I, Kars... uh... Karsovanna have a Passion

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2 years after the "Kira" Incident Kars is Pretty used to his life as a wandering Hobo.

he doesn't need to eat, sleep or even stay in a well temperature area to survive so his worldwide Exploration to try to find out who he was is going well.

he's become well acquainted with Josuke, Okayasu, Koichi and all of the other residence of Morioh.

he's gone from Japan to The Usa... back to Japan those are really the only Two places he knows how to get to without using an airplane...

and being an Unemployed, Homeless Nomad with no Citizenship or even ID doesn't really Rake in the cash.

he visits Jolyne who is now 8, every Sunday much to Joseph's and her moms disapproval.

Joseph:"If you ever bring her anywhere near a Church I will Hamon Beat you to a pulp..."

Jolyne:"Great Grandpa, You're 81. you can barely even remember your name..."



one day while in Japan he over hears Koichi on the phone.

why he was in Koichis house isn't important.

but apparently he's going to someplace called "Italy"

"Italy" Sounds pretty important to kars so he asks Koichi about it.

Kars:"OI KOICHI!!"


Kars:"Doesn't matter! I can take you to Italy for free!"

Koichi:"O-OK? Then lets go then..."

the two head to Napals, Italy with... Minimal Distractions.

when they get there they part ways.

Koichi is picked up by what kars can only assume is a Very Reliable Driver.

Driver:"HeEeEy your Italian is pretty good."

Kars:"Such a Reliable Driver for such a Reliable guy."

But kars doesn't know what he's doing to he ends up just wandering around until he comes across Koichi and the driver from before freaking out about something.

Kars:"What are you guys doing?"

Kars steps into a shadow.

Suddenly a figure bursts forth and grabs kars and rips his soul out.

"Will you be one who will be Chosen?"

Kars is helpless in his spectral form as an arrow bursts from the figures mouth and pierces Kars in the forehead.

the Kars EffectWhere stories live. Discover now