Hierophant meeting MC

Start from the beginning

MC spent their time reading the books and, by the time they were done, they said their goodbyes to Hierophant, promising to return tomorrow. The next night they performed the same ritual, finding themselves in the same vineyard once again. As soon as they went into the marble library they found the Hierophant idly examining some of the books on the shelf.

"Here," Hierophant said, gesturing to the table filled with various books, "These should help you get closer to the truth."

"Thank you," they said as they went to the desk and started reading. However, upon just reading the title, they realized that they've already read all of these books. That's strange, all of these are fictional books. The story in every book is quite similar, with the main focus being a corrupt leader and people standing up against them. How did any of these have anything to do with the plague?

"Is something the matter?" Hierophant asked.

"These are not the books about... science, nor medicine. These are all-"

"Fiction?" Hierophant interrupted them.


"Trust me," he said as he ruffled MC's hair," These may not be the books you wanted, but these are the books you need."

Every complaint that MC had up to that point was gone. Somehow, Hierophant's words soothed them and as soon as they left, they went back to reading all of the books. Who knows, maybe there is a talk about some strange cure in one of these stories? They took some of the papers that were on the table, writing anything that seemed noteworthy.

The next time MC visited him, they asked: "Is it true that you can do anything in your realm?"

"Well, I don't know what you mean by 'anything', but my realm is much different from yours. It doesn't bend to the rules of time and space that you are accustomed to," he explained, "So I suppose that you can do things that are otherwise impossible in your realm."

"I see... can I try?" after getting a small nod from Hierophant, they imagined a single page from one of the books in their shops. As soon as they closed their eyes, they felt it in their hands.

As soon as they opened their eyes, they showed Hierophant the paper, "What do you think?"

Hierophant stared at the ugly drawing, then looked back at MC. For some reason, he didn't want to offend the human, so he asked: "And what might this be?"

"This is a depiction of you from one of my books," they said, trying to suppress laughter.

"What?" he asked, mortified, as he snatched the sheet of paper out of MC hands, nearly tearing it. Is this how humans see him? What's with the horns? Why do they look so... so shabby?!? And what's with the fur? It looks so dirty and disgusting. He was deeply offended by this. The author should know that he takes extremely good care of it. Wait, why doesn't he have any clothes in the drawing? D I S G U S T I N G

MC burst into laughter as they watched Hierophant's mortified expression. After they've calmed down, they said: "That's why I was so surprised when I saw you. You look much better in person!" they laughed it off, not noticing how touched Hierophant was from the comment.

After a moment, MC became more serious, "Sir, does the cure for the plague even exist?" they looked at Hierophant, waiting for an answer.

"It does," he nodded," However, it might be a tad bit... difficult to obtain."

"So you know what the cure is?" they waited for a moment, then continued, "I know I might be asking much, but, could you please tell me what the cure is?"

Hierophant stared at MC for a moment, then at the grapes in the back that have started to turn blood red, "If I could, I would have told you already."

They wanted to ask what was preventing them from just saying it, but decided not to. They'll find a cure on their own. As soon as Hierophant went elsewhere MC went back into the marble library, picking up the notes they wrote the last time they were there, going back outside. They spent quite an amount of time attempting to make any type of potion or medicine that were described in the books.

Hierophant watched their attempts in their vineyard, sighing. MC still doesn't get it... He would have gone to take a glass of wine if he didn't feel a strange aura surround MC. He turned his gaze to them, as he remembered the painful truth. No... how did he forget... More than ever he wanted to walk to MC and just, just tell them: 'Kill the Count!' but as soon as he walked towards them the grass he stepped on, as well as the grapes, started to turn red. He stopped in his tracks, feeling hopeless.

MC saw the Hierophant stare at them, waving happily. They started walking towards them and as soon as they were in front of him, the grass and grapes have turned into their normal colours.

"I believe it was enough for today," they said with a smile, "I should go back and attempt to make all of these," they gestured at the bottles filled with various liquids, "At home."

"MC, wait," he tried to stop them.

"What is it, sir?"

"I have been thinking about it," he started talking, trying to come up with anything that would make them stay, "And I've decided. I want to offer you to stay in my realm," he stared at their confused expression for a moment, then continued, "Think about it, I don't give this offer to just anyone. Imagine all of the research you could do."

MC was silent for a moment, thinking about it thoroughly, "That offer is amazing," they finally said with a smile, "But I have to decline it. I'm sorry. There are just so many people that need my help. I can't just leave them like that. But don't worry sir. As soon as all of this is done, I'll pay you a visit, I promise."

He was silent for a moment, wanting to open his mouth to say something, but stopped. "Of course. See you soon, magician," he said as he gently patted their head, knowing that this will be the last time he'll see MC.

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