Chapter 12: A Shot in the Dark

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Santana's POV:

Brittany and I have watched about 4 movies. Right now we are watching some Disney movie that I can't remember the name of at the moment because I'm staring at a smiling Brittany, swaying along to what ever song is playing. She glances at me and her smile widens.

"What?" She giggles. I shrug and smile at her.

"You're adorable." I tell her with a cheeky smile.

She blushes and looks down. I tilt her head up to look at me. I smile and lean in to press my lips to hers. We both instantly forget about the movie as she starts pushing me down and laying on top of me. I run my hand up her shirt and she gasps into the kiss, I take advantage of her gasp and push my tongue through her lips to explore her mouth. She doesn't resist and I begin to pull off her shirt when my pager goes off.

Brittany groans and rolls off of me. I look to see a 911 for one of my transplant patients.

"Shit.. I gotta go. Just relax here and do whatever." I tell her as I give her a small peck on the lips as I get my coat on.

"Okay." She says and walks away

"Where are you going?" I ask

"To take a cold shower!" She yells back

I just laugh and exit my pent house.

~ at the hospital. 2 hours later.

I scrub out of the OR. Apparently my patient was rejecting his donor heart. I sigh add I exit the OR was walking through the halls when I open the elevator to see one of the residents laying in a pool of blood. I almost scream and page for someone as I put pressure on the newly found bullet hole in his side. After 10 minutes, I lose him. So I close his eyes and get up, crying. What the hell happened? Quinn runs by crying and dragging Rachel behind her, but they stop when they see me.

"Santana! You're okay! Come on we need to get out of here!" Quinn says quietly, but panicked as she pulls me into a patient room.

"What's going on?" The patient asks.

"Okay Lea." Quinn tells the patient, still crying. "There is a shooter in the hospital. We need you to stay calm and quiet."

"What?" I whisper yell.

"The Chief is handling it. No one in the hospital, no one out. The SWAT team is on the way." Rachel tells me.

"Brittany.." I whisper

"San, is she here?" Quinn asks panicked.

I shake my head no. She sighs in relief. "We'll be okay Santana. You'll see her again."

I look at the patient who is frozen in shock. "Hey, Lea right?" She nods. "I'm Santana. It's hella scary right now, but I need you to stay calm. Can you do that for me?" She nods again. "Good." I turn back around to see Rachel in Quinn's arms. Rachel is crying and Quinn is whispering in her ear and kissing her head and- wait. Kissing her head. That's when everthing makes sense.

"It was you." I say to Rachel.

"Huh?" Rachel asks looking up

"When I heard Q in the on call room. You were with her."

"I- uh.." Quinn starts.

I just laugh a little. "How did I not see this before. Oh wait that's because you-" I pont to Rachel. "-have a boyfriend who you're moving in with. And you-" I point to Quinn "-always make a clear point of how you're not gay. And don't give me that 'it just kinda happened' crap."

"This is really not the time for this S. But I'm sorry I lied. I've been with Rachel for 3 months." She confessed.

"3 months... how the hell did you hide this from me for 3 months.." I ponder. "I gotta give you props Q. I'm impressed." I give her a small smile.

"Ok now I'm really confused.." Quinn says.

"Look, I'm pissed that you lied to me. Especially because I'm definitely in no place to judge. I mean come on, I'm, kind of, dating my patient." I laugh

"What? Your patient?" Rachel explains.

"Shut it Hobbit!" I snap which earns me a glare from Quinn. I roll my eyes and continue. "I actually kinda dig this relationship. But you-" I turn my attention to Rachel. "-need to break it off with Finn. He's a good guy."

"I know.." She confesses.

"Ok.." I sigh. "With that out of the way, what are we gonna do?"

They shrug.

"Well I have a plan.. I am gonna go floor to floor and put people in locked rooms and you stay here and protect her." I pause. "And each other."

"No Santana. We can't just let you go out with a killer on the loose!" Quinn exlclaims.

"Yes you can. And you will. It's a lot easier to hide if there are less of us. If he comes. You can make Lea look dead and you two can hide. Okay?"

Quinn just runs up and hugs me tightly. "Be careful." She whispers.

"Look who you're talking to Q." I smile holding back tears. "The biggest bitch in Lima right? No one can take me down."

She laughs and lets me go.

I turn back to see Quinn now I'm Rachel's arms crying. "I love you Q." I say as I close the door.

I creep down the hallway, hiding in every corner I can. I can't hear or see anything. Eventually I find Tina, crying in a corner. "Hey.." I call out quietly.

"Santana!" She whispers in relief. "So many people are dead Santana." She cries on my shoulder.

"I know sweetie. Come on." I pull her up. I find a janitors closet and throw her in. "Stay." I order. She nods and I leave. Finding 19 more people and locking about 30 patient doors.

I exit one room and begin going across the bridge when a man comes into view.


"Hey" Sam smirks deviously.

I look down to see him raising his gun.

"Sam whatever you have against me, shouldn't be taken out on all of these people."

"I-I didn't mean to kill them.." he looks down. Maybe I'm getting to him.

"I know.. just me. It's okay." I lie.

"How is it okay?" I've killed so many people today." He says as a tear falls.

"You made a mistake. Your human. We all do it." I say in an attempt to calm him down.

"But I-"

"No buts." I start. "You are a man who made a mistake. But you can fix it. Put the gun down and we'll talk. People seem to forget that other's have feelings too. You made a mistake. But you can fix it. You can fix it right now by putting the gun down, and talking to me." He starts lowering the gun to his side.

"Dr. Lopez! You're okay!" At that moment everything goes in slow motion. I turn around to see Marley. I motion for her to leave. I turn back to Sam to see his gun raised again.

I hear a loud bang and everything goes black. Brittany being the last thing on my mind.

A/N I know I know! Huge cliffhanger! But ill update soon! Love you guys! Tell me what you think?

Will Santana live?

How will Brittany react?

Will Marley live

How about that Faberry huh?

Will Sam get caught?

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