Chapter 2: 'On The Train To Monchel'

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Once Desmond had closed the first class railway carriage door behind him, he already knew he was stuck.
There were people everywhere, from the hallways of the carriage and the compartments to the rear balcony of the train.
Desmond: "Nngh... How does my brother do all of this without failure?"
Luke: "Don't worry, I know how as well! Just calm down and take a deep breath, there's bound to be someone who'd know SOMETHING!"
Desmond: "You're right. Come on, let's go."
They started asking questions to people, but to no avail. They just wanted them to solve their puzzles for them, since they recognised Luke, but thought that Professor Sycamore was trying to steal Professor Layton's identity.
Eventually, they gave up because nobody could help.
Desmond: "How will I do this...? Nobody trusts us enough to talk to us...!"
Luke: "It's alright, Professor Sycamore! The Professor believes in you. It's up to us to help him, so don't give up!"
Desmond took a deep breath in annoyance, then calmed down.
Desmond: "You're right... I should stop whining. Come on."
They walked to the next compartment, and gasped to see no one was there.
???: "This and the next carriage are the lowest class of the whole train. The people who can barely pay for this compartment come here. You and your friends are extremely lucky to get first class."
Desmond: "Huh?!"
???: "Of course, they aren't poor. The lowest class is still extremely expensive. However, they aren't as important as the people on the other carriages of the train."
They both turned around and saw the butler. He waved as the doors shut on their own.
Desmond: "H-Hey! Hey, come back here!"
Once he opened the doors, no one was there. Only the people he had last spoken to.
He closed them again in astonishment.
Desmond: "That man... Is hiding something... I need to speak to him!"
Luke: "Professor Sycamore, please! Let's first examine these two low class carriages and then we'll try and find him!"
Desmond: "But no one is in here... Let's just go to the rooms."
They knocked on the doors, but no one was present.
Desmond: "Ugh... No one is here. Let's just go to the next compartment."
He went to the last one, and still it all looked the same, with no one around.
They knocked on the doors, and still, no one was in their rooms.
Desmond: "One last door. Maybe we'll have some luck..."
He knocked on it, and gasped when a young lady started talking.
???: "Come in!"
Luke: "Finally!"
They went inside, and saw a girl with round glasses, wearing an extremely oversized orange sweater, and a slightly lighter orange skirt from underneath.
She looked up and frowned.
Flora: "Before you say anything... I don't care. I'm coming with you all. I want to find my father."
Luke: "F-Flora?! How did you get in here?!"
Flora: "I escaped from the police department...! They wanted to send me to an orphanage because I didn't have anymore family members that could look after me a-and...! I couldn't allow it!"
She got up as she fixed her sweater.
Flora: "I don't want papa Hershel to be in trouble. I need to find him!"
Luke: "It'll be alright, Flora! I promise! The Professor will be just fine! He's strong, I'm sure he can hold back for until we finally find him!"
Desmond: "Wait... My brother is your father...?"
Flora: "Hm?"
Flora gasped when she saw Professor Sycamore.
Flora: "Oh... Who are you, sir?"
Desmond: "Oh, dear, I'm so rude... My name is Desmond Sycamore. I'm Hershel Layton's older brother. I'm also here to look for him."
Flora: "Oh, well, it's a pleasure or meet you! Yes, the Professor is my father."
Desmond: "I've missed a lot, haven't I?"
Flora: "Not really... He has just been studying archaeology this past year... He hasn't been leaving his room... Nothing."
Desmond: "Really? So what they said really is true... Please, come with us to the first class compartment. Tell us what you know there."
Flora: "Okay..."
*Flora Layton is following you!*
Desmond: "I say we head over to the first class compartment before we do anything else."
Luke: "I think so too. Flora, you need to tell us everything you know..."
Flora: "Don't worry, Luke! I will!"
The three of them went back over to their compartment, and were shocked to see that no one was there.
Desmond: "What the... H-Hell?! Ugh, I told them not to leave!"
Luke: "Calm down, Professor Sycamore! They've probably gone to eat. After all, this IS going to be a long journey."
Desmond: "I know! It's just that-!"
Desmond flinched, but calmed his nerves.
Desmond: "Forgive me, Triton... I'm just stressed... I just hope my brother is okay and not hurt..."
Luke: "I'm sure the Professor will be fine!"
Desmond: "I really hope so..."
They both went over to the dining part of the train, which was right after the lowest class compartment, only to find Randall drinking tea and Leon drinking whiskey on one of the tables.
Desmond: "You two! What are you doing here?! And Bronev, is that whiskey?!"
Leon: "We're on a fancy, first class train and everything we get is free - You should be surprised if we DIDN'T get anything."
Randall: "Who's this?"
They all turned to Flora.
Desmond: "Oh, it's Hershel's daughter - Flora."
Once Desmond said that, Randall choked on his tea.
Randall: "Excuse me, his what?"
Desmond: "His daughter."
Randall chuckled as he put his cup down.
Randall: "Hershel, one of my dearest childhood friends - My best friend in high school - has a daughter? And didn't even tell me, Alphonse, Angela or Henry about it? But why?!"
Desmond: "I wish I knew-"
Flora: "Wait... Is your name Randall? Randall Ascot?"
Randall: "How did you know?"
Flora: "O-Oh... My father has told me so many things about you... So... You really don't know...? Oh, dear..."
Randall: "Young Flora, what are you talking about?"
Flora: "I suppose I have got no choice but to tell you... But I'll have to bring the others as well. The only thing I'll tell you is that... The news I'll tell you isn't good."
Randall's heart dropped, not knowing what to say. He was way too eager to learn about what was wrong with his old friend.
Randall: "Where is Angela, Henry and Alphonse?!"
Leon: "I saw them heading to the rear balcony, so they're that way."
Randall immediately got up, almost spilling his tea.
Randall: "Well, what are we waiting for?! I need to know what's wrong with Hershel!"
Leon sighed deeply and rolled his eyes as he let go of his glass of alcohol and got up.
Leon: "Fucking christ... I'm getting too old for this..."
They left the dining carriage and went to the last carriage that was on the train.
Randall: "Maybe they went outside to get some fresh air."
Desmond: "Indeed, they did. Look."
Randall opened the door and they all entered the rear balcony. As expected, Henry, Angela and Alphonse were sitting down and enjoying the view while they still could.
Randall: "All of you! What are you doing here?!"
Henry: "Isn't it obvious?"
Randall: "Hershel is missing and you're just relaxing?! How disrespectful!"
Angela: "Calm down, Randall! Afterall, this is going to be quite the journey!"
Randall: "I-I know that! But-!"
Henry: "Besides, while you and Bronev were busy with your drinks, we did some investigating of our own. And we found something quite obvious, yet very unsettling."
Desmond: "Please, explain. And let's stay out here. I bet that Butler would be listening in if we went back to our compartments."
Henry: "To be honest, that's what we want to talk about - The butler. He dropped something. Look."
He opened his hand, only to reveal a red, shiny monocle.
Henry: "Seems familiar, doesn't it?"
Randall: "The... The monocle! But I had it in my zipped up pocket the whole time!"
He checked inside all of his pockets - Nothing. He even checked for holes it could've fallen out of, still nothing.
Desmond: "Where did you find it?"
Henry: "The butler accidentally dropped it. He must've stolen it from Randall. Whatever this thing does, that 'Edward' and 'Dejected Miracle' the butler keeps talking about want it."
Randall: "We simply cannot let them get to it!"
Angela: "I bet that's the reason as to why they kidnapped Hershel... They want this monocle. We're next, since they know we've got what they want."
Desmond: "Well, they can't have it! And I'm going to get my brother back, no matter what! He's all I've got left!"
Leon: "What about me, breadhair?"
Desmond gasped at the insult, realising that he was right on the inside. Meanwhile, Alphonse patted Leon's back as they both started laughing aggressively at the joke.
Alphonse: "I'm terribly sorry for laughing, but it's true!"
Leon: "See, my boy? Someone gets it."
Desmond: "How dare you insult my hair like that! At least I'm more organised than you! And why would I choose you to be back in my life after all of the things you've done?! My brother is the most dependable! At least he didn't do anything bad to make me hate him!"
Leon snarled as he looked away and crossed his arms. He immediately started sulking in the corner and let the others talk again.
Randall: "A-Anyways--Let's put this monocle away for safe keeping. We need to hide it, but let someone have it in their hands and protect it at all costs."
Flora: "I'll do it."
Angela: "Young Flora, I think the adults should deal with this-"
Flora: "No! I know how it works! I studied it with the book the Professor found because he kept using it! I got worried and it caused nothing but chaos, so I stole his book and notes and read about it!"
Leon's head perked up and seemed interested.
Leon: "What does it do?"
Flora: "It is called the Bereft Monocle. It only works on people who are genuinely sad, and have been through nothing but despair their whole life. For example... Losing loved ones... People going against that certain person... Feeling alone for too long... It only works on those kinds of people. That's why it is. called 'The Bereft Monocle'."
Leon: "Did it work when he used it?"
Flora flinched when he asked that question, and everyone stared at her, asking themselves the exact same question.
Flora: "U-Unfortunately, yes..."
They all sighed in disappointment, looking back at the monocle.
Flora took it out of Henry's hand gently and covered it with her other hand, then sighed.
Flora: "He got way too obsessed with it... He used it every day. I don't know why, but I kept hearing voices coming from his room... A female one... Or... Even yours sometimes. Every time was the same. I would open the door to see who he was talking to, but no one was ever there. The female's name was... Claire, I believe."
Angela: "Claire? Does Hershel have a lover?"
Flora: "Yes, that was his lover. She was a scientist, just like the Professor, but not an archeologist. Unfortunately, she died from one of her experiments, which probably pushed my father over the edge. To make things worse, which angered him even more, was that Bill Hawks, our prime minister, was to blame for it. He wasn't charged with anything. My father hates him... He took his lover away from him, and nothing ever happened to him.
Henry: "Oh dear... Poor Hershel..."
Something was on Henry's mind, and it was obvious.
Angela: "Are you alright, dear? You look worried."
Henry: "H-Huh? No. No! No, I'm fine!"
Angela took his hand.
Angela: "This is a serious matter, if you have anything on your mind, you should tell us."
From a worried expression on his face, he suddenly chuckled and completely changed. He smiled sweetly and genuinely looked alright again.
Henry: "No, it's nothing. Nothing related to this. Besides, it's not even a bad thing!"
Angela: "If you say so..."
He chuckled nervously as he looked back.
Randall, on the other hand, looked jealous.
Randall: "Hershel had a lover, huh..."
He looked away and fixed his glasses.
Randall: "Ehehe... I'm not surprised at all... After all, he is quite the guy..."
He giggled to himself, daydreaming.
Desmond looked at him and looked suspicious, then the others followed.
Angela: "Looks like someone has got a little crush on Hershel!"
Randall immediately snapped back into reality, realising that he was fantasising about his friend.
Randall: "P-Pardon?! I most certainly do not!"
Angela giggled, while Alphonse was laughing loudly beside him.
Angela: "I'm sure you don't!"
Henry looked nervous again, especially with the last thing Randall had said.
Leon: "Mr. Ledore, are you feeling alright? You've gone pale again."
Henry: "O-Oh? No... No, I'm okay!"
Randall: "Anyways, enough about me having a crush on Hershel, because I do NOT! Besides, we've got to focus on finding him! He's in trouble!"
Angela smiled as she leaned over to Henry. Meanwhile, Randall made room for everyone to sit.
She started whispering to him.
Angela: "He definetly has a crush on him. You can see right through him because he stutters whenever he lies."
Henry: "Definetly!"
Randall: "I heard that!"
Angela laughed again.
Angela: "Sorry, sorry~"
Desmond: "Back to my brother - Flora, you said you had something to tell us back in the dining cart. What was it?"
Flora flinched, then sighed deeply.
Flora: "Each time the Professor saw a photo of any of you... Or... Saw anything that reminded him of you... He would snap and start mumbling your names and how you all hurt him... That's how I know you all. He didn't tell me a lot about you. However, Luke told me about what you all did..."
From relief, their faces turned serious again... worried.
Randall: "Wh-What?"
Flora: "He said that Angela, Henry, Alphonse and Randall abandoned him... Mr. Randall, Mr. Leon and Mr. Desmond hurt him deeply... Some other people who I know hurt him... His lover died... He... He felt alone all the time..."
She started crying.
Flora: "Luke left and I was left home with my depressed and abusive father...! I loved him and I desperately wanted to help him...! But nothing worked!"
She started sobbing loudly, rethinking everything.
Flora: "He said he wanted you all back, but I honestly don't know why! It's all your fault my papa is so sad...! I tried everything! I did the housework! I got him gifts! I comforted him when none of you were there to do it! I got rid of everything which reminded him of you! My word, I even stayed wide awake all night to watch him sleep in case he started crying or screaming in his sleep again!"
She covered her face as she cried, and Luke hugged her.
Luke: "The Professor will be alright! I promise! It'll all be over! Why didn't you tell us?!"
Flora: "I-I was going to, but papa caught me dialing Mr. Randall's phone number and stopped me! He hates you all so much he threw all of your contact numbers away! He doesn't want anything to do with any of you anymore!"
Henry: "Oh my god..."
She suddenly snapped at them, and pushed Luke away.
Luke: "F-Flora! Calm down!"
Desmond: "S-Severely depressed?! Hershel is-?! What are you talking about?!"
Flora snarled at him.
She took a deep breath.
Flora: "Especially you, Ascot and Sycamore. You were the ones he was crying the most about."
Randall and Desmond gasped and everyone's eyes darted at them both.
Their hearts dropped as she said that.
Randall: "He almost... K-Killed...? A-And mostly because of me and... This brat?!"
He couldn't even say the words. He simply covered his mouth and just the thought that his old friend almost died because of him had completely shaken him. Meanwhile, Desmond ignored his insult and removed his glasses, then rubbed his eyes, fighting back his tears.
Desmond: "My word, I'm such an idiot... I didn't even realise..."
He eventually burst into tears and covered his entire fact, trying to hide it.
Leon, on the other hand, seemed very calm with the whole situation. But he patted his son's back, trying to calm him down.
Leon: "It's alright, don't worry about it."
Desmond, shaking his head in tears: "It's not okay...!"
She burst into tears again and fell down, then Angela got up in a hurry.
Flora: "I'm so sorry...! I have just felt so stressed...! And now this...! I can't take it anymore...!"
Angela: "It's okay, dear, we'll find him and help him, I promise... Come on, let's go to the restroom to splash your face with cold water, shan't we?"
Flora nodded as the two girls of the group rushed back inside the train.
The boys looked at each other in disbelief, and it was the first time that Leon actually looked extremely worried, for a change.
Leon: "So... He-?"
Desmond: "Damn right he did!"
He turned his head to Leon and snarled at him.
Desmond: "Thanks to us, he's going through something I can't even imagine!"
He facepalmed before taking a deep breath.
Desmond: "Stupid man...! I should've taken care of him better...! I should've kept him, not give him away...! Otherwise this wouldn't have happened...!"
Leon: "Starting from the age of six he went through horrible trauma, continuing to this day... Depressed for so many months... Was in hospital for days on end... And then got kidnapped. This is all simply too suspicious. It seems that that the Mastermind was planning on capturing him when he was at his lowest, and finally got his chance. He probably set all of this up for him."
He looked up and saw Desmond tearing up again, fixing his glasses and pretending he was fine.
Meanwhile, Henry was looking down, ashamed of himself. Alphonse had his phone in his hand, with Hershel's number dialed in it, very willing to call him for a reaction, but was ready to snap it in half. Luke was still extremely young, but understood what Flora meant. He was shaken at the fact that his best friend ever since he was just seven almost died. Randall was looking out, sobbing quietly.
Without a second thought, Professor Sycamore pointed his hand towards Bronev, and couldn't hold it in any longer.
Desmond: "It was you, wasn't it?! You're the mastermind! You're untrustworthy! You probably took him for your next little game, and we're next! You were expecting us all to come, weren't you?!"
Bronev looked up in disbelief.
Leon: "How could you just say something as obscured as that?!"
Leon gritted his teeth.
Leon: "Don't mention your mother in any of this...! And how about you try connecting dots instead of accusing someone you don't trust without any evidence at fucking all?!"
Desmond chuckled in despair.
Desmond: "That man who spoke on that screen... It's just another worker of yours, isn't it, TARGENT?!"
Leon rolled his eyes at him.
Leon: "I'm embarrassed that I have to call you my son sometimes."
Desmond: "That's rich, coming from you!"
Randall: "Both of you idiots, fucking stop already!"
Des and Leon: "Huh?!"
They turned around to see Randall's crying face.
Randall: "Don't you both understand?! This is what the mastermind wants! They want us to accuse each other, just so they can waste our precious time when we must use it wisely to find our old friend!"
Leon and Desmond looked at each other, then sighed.
Desmond: "He's right... We can't keep fighting and accusing each other like this."
Leon nodded in agreement.
Leon: "Look at us... Our youngest family member tried killing himself and just got kidnapped... And here we are fighting. We really are pathetic."
Randall scoffed at them and shook his head.
Randall: "No wonder he hates us... Look at us! We're nothing but trouble to him!"
Henry and Alphonse got up, then comforted him and he cried while looking outside again.
Henry: "Don't cry, Master Randall... We'll find him. He'll talk to us. We'll all be okay in the end."
Randall: "But what if the worst comes to the worst?! What if-?! What if he gets killed?! What if they brainwash him to do something horrible to the world-?! Wh-what if-...?!"
Ideas started rushing through his head and pulled his hair in stress.
Alphonse patted his head and Henry removed his hands off his head.
Alphonse: "Don't assume things so easily! He's not dead!"
He wiped his tears off his face and took a deep breath.
Randall: "I'm terribly sorry for breaking down like that... This has all happened so unexpectedly and... The fact that our old friend isn't safe disturbs me... What if he's lying down wounded scared and in pain crying as we speak?! I can't have that! I need to bring him back before it's too late!"
He calmed down again and headed back inside.
Randall: "I... I'm going to the dining hall. I'm hungry. If any of you want to join me, come along."
Luke: "I'll come."
Randall: "O-Oh. Of course, Triton."
They both went inside, and shut the doors behind them.
Once they arrived to the dining cart, they took a seat and Randall started speaking.
Randall: "Triton... I know we met in a... Horrible, horrible way... But I'm not a bad person! I hope you don't think badly of me..."
Luke: "No, no! It's fine! I remember you when we all spent time together. The Professor seemed so happy to be with you all again. It was all just a huge misunderstanding, you didn't know! However... It is still partially your fault the Professor is like this, and it's your job to make him happy again!"
Randall nodded.
Randall: "Of course... Thank you so much..."
Luke smiled as they both got their orders ready.
Meanwhile, Desmond got his pen and notebook out.
His hand trembled and couldn't write anything of what he had discovered down.
Desmond: "Th-The Professor... Layton... My younger brother... I-I... I can't write it... I can't write it down..."
Leon: "I can write it if you want."
Desmond: "O-Of course you can..."
He handed the items over.
Desmond: "Your heart is made of nothing but ice, after all... You don't care about your children..."
Leon chuckled as he wrote down everything, mainly about the monocle disappearing.
Leon: "I take that as a compliment."
He handed them back and Desmond checked the notes for anything suspicious, then put it away.
Desmond: "I suppose I'll go eat as well... And don't flatter yourself, so be useful for something and check on Mrs. Ledore and crying Flora, won't you? You need mine and everyone's trust if you want to stay..."
Leon: "Do I seriously have to...? Won't it be a little bit creepy for a 65 year old man to go into the women's rest room to check up on a girl that I don't know at all and could literally be my granddaughter?"
Desmond gritted his teeth.
Desmond: "That's because she IS your granddaughter, smartass...!"
Leon flinched.
Leon: "... Shit. I forgot about that."
Desmond: "Sure you did. Now go. Meet us at the dining cart once you're done."
Leon snarled as he got back in the train.
Desmond: "Dalston, Ledore, let's go check up on Ascot and Triton."
Henry: "Of course."
They both got up and followed Desmond to the dining cart.
Once they had arrived, Luke was nowhere to be seen, and Randall was eating while staring out of the window miserably.
Henry: "Master Randall-"
Randall: "What?"
It was the first time he was this cold towards someone. He felt guilty - Like he couldn't accept the fact this was all partially his fault.
Henry sat beside him then patted his back awkwardly.
Henry: "You're tired. Come on, let's take you back to your compartment once you've eaten so you can sleep. You need it."
Randall: "Hershel is more important than my sleeping schedule."
Henry: "I-I know, but-! This is going to be a very long journey! We're going to be on this train for at least another three hours! So spend at least one of those hours sleeping!"
Desmond: "He's right, Ascot. We all need to rest. Something tells me we're going to be in quite a fight."
Randall looked at him and sighed as he put his fork down.
Randall: "Fine, fine... I will."
Henry smiled as he got up.
Henry: "Good! And don't worry - Everything's going to be okay in the end."
Randall chuckled at him.
Randall: "I was always the one to encourage people to feel better. And look at you now - I'm happy you're getting more confident, Henry."
Henry: "Eh? Thank you..."
Suddenly, the doors opened and the ladies as well as Leon entered.
Flora had calmed down, and Angela held her in case she fell from bursting into tears again.
Angela: "She's alright now - I'm just going to take her to Luke's compartment so she can sleep. She's stressed."
She giggled sweetly.
Angela: "In fact, I need to go rest myself. I'm exhausted from all of... This."
Henry and Al: "We'll come with you!"
Randall: "A-And me..."
Randall shot up from his chair.
Randall: "I'll come too."
Angela: "Oh, well, Sycamore, Bronev, we'll be in our compartments if you need us."
Desmond: "Wait... Something's not right... Where's Luke?"
Randall: "He went to sleep. Don't worry."
Desmond: "Oh... Thank goodness... I don't want to lose anyone during this investigation."
Leon: "Well, I suppose we better hit the sack. I have a peeking suspicion that your brother will be far from easy to find."
Desmond: "Yes, you're right. Let's go."
As they were walking back, they felt like something was watching them the entire way.
They felt extremely uncomfortable, but safe again once they had finally arrived back into their compartments.
Not even 5 minutes after they had arrived, the butler came in Sycamore's and Bronev's compartment - Almost like he knew that they had just entered.
He was holding a tray with two cups of tea on it, which made them both suspicious.
???: "Tea before you rest, gentlemen?"
Desmond: "How did you know-?"
???: "I saw you all enter and I simply could not help but listen in on your conversation about going to sleep. Forgive me for eavesdropping, I was simply too invested in it. Also, I gave the other guests some, as well. They seemed to enjoy it."
Desmond: "Really? Well, thank you."
The unknown butler nodded his head as he left their room. Leon, however, didn't trust the tea. He covered Desmond's tea cup before he even got the chance to drink it.
Leon: "Don't drink it."
Desmond: "Huh?"
Leon: "Are you dumb?! Don't drink something an untrustworthy man gave you!"
Desmond: "I don't trust you, either. Why should I listen to you?"
Leon: "Are you... Serious? Because what I just said is fucking logical, that's why! Holy shit, I thought I raised you better than this, boy!"
Desmond raised his once eyebrow at him.
Desmond: "Fine. If I drink this and something happens to me, which I highly doubt since they want us to be awake and well to play their sick game - You will gain some of my trust. Deal?"
Leon gave it some thought.
Leon: "Whatever. But don't you dare blame me or say I didn't warn you if something happens to you."
Desmond smiled as he drank it, then some seconds passed.
Desmond: "See? Nothing."
He even got more comfortable and took off his shoes.
Desmond: "Still nothing. I feel fine!"
Leon: "You really feel fine?"
Desmond: "Yes, actually."
Leon: "Well, I'm still not drinking it. I still do not trust it."
Desmond: "If that's what you want."
They heard laughing coming from the other room - Mainly Angela's because of her high pitched voice.
Leon: "Huh... I suppose it isn't drugged."
Sycamore noticed his suitcase and picked it up.
Desmond: "I'll go and put this up."
He got up and put his luggage onto the rack above him.
He sighed, but felt dizziness go through his entire body.
Leon: "I hope your brother is okay... What do you think might happen once we arrive?"
He looked at his son and got startled once he saw him weak, almost kneeling over with his one hand gripping onto the sofa.
Leon: "Desmond, son?"
Desmond: "Ugh... What's going on?"
Leon quickly shot up and gave him a piggyback.
Leon: "Don't worry - I've got you! What's wrong?!"
Desmond: "I don't know - I felt fine... I just got dizzy after I got up... I've got a severe headache..."
The Professor gripped himself onto Leon and closed his eyes.
Desmond: "Gh... You were right. I was being stupid and wanted to annoy you... Something really was in that tea..."
Leon: "The butler said that the others seemed to enjoy it... That means they drank it..."
He repeated what he had just said in his mind, then gasped.
Leon: "Shit, that means they were fucking idiots like you and drank it!"
He tried getting a response from his son, but to no avail.
Leon: "Hey, hey! Wake up! Wake up, boy!"
Once he realised Desmond wasn't going to wake up anytime soon, he went into the other compartments.
He saw Flora and Luke completely passed out on the couches, and couldn't wake up no matter what he did.
Leon: "Triton! Granddaughter, wake up! What's wrong?!"
He saw their cups and they were both empty.
Leon: "Shit...! What was in that tea?!"
He went into the Ledore's, Ascot's and Dalston's compartment only to find them all passed out as well. He quickly shook them, trying to get a reaction.
Leon: "Did you all drink that tea?! How are you all so idiotic?!"
He was in complete distress, and took a deep breath as he held his son with both hands as if he was a little boy.
Leon: "Shit... When do they wake up?!"
He slapped Randall, but nothing happened.
???: "Oh? You didn't like the tea?"
Bronev's eyes widened.
Leon: "That voice... You...!"
He turned around with Desmond in his arms and tried smacking the butler.
Unfortunately, he just grabbed his hand and smiled.
???: "Calm down, my good sir. We don't want to get stranded in the middle of nowhere because you've got an awful temper and broke something on the train."
Leon: "What have you done to them?! What did you put in that tea?!"
???: "That should not concern you. Not to worry - They will be awake by the time we arrive."
Leon: "But why?! Why did you do that?! For entertainment?!"
???: "No, my good man. I was speaking to the Dejected Miracle on the phone when I heard you all talking. He told me to put you all to sleep for until we arrive to Monchel so you won't be able to discuss your plans once you've woken up with a fresh mind."
Leon: "Who is that awful man?! What does he want?!"
???: "All of those questions shall be answered another time. For now though, please rest. You have got a festival to go to."
Leon didn't say a word, and before he knew it, the butler had disappeared.
Leon: "Nngh... Why did I sign up for this...?"
He went back into his compartment and sat by the window. He lied Professor Sycamore onto him and patted his head, remembering something.
???: "Daddy, look! I found something!"
Desmond had the name Hershel Bronev at that time, and was only 4 years old.
Leon turned around and saw his eldest son running towards him and jumped on him, hugging him.
He giggled as his father helped him down.
Leon: "What happened, kiddo?"
Hershel (Desmond): "I found an artifact!"
Leon gave him a look, chuckling.
Leon: "Mhm... Come on, show me then."
Hershel opened his hand to reveal a pretty, yet small looking rock.
Hershel: "See? Artifact!"
Leon tried very hard to not burst into laughter, and patted his son's head as he took it away.
Leon: "What an extraordinary artifact, my boy... I'm very proud of you."
Hershel giggled as he let go.
Hershel: "Keep it! I want you to tell me what it's called!"
Leon: "Wh-Wha-?"
Leon smiled, already knowing he was in trouble.
Leon: "I'm sorry, my boy, but I don't think I've got any books about this, er... Artifact. That you found."
Hershel frowned sadly.
Hershel: "B-But you've got so many... I-Isn't this one an artifact?!"
Leon: "No, no! That's not what I meant, my boy!"
He smiled.
Leon: "You must have found quite a rare one. So rare - in fact - That nobody has ever discovered it!"
As he said that, he saw his little boy's eyes light up in shock.
Hershel: "Really?!"
Leon: "Hehe, of course..."
Hershel squeeled a bit excitement as he snatched the rock out of Leon's hand.
He hugged it, then his father.
Hershel: "Yay! I want to be just like you when I grow up!"
???: "Leon, dear, you're going to be in a lot of trouble once he finds out, haha!"
They both turned and saw Rachel carrying baby Theodore as he drink his bottle of milk.
Leon: "Oh, Rachel!"
She smiled sweetly at them as she handed Theodore over to him.
Leon: "Ah, where's my baby boy?!"
Theodore giggled happily and let go of the bottle and waving his hands up in the air, but Leon managed to catch it just in time.
Theodore: "Daddy! Hehe!"
Leon: "Aw, don't let go of it... You'll spill it, silly!"
Rachel sat down next to them and cuddled Hershel, tickling him.
Hershel: "Mummy, I found an artifact!"
Rachel: "Oh, did you now~? Can I see?"
Hershel giggled, showing her the rock.
Hershel: "Yes!"
Rachel gasped, acting as if she was shocked.
Rachel: "Oh, my! It's beautiful! I'm so proud of you, dear!"
Hershel: "Thank you, mum!"
Leon: "Looks like someone wants to spend time with their older brother! Hershel, you wouldn't mind playing with Theodore for a little bit, would you? Daddy needs to go to work."
Hershel: "Of course not! I can show him what I found!"
Leon put Theodore gently on the ground in front of Hershel, kissed them both on the head, then stood up.
Leon: "Well, I'm sure he'll be very interested to hear about it."
Hershel giggled as he helped Theodore stood up and took his hand, then started walking to a nearby field with him.
Hershel: "Come on, Theo!"
Theodore: "O-Okay...!"
Leon sighed sadly, then facepalmed.
Leon: "Shit... I'm a terrible father... Why did I let archaeology get the best of me?"
He hesitated, but awkwardly patted Desmond's head with an almost disgusted frown.
He closed his eyes and fell sleep, holding his son in his arms.
Meanwhile, he couldn't notice how Desmond was twitching. It seemed like he was having a nightmare.
The butler peeked inside, then smiled when he saw the havoc.
He lifted his phone closer to his ear and started speaking.
???: "He's having the nightmare as well, Dejected Miracle. He's twitching."
???: "Is Bronev twitching?"
Butler: "Unfortunately, he's smarter than the others. He did not trust the tea and refused to drink it. He's just sleeping now."
The man on the phone growled, then hung up in fury.
???: "Brother! There you are!"
Desmond: "Huh?"
He turned around and saw Hershel behind him, then gasped.
Desmond: "Hershel?! But I thought you were-!"
Hershel: "Kidnapped? Yes, I know. I heard."
Desmond: "So, you escaped?!"
Hershel: "Sort of... Not really, though."
Desmond: "Then... How are you here? Wait..."
Desmond looked around him.
Desmond: "Where even are we...?"
He looked around him, and everything was peaceful. He smiled at the sight.
Hershel: "In heaven, silly!"
Desmond: "What?"
Hershel: "Heaven! You know what that is, don't you?"
Desmond: "Wait... Wh-What?! How?! Are you... A-Am I-?!"
Hershel chuckled sweetly.
Hershel: "Indeed, brother. We're dead."
Desmond: "H-How...?"
Hershel: "Well, they killed me back where I had been kidnapped... And you and the others died from that tea you all drank! It was poisoned, unfortunately... Dad is still alive though - But it's okay!"
Desmond: "How did you know-?"
Suddenly, Hershel grabbed Desmond's hand and walked with him.
Hershel: "Come on! I want to introduce you to someone again!"
Desmond: "Huh...?"
They walked for a little while, until Hershel stopped him and smiled.
Hershel: "Here she is!"
Desmond: "Who?"
He looked up and saw none other but his own mother - Rachel.
Desmond: "M-Mother? You're here... Too?"
Rachel: "Dear... Of course I am! I'm so proud of you both..."
She grabbed them and hugged them.
Once Desmond finally processed what was going on, he started crying, wiping his tears.
Hershel: "Don't cry now, brother! You need to save those tears for later!"
Desmond: "I-I'm sorry..."
Hershel: "Don't worry about it, we're fine now..."
He giggled happily.
Hershel: "After all, here, you don't have to worry. You won't be 'stabbed in the back' anymore."
Desmond: "Wh-What...?"
He felt something sharp go right through him - A spear.
Rachel giggled as she got up and Hershel patted his aggressively bleeding back.
Desmond: "Gh-! Hh-! Hh...!"
Hershel: "... Calm down, brother... This is hardly nothing of what you've all put ME through... You're going to hell, what has happened to you just now is simply the tip of the iceberg for what is going to happen to you in a bit! Don't worry, however! You won't be alone! You will see your new friends - Randall, Angela, Henry, Alphonse, et cetera! And Father Leon will be with you as well..."
He let Desmond drop to the ground, sobbing from pain.
Desmond: "Wh-Why... Did you... D-Do... Th-That...?!"
He coughed aggressively, only to realise blood was coming out of his mouth.
He gasped at the sight, then looked up.
Desmond: "H-Help me... Please...! I'm sorry for what I did...!"
Hershel smiled as he took Rachel's hand.
Hershel: "My word... Look at the time. Me and mother are about to miss tea time thanks to you. I hope you have fun with father in hell! Goodbye, brother."
His eyes widened, with more tears falling out.
Eventually, his head dropped, and he never moved again.
???: "Desmond..."
???: "... Desmond."
???: "Desmond! Wake up, boy!"
Desmond: "Gh... H-Huh...?"
The Professor quickly shot up from his seat, and felt himself.
He was okay again, and realised that he was still on the train with his father next to him, shaking him aggressively.
Leon: "For fuck's sake, boy! You simply wouldn't wake up! You were twitching like a fucking maniac and crying!"
Desmond: "I-I'm alive...! I'm alive!"
Leon: "Of course you're alive, you stupid shit! Calm down! You were just having a bloody nightmare! An awful one, too, it appears!"
Desmond: "It was way too... Real. I need to go check up on the others!"
Without giving it a second thought, Desmond rushed to the next compartment.
Leon: "Sycamore! God dammit, boy!"
Without a second thought, he rushed to the next compartment.
Randall, Angela, Henry and Alphonse were asleep, but looked scared.
Desmond slapped them gently, then shook them aggressively when he had realised that they were completely unconscious, desperately trying to get a reaction out of them.
Desmond: "Wake up, all of you, please!"
Randall twitched as Leon had burst into the room.
Leon: "You just woke up from an awful nightmare, don't just run like that-!"
Desmond: "Shh! Look!"
Leon: "Hm?"
He stood next to him and looked at Randall.
He moved his hand and frowned, the others did the same.
Desmond: "Something in that tea causes people to have nightmares. I wonder what they're dreaming about..."
Leon groaned in agreement, then gasped.
Leon: "Shit! The children!"
Desmond: "The kids drank it as well?! How could you let that happen?!"
Leon: "Stay here! I'll go and check up on them."
Desmond hesitated a bit, but agreed.
Desmond: "Fine. You have to earn our trust somehow."
Leon looked at him and rolled his eyes, then headed the children's compartment.
He opened the door and saw both of the minors of the team sleeping.
Leon: "Goddammit!"
He shook them aggressively, but to no avail.
Leon: "Triton, granddaughter, both of you, wake up!"
They wouldn't budge, and no matter how much he screamed - They wouldn't wake up.
???: "They won't wake up, no matter what you do."
Leon: "Why the kids?! They didn't do anything to deserve this!"
???: "The Dejected Miracle and master Edward gave me a task, and not completing it is strictly prohibited for me. I do not care who gets hurt, as long as I do as I'm told."
Leon: "But why?! They're only kids!"
???: "Do not make me repeat myself, sir. Now pack your bags, we have almost arrived at our destination."
Leon: "But what about the-?!"
???: "They will wake up just before we stop the train. Now, allow me to help you get ready to leave."
Leon: "Never! You fucking murderous thief!"
???: "Hm. Fine them. I suppose I will go and help Professor Sycamore and the others get-"
Leon: "NO!"
The butler looked back as Leon punched him.
He stood in front of the compartment Desmond was in and covered it.
Leon: "I've already lost my one son thanks to you. I will not lose my other one!"
As he said that, Desmond came out of room.
Desmond: "Bronev...? What's going on?"
Leon gasped then went back to normal.
Leon: "Nothing! Fuck off!"
Desmond realised that his father was protecting him from the butler and smiled.
Desmond: "Aw? Is that a heartbeat I hear in there?"
Leon: "No! Have they woken up or what?!"
Desmond: "No... But they're twitching... Look."
The butler smiled as he turned away and left.
They both entered the compartment, only to see the rest of the adults of the team shaking in their sleep. Apart from Henry, however. He looked perfectly fine.
Leon: "Wait... Mr. Ledore isn't twitching. But why?"
Desmond: "He probably isn't having a nightmare. Or he's just very calm."
Leon: "Be aware of him. Something about him seems... Off."
Desmond: "What like?"
Leon: "I don't know... He's weird."
Desmond: "Don't worry - He's always like this."
Leon: "Wait, really? E-Eugh... What a weirdo..."
Desmond: "Oh, shut it!"
Leon: "Don't worry, twitching means that they'll wake up. You did the exact same just before you had woken up from your nightmare."
Angela: "Randall, wake up!"
Randall: "Huh...?"
Randall woke up to the sound of Angela screaming at him. He quickly shot up from where he was lying down and looked around.
Randall: "What the...?"
The place looked peaceful, making him feel safe.
Randall: "Where are we?"
Henry: "I wish we knew."
Alphonse: "Tch, looks like heaven."
Hershel: "That's because it is heaven."
Alphonse: "Wait, what?!"
Angela: "Hershel?!"
Hershel giggled as he took Randall's hand.
Hershel: "Come on! Let's get out of here!"
Randall: "H-Hershel, please, wait! I'm confused! How did you die?! How did we die?! What happened?! Where exactly are we?!"
Hershel huffed in a cutesy manner, then giggled again.
Hershel: "As I said, we're in heaven! My kidnappers killed me because I was useless to them... You all died from the tea you drank... Leon, Sycamore and the kids are still alive though, so I suppose I'll meet them again another time..."
Hershel smiled sweetly at them.
Hershel: "I know you never meant to hurt me... And you all worked so desperately to get me back... Worry not though. I forgive you."
Randall: "R-Really?! You do?!"
Angela: "Hershel, is it true...?"
Hershel: "Hm?"
Angela: "That you tried to...?"
Hershel: "Hm? Oh yeah! Yes, it is! Haha!"
He started running, and laughed as he waved.
Hershel: "What are you all waiting for?! Come on!"
Henry: "Something about him seems wrong."
Randall: "You tell me... He's so... Cheerful... Even more outgoing than ME..."
Angela: "Maybe he's just happy to see us again. I would be the same if I finally had company again, after so long."
Randall smiled, then chased after him.
Randall: "Hershel! Wait for me!"
Hershel: "No, no! No waiting! Catch me!"
Alphonse grabbed Henry and Angela, trying to stop them.
Alphonse: "Wait."
Angela: "What is it, Al?"
Alphonse: "I don't think we should trust him. Something about Hershel doesn't seem right. I know he's excited, but he is just... Acting like a child..."
Angela: "You're right, but... He hasn't had anyone in his life for years... We need to comfort him."
Alphonse: "I know... But..."
Henry: "No!"
Angela and Alphonse to Henry.
Henry: "Let's just go. Leave him alone. If he wants to be happy then let him be happy! Stop ruining the fun for him like you all always do!"
They both stared at him until he had realised what he had just said.
He looked away and started walking to the others.
Henry: "Forget what I just said. I'm sorry. I'm just... Stressed."
Angela: "Henry is acting weird... He has been calm all throughout Hershel's disappearance, now this...? Why isn't he talking to me?!"
Alphonse: "Don't worry, Angela. He's probably stressed with work and the fact that Hershel is... Well, WAS... Gone. He's also a very calm man and hardly shows emotion in these situations, so leave him be."
Angela: "Fine... L-Let's just go..."
They both followed the other trio until they had finally reached a hill. Hershel lied down and smiled, removing his top hat and hugging it.
Randall: "Hersh?"
Hershel: "Yes, Randall?"
Randall: "Is it...? Is it really you...?"
Hershel, giggling: "Silly... Who else could it be?!"
Randall covered his mouth while tearing up, then launched himself into him and hugged him tightly.
Randall: "My word, it's you...! I've missed you so much...! I'm so sorry for what I did...! I'm sorry you had to push yourself to the point where you had driven yourself to such extreme lengths because of me...!"
Hershel frowned, patting his head.
He smiled warmly at him and wiped Randall's tears off his face.
Hershel: "Well, we're all together again, aren't we?"
Randall: "Y-Yeah..."
Hershel, giggling: "You're so cute and innocent when you're sad! Ahaha!"
Randall: "H-Huh-?"
Henry: "Hello again."
Hershel: "Henry! Hey again!"
Henry: "You look very well. Much better that I've been told, anyway."
Hershel: "Of course! I am full of energy! Where are the others?"
Henry: "They're coming, don't worry."
Hershel smiled sweetly, patting the ground next to him to signal Henry to come and take a seat.
Hershel: "Randall, come here."
Randall: "Hm?"
Without saying a word, Hershel forced Randall to lie on his back as he sat up straight against the tree.
He rested Randall's head on his stomach and then started stroking his hair, giggling.
Randall, blushing: "What are you doing?!"
Hershel: "Do you have a problem with this?"
Randall: "N-No, but..."
Hershel: "Then?"
Randall: "Nothing, Hersh... Just caught me by surprise."
Henry felt a bit uncomfortable, but gladly Angela and Alphonse finally came.
Angela: "Hershel?"
Hershel: "Yes, Angie?"
Angela gasped, then smiled.
Angela: "You've changed. In a good way, of course! But... You've changed. We're so happy to see you again."
Hershel: "You... You are? Huh..."
He patted the ground next to him, signalling them to sit with him.
Alphonse: "Is it true... We're dead?"
Hershel: "U-Unfortunately, yes... I'm sorry you had to get involved into my mess..."
Randall: "It's okay, Hershel... It's not your fault."
Hershel smiled as he left Randall and got up.
Hershel: "Oh well, I believe we've spoken enough.
Henry: "Hm? Hershel?"
Hershel: "I will be on my way now."
Angela: "On your way where?"
Hershel stopped walking, then giggled as he looked down.
Hershel: "To the real heaven, of course."
Alphonse: "Hm?"
Randall: "What are you on about?"
Suddenly, the atmosphere went extremely dull, almost like they were in a nightmare.
Hershel: "Don't worry! You'll have each other, so it won't be as bad as you think!"
Randall: "I-I don't understand-"
Suddenly, the ground beneath Randall had opened, making him fall right through.
Hershel looked down as he fell and waved playfully, giggling.
Randall: "HERSHEL!"
He screamed Hershel's name as loud as he could, not believing the fact that his old friend would allow him to die.
The others were horrified and couldn't dare move, so they stood back in horror.
Angela: "Wh-What have you done, you monster?!"
Hershel, giggling: "My... I get called that a lot. After all, it's in my nature to do things like this."
Alphonse: "You traitor! How did you do that?! And what do you mean it's in your bloody nature?! You just killed your friend for no reason!"
Hershel: "Make that four friends."
Henry: "Four...?"
Hershel smiled as the ground opened again and consumed the others as well.
As Angela and Alphonse were falling and screaming for their lives, Henry had managed to grip onto the surface of the ground.
He looked up at Hershel, shaking.
Henry: "Wh-Why are you doing this?!"
Hershel: "Now, now, Henry~"
He helped him up and took both of his hands.
Hershel: "Now is not the time to be answering those questions."
Henry: "What...?"
Hershel smiled as he pushed Henry down, then waved at him.
It was too late, and the ground had closed again.
Hershel: "Maybe we can all be friends again, in another life."
Desmond: "Bronev, I think... I think they're waking up!"
Leon: "They are?"
Randall: "HERSHEL!"
Randall gasped as he woke up and immediately sat up straight.
He was trembling, looking at himself and what was around him.
Randall: "I-I'm alive?! But I-I-!"
Desmond: "Calm down, Ascot! It's alright! It was just a nightmare!"
Randall: "Huh?!"
Desmond: "Wait... You had a nightmare where you died as well?"
Randall: "Yeah...? W-Wait, what do you mean 'as well'?!"
Professor Sycamore completely ignored Randall's question, and just put his hand on his chin as he started processing what he had just found out.
Desmond: "Hmm... So..."
His eyes darted back to Randall again.
Desmond: "Ascot, answer my question truthfully... Was my brother in your dream?"
Randall: "How did you know?"
Desmond: "Shit... Was he the one who had killed you?"
Randall: "Yes... Did the same happen to you?"
Desmond: "Yes... And look who else has decided to wake up."
Henry was staring at the floor in fear while Angela was cuddling him and shaking.
Alphonse had his hands gripped and was trying to act tough, when it was obvious that he was shaken by what had just happened as well.
Desmond: "Are you all alright?!"
Angela: "N-No-!"
Alphonse: "That was definitely Hershel I saw..."
Desmond: "You all had the same dream, huh..."
Angela: "You all dreamt of the same thing?! Did Hershel kill you?!"
Everyone apart from Leon nodded.
Angela: "That's... Disturbing... Is it from the tea we drank?"
Leon: "Yes, in fact."
He crossed his arms and looked away.
Leon: "However, I don't know how it was possible for all of you to piece all of that together, but you still somehow were so naive to drink that poison."
Desmond: "We know... That was our fault... You even warned me, but I didn't listen... We apologise."
Leon: "Oh, don't bother apologising to me. Apologise to Theodore when we finally find him for coming in without a plan because you were all so stupid as to drink something the enemy gave you."
He scoffed as he started walking away.
Leon: "We're almost at our destination. I'll go get the kids."
He got out of the compartment, and the others were left with each other's company.
Desmond: "I have a theory as to what had just happened."
Henry: "... Explain."
Desmond: "The butler did this to us. I think the Dejected Miracle wanted Hershel to be our murderer because he wanted us to become paranoid. They must also be hinting us to something, but what...?"
Randall: "What if...?"
Randall gave it a second thought, then shook his head.
Randall: "No. Hershel would never..."
Angela: "Never what?"
Randall: "Nothing... Something silly that crossed my mind. Forget I said anything, Angie."
Angela: "If you say so..."
Suddenly, the train started to stop, and they immediately looked out of the window.
There were buildings with decorations everywhere, with a big sign nearby writing 'Welcome to Monchel!'
Desmond: "This is it..."
Henry: "Monchel..."
???: "Ah. You are all finally awake."
Alphonse: "You little-!"
Alphonse grabbed the butler by the throat.
Alphonse: "What the hell did you do to us?! What was in that tea?!"
???: "Now, now, Mr. Dalston. No shouting please. Please grab your belongings and exit the train, you have a festival to attend."
Alphonse snarled as he had let go of his enemy and grabbed his bag.
Alphonse: "Fuck off...!"
He purposely hit the butler's shoulder with his own on his way out of the compartment and left the train.
Leon was already outside with the children, waiting for the others.
Desmond grabbed his book and pen and started writing on his way out, then gasped at the first thing he had noticed.
Desmond: "Ascot, look."
Randall: "What?"
The Professor pointed towards the never ending dark woods.
Randall: "Hershel is in... There?!"
Desmond: "It is very likely, yes... To make things worse. He is most probably in there."
He pointed up to reveal a huge castle which looked as if it was so close to them, yet so far away.
Randall: "My word..."
Desmond: "Tonight, we must enter these woods and find him. Otherwise, he is the werewolf's feast."
Randall: "Indeed."
Leon: "The kids need to rest, they're completely shaken by what had just happened with the... Tea."
Desmond: "Not to worry, Bronev. We're going to take shelter right now. Everyone is tired, and you need sleep as well."
Leon chuckled mischievously at him.
Leon: "Wow, you care about me?"
Desmond: "Consider it as a thank you for protecting me earlier."
Leon knew that Desmond and him were already growing a closer bond, and smiled as his defensive son walked away with the others.
They entered an Inn nearby, and finally got the shelter they were looking for.
As Flora was about to enter her room with Luke, Angela stopped her.
Angela: "Flora, you still have the monocle, right?"
Flora: "..."
Flora's face went pale, then went through her sweater pockets.
There was nothing in them, and she froze.
Flora: "I-I lost it..."
Angela: "WHAT?!"
They both looked at each other, already realising what the butler had done.
Angela: "G-Go to sleep, Flora... I'll deal with this..."
Flora nodded as she shut had the door behind her.
Angela quickly ran to her own room, where Randall, Henry, Alphonse and herself would be sleeping for the night.
She looked like she was in complete distress, staring at everyone.
Angela: "The monocle is gone...!"
Randall: "Oh please! That's not a big problem-- WAIT, WHAT?!"
Angela: "Flora lost it!"
Alphonse: "No wonder that fucking butler put us all to sleep! First, he didn't want us to get some normal rest - Second, he didn't want us to plan anything for until we finally arrived to Monchel, and third he stole that damn monocle from Flora's pocket!"
Randall: "Where do you think the butler would be...?"
They all flinched as they looked outside and at the castle.
Alphonse quickly grabbed a box of tissues that was next to his bedside table and threw it out of the window he had been looking out of.
Angela: "Al, please calm down!"
Randall: "He's right... What if they-?! What if they brainwash him?! What of they-?!"
He looked down, petrified.
Randall: "My word, what if they murder him?!"
He felt shivers go down his spine after he said that, but the Ledore's had wrapped their arms around him, hugging him, while Alphonse patted his back.
Alphonse: "He'll be fine! I promise!"
Randall: "Y-You think so...? Huh..."
Henry: "Come on, Master Randall. You need rest."
Randall: "Yes, we... We all do. I'll tell the others what happened once we have woken up."
They rested on their beds and started sleeping, however Randall stared out of the window, looking at the dark and scary castle.
Meanwhile, Desmond was writing in his book again, while Leon was sitting next to him.
Desmond: "That castle we saw is enormous... How are we going ot find my brother in THERE?!"
Leon: "Hershel, Theodore will be fine. We will find him."
Desmond: "Our names aren't Hershel and Theodore anymore, Bronev. Also... You're right. I'm sure we will."
He closed the book and his eyes slowly started to close.
Desmond: "I feel exhausted from all of this... The stress is too much for me to handle..."
Leon: "S-Son, please lie down-"
It was too late, and Desmond was already drifting off.
Leon sighed deeply in annoyance, but grabbed him and lied down with him.
He closed his eyes as well as he patted his son's back and mumbled to himself.
Leon: "Your brother will be fine."

Professor Layton And The Bereft MonocleWhere stories live. Discover now