I.


Harry and I walk in together when we arrive at the Brisbane venue, the Brisbane Entertainment Centre. I can tell various people from Harry's team are wondering why we walked in together and didn't come with everyone else. I don't even know what I'd say if they asked, so I'll hope they don't ask. I made sure we arrived early, but it seems everyone else is here early too.

I follow Harry to his green room, and shut the door behind us. Again, Harry is performing at the same venue he played at in Brisbane last tour, so the green room is almost just as I remember. Burnt orange walls, grey couches, various art and a vanity at the back.

'I'm going to get some work done and catch up with Charlotte and some of the others. Do you need anything?' I ask. Harry is always very low maintenance, but I always ask anyway.

'No, I'm alright. Have fun.' He responds, and kisses me quickly before I open the door and make my way back to the main area with everyone else, including Charlotte and Sarah, who both come up as soon as we spot each other.

'Sophie, oh my god! Tell us everything!' Charlotte excitedly says, while Sarah stands beside her and nods.

'No, you tell me first! Did you invite Mitch over?' I fire back. As much as I would like to hear it all, we definitely can't talk here. There are too many people around. Sarah, thinking the same thing as me, suggests we go back to their dressing room.

'Wait, let's talk in our room. I'm pretty sure the boys and Ny Oh went to go walk around the arena.'

'Yeah okay, and then you're telling us everything Charlotte!' We all walk off to the dressing room, and Sarah shuts the door behind us. This room is similar to Harry's but it's smaller. Considering five people have to fit in here, it's probably a bit of an unfair arrangement. Before I even get a chance to sit down, Charlotte starts grilling me.

'Wait Sophie..you're glowing! Oh my god..Sarah don't you think she's glowing?'

'Sophie, you really do look so happy.' Sarah smiles at me.

'Thanks..' I nervous laugh.

'..I am really happy. The house is beautiful, and it's just been lovely.' I'm trying not to gush about Harry, especially when Charlotte has her own news to share, but Harry makes it hard not to gush about him.

'No but you're actually glowing..like more than happy..wait. Oh my god! Did you and Harry..'

'Charlotte! Don't ask that!' Sarah cuts, laughing at my expense. This is not good at all. How the fuck do I get out of this one?

'Um..I'm just..really happy.' It's not a lie, but it's a diversion tactic and we all know it.

'Wow! Congrats! Happy for you.' Charlotte sarcastically winks, and starts laughing. Being so kind, Sarah is trying her best to not laugh, but she can't help it either.

'You two are so invasive!' I joke, laughing too. I'd rather that information not be exposed, but they know now. I can't beat them, so I might as well join them.

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