The Ultimate Gang-star

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6 months have past since Diavolo was defeated and Giorno took over the mafia...

Kars has lived those past Months in absolute luxury.

he's even ditched his old raggedy clothes in favour of a clean-cut Suit and tie.

Mista usually takes care of most of the work

as he relaxes some girl by the name of "Sheila. E" Pesters him about Illuso.

she was one of Diavolo's Body guards before Giorno took over.

but when Giorno came into power she immedietly swore loyalty to him

apparently she only joined the gang to try and assassinate Illuso, he killed her sister and she wanted revenge.

but Fugo killed him before she could....

Giorno reassured her that he met an agonizing end... said "He was dead the moment the fist connected, but I could tell as he melted away he regretted every decision he ever made, even your sister..."

Sheila:"So Rumors say you killed la Squadra, is that True? and if it is.... did you make Illuso suffer?"

Kars remembering what Giorno said "While I won't ask you to do anything you're uncomfortable with, I'd rather you say nothing than tell the truth..."

"Oh Will you look at the time" Kars excuses looking at his non-existent watch.

Sheila:"It's 11:06AM...."

Kars jumps off of his balcony and gets into his car before having his Chauffeur Drive off.

as he drives he calls Giorno

Giorno:"Buon Giorno, Giorno speaking..."

Kars:"Ciao, Bos-- GioGio... Y'know Sheila E? yeah she broke into my Penthouse again...."

Giorno:"I see..... Don't worry, Mista will be sending her on a mission soon, I guarantee that after that Mission she'll stop pestering you..."

Kars:"Well... what's the Mission?"

Giorno:"Just a bit of "Clean up" Y'know the drill..."

Kars:"OK, so assassination...."

Giorno:".... yes...."

Kars:"OK, well... Ciao GioGio..."

Giorno:"Before you go I want to ask you something...."

Kars:"Yes GioGio?"

Giorno:"Within these 6 months.... have Jotaro or the speedwagon foundation ever called you to spy on me?"

Kars:"No, whenever I go to Visit Jolyne or my Friends in Morioh if Jotaro is there he's usually Quiet."

Giorno:"OK, good... because there's something else..."

Kars:"What is it?"

Giorno:"The assassination has a second goal.... to receive a stone mask... one of your Stone masks... we believe the leader of the Drug team is seeking to obtain it and use it."

Kars:"That is pretty big..."

Giorno:"Yeah so I was planning to have my representative within the assassination team destroy it... I'm unable to do it myself... due to my history with it."

Kars:"Well.... I don't know what to say...."

Giorno:"I'm sorry Kars.... The Mask is far to much of a hazard toward the gang. if I don't destroy it someone might use it to try and overthrow me... Ciao Kars..."

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