Don't take my man

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6 years have past

though those years Kars has tried to keep contact with Jolyne

but the combination of Mafia work and Stand Battles really makes that inconvenient

their weekly visits turn into monthly visits and eventually Annual Visits and then Finally just Visiting whenever Kars has time

all in all just a situation

also Kars has a better sense of direction

Meanwhile at a warehouse in Mexico

"Oi, we need to get these drugs to Italy Quick or the boss will be so sad!"

"You got it Hombre!"

suddenly a figure crashes through the roof slamming one of the thugs into the ground

Kars:"bip bip soy una oveja..."

he looks around

Kars:"Sorry, my Spanish isn't as Good..."

"Shoot this fool!"

they all pull out guns and fill Kars with Bullets

Kars:"Ok, we got off on the wrong foot... my name is Kars and I'm here to take out a Dangerous Stand user..."

they look at eachother before shooting him again

"¡Este monstruo no morirá! ¡debe ser el hijo del diablo, cada hombre por sí mismo!!"

they all run away

as they do one falls over an breaks his nose

as Kars looks around he hears weeping coming from the darkness

"Tha-That man was my Daughters Fiance.... now his nose will be Broken for his big day... such a shame!"

he begins weeping again

Kars:"Uh... is this a bad time?"

he begins sobbing even more

"My name is tristeza triste.... and you are?"

Kars:"Oh, you're actually the Stand user I have to deal with! my name is Kars."

Tristeza:"Kars? what a beautiful name!"

he cries even more

Kars:"Seriously, is this a bad time?"

as his tears soak the floor a Figure appears behind him

Tristeza"This is my Stando,『CHAOS CHAOS』and it will blow you away, you Bastardo!"

he charges at Kars as it punches him in the stomach

at first he feels nothing but suddenly a Hole is blown through his abdomen in the stuck area

Kars coughs up blood as the wound regenerates

he kneels down trying to catch his non essential Breath

Kars:"Yup.... your stand lets you deal more damage the more Emotionally Damaged you are..."

Tristeza:"si... now Perish!"

as he attacks Kars's phone begins ringing

Kars:"Hang on I gotta take this..."

he picks up the phone

Kars:"Ciao... uh huh? yep.... WAIT WHAT?! that doesn't sound like Jotaro..... I'll see what I can do..."

Tristeza:"Wh-Who was that?"

Kars:"I keep forgetting her name but she's the mother of my Friend, Jolyne.... apparently she was falsely accused of stealing a bike so now he's in Juvie, they want me to try and bail her out because another friend of mine named Jotaro isn't convinced she's being wrongly accused..."

Tristeza:"Tha... Thats so saaaaaaaaad!"

he grabs his eyes as he weeps

Kars:"So uh... can we just agree to hold this off for a bit, maybe just end it here with you promising to stop selling Drugs to Kids?"

Tristeza:"I... I..... I'll Try!!!!!!"

he falls to his knees full of sorrow

Kars:"You'd think that after 6 years of dealing with Stand users I'd get used to how Bizarre they can be..."

his arms shift into wings as he flies off toward Florida

as he lands he calls up Mista to have his money Transferred to his Credit card

Kars:"1000 Euros would do nicely... that comes to about.... $1090.80 in American..."

Mista:"that's like 15% of your Monthly earnings."

Kars:"Weird flex but ok."

Kars gets to the station and pays for bail

Kars:"Now I can only do this 2 more times... GioGio wants me to keep a low profile when I'm not in Italy."

Jolynes Mom:"Well.... thank you Kars, glad to see you become so Successful. I remember back when you were a half-Naked man in my Husbands clothes"

Kars:"Yeah... well bye Jolyne there's a guy from an insurgence that I need to... take care of..."

Jolyne:"Wait.... when will i see you again."

Kars:"Aw... I'm sure it won't be super long."


Kars:"So... sorry about that Jolyne.... there was just so many jobs I had to take and--"

Jolyne:"It's ok.... at least you tried to stay in my life, can't really be said about my Deadbeat dad."

Kars:"Oh come on, Jotaro is just trying to keep stand users from targeting.... you..... I've said to much!"

Jolyne:"OK, well are you sure you can't just get me out?"

Kars:"I told you, Passione doesn't have any power in the USA.... and GioGio wants me to keep a low profile so I can't just break you out.... plus, you're being Charged for Hit and Run. I'm sorry Jolyne, unless Giorno says so I can't help you..."

Jolyne:"At least you're doing more than my Dad did..."

"Alright... Visitor hours are over!" one of the Guards calls out

Kars leaves as he waves goodbye

Kars:"I'll try my best to get you out of here."

Jolyne:"Yeah Yeah... Yare Yare Dawa..."

Kars:"Geez she even has his catchphrase now?"

Kars solemnly flies back to Italy, back to his penthouse in Venice and tries to think of a plan

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