Chapter 2: Alone

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Brittany's POV:

Lily's gone.. I'm all by myself.. once the doctors told me the news I started getting overcome by grief. I knew if I got too stressed and riled up, something may happen to my heart, but at that point, I didn't care.

I'm the middle of my breakdown, Dr. Fabray left. Leaving me with the beautiful Latina. I'm still struggling and screaming and she tries to calm me down. After a couple of failed attempts she just picks me up and carries me to the couch where she just holds me. I stopped struggling but the tears won't stop coming so I just bury my face in her neck. She is rubbing my back and singing softly into my ear. She's an amazing singer. Even though I'm still crying it's starting to calm down.

Eventually, I start drifting off to sleep. I'm not crying anymore. Dr. Lopez gets up and carries me to the bed. I don't want her to leave. So as she puts me down I grab her top.

"Don't leave me." I whisper to her.

"Okay." She climbs next to me and I immediately snuggle up to her. And I fall asleep instantly.

2 hours later

I hear some sort of beeping. I open one eye and see Dr. Lopez looking at it.

"Shit." She whispers to herself. I didn't let her know I was awake.

She sighs. "I'll be back Brittany. Just.. stay asleep." She whispers to my "sleeping" form. She very carefully gets up and leaves the room, but not before I hear her tell a nurse "if anything happens with her, page me." She orders.

"Alright. Go save some lives Santana." The nurse says

"Thanks Kurt." And with that she walks off.

Santana. I thought to myself. That's pretty.

Santana's POV:

I got a page. And I quickly but carefully left Brittany's room hopefully without waking her and telling Kurt to page me if anything happens. I arrive in OR-3 and scrub in.

"What happened?" I order while Tina gets me into my sterile gloves, gown, and scrub cap.

"Heart valve rupture. We needed your careful hands." Dr. Hudson, a general surgeon, explained.

"Okay Finnocence. I'll show you how it's done." I say in playful banter.

I'm only ever really happy in the OR.

"Alright Satan. Let's do this." I liked Finn he was really cool.

~ 1hour later.

I was finishing up repairing the valve. And I decided to make small talk.

"So, Finn, how's it going with the dwarf?"

Everyone giggles

"Rachel is great. She's agreed to move in with me. He says proudly.

"I'm happy for you Finny-Boy. She may be the most annoying thing on the planet and she doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut, but I see she makes you happy. So, I wish you luck." I say and everyone claps for him.

"But Frankenteen, I swear to God, if you are one of those cutesy couples that go around giving eskimo kisses and everything. I will personally shove my foot far up your ass." I warn.

Of course I'm just kidding, but he doesn't need to know that. He looks away frightened.

"Okay, I'm done here. Do you need anything else?" Hoping he'll say no so I can check on Brittany.

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