Haha... so turns out I gotta do one more Chapter before the end

Start from the beginning

during the Flight the Priest Gets in the Travel Path causing Emperio to aim them all for the Ocean

as Everyone begins to freak out Anasui Rationalizes that he may be fast, but he only has one stand and that it's Probably only above average Power-wise

as they sail past Kars uses his hair to Grab the cast away Body of weather and bring it toward them

"It's Night Time at the moment... I have to try this, even if it only Buys us a few Seconds!" he announces to everyone

reluctantly they agree it has to be done and Kars Turns Weathers Body into a Zombie

Anasui says that once the Zombie is taken care of Jotaro will have to use his ability to kill Pucci in stopped time

"This is all going to happen Quickly! The Timing is the most Important Part! Grasping the Timing is Crucial! and to do that, we need your Star Platinum. Alright...? Don't stop it 'Before' he hits me, do it 'after'...."

Jotaro states it's a good plan but he may still attack him first despite his statement earlier

Anasui states that it doesn't matter, his stand is inside Protecting everyone except for Kars, because... why risk your life absorbing the Damage of someone who's unkillable

Kars Drops the Zombified Weather onto Pucci as it shrieks his name

"EnRiCo PuCcI!!!!"

without hesitation the Zombie is obliterated at Insane speeds

that's when Kars realizes something...

During Pucci's first attack he made sure to Incapacitate him before attacking Jotaro

"Wait!" Kars calls out "Pucci's going to attack me First, he knows I can't die so He's just going to try and Take me out of the fight, and due to my more laid back attitude concerning Damage He'll do it easily, but He'll take less caution when Taking me out... meaning he'll attack me faster than it would take for him to attack anyone else... he's Trying to kill everyone except me. he just wants to stall me Long enough to do... something..."

"That Won't work" Anasui Responds "It's better if Dr. Kujo waits for me to be attacked to make his move, he'll probably just Gouge your eyes out and move one. Ever since I got out of Prison, I've managed to stay alive... If I can just stay alive, keep this trend... then I'll ask Jolyne to marry me." he gives off a sadistic chuckle ".....or, you know, something like that..."

"alright..." Jolyne butts in, Jotaro gives both the look Kars's has only seen in Bruno right before he Commit "Ari-cide" against someone who Hurt the Gang

"All right. Anasui, ask me.... I'm not saying this because I'm despairing over this situation. your Plan... it still has hope. It's not Darkness that Drives you... even if there's only one Path that we can take, if there's a hint of hope, then That's the right path."

Jotaro and Anasui are completely silent

"Awkward...." Kars thinks to himself

this sentiment is ruined by the fact that not only are they about to hit a rock... Pucci is on said rock...

Emperio Redirects the group one last time as they Splash into the water

everyone groups together ready to face down Pucci

Suddenly The sun rises and sets before rising again

Kars's watch begins Acting out

the tide begins to overtake them

suddenly an arm Jettisons out from Anasui's Chest

"Now! Stop Time--"

suddenly Time resumes as Jolyne is thrown aside, Jotaro in her Place

in a Moment, Pucci is upon him

"Two steps, you were late by Two steps.... The Joestar Bloodline Drew Strength From their Pride and courage to Conquer their fate.... BUT! The Weakness is also in their Blood. Jotaro Kujo... your Daughter is your weakness."

before anyone can even comprehend those words, Anasui falls into the ocean with a hole through his chest, Ermes loses both arms, Kars's Kneecaps and Tendons are Slit...

and Jotaro Kujo's face is Bisected

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ok... NOW onto the multiple endings....

oh yeah and after all three endings there'll be an announcement for a Possible Story connecting to this

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