Start from the beginning

rick had a club of his own just like sebastian's - it was across town. only difference: he treated all his women like absolute trash. his women weren't getting their correct share of money they earned rightfully as to sebastian, whatever money is thrown to the dancer or floor-worker, it's all there's. they earn it.

he followed her every move.
copying her every move. and now, he jacked her money from her without her knowing, he had a deathwish coming.

the twist in this whole situation was: rick wanted to kill sebastian, that was clear. he was very vocal about putting a bullet in the middle of her head, everyone knew that rick had a burning jealousy of what sebastian had. rick thought that it should've been him on top and that sebastian 'cheated' her way up (whatever that meant), and the fact that charlie was one of rick's carriers made everything worse. that was rick's money now, every dollar that sebastian trusted charlie with - was rick's now and that was a big no in sebastian books.

sebastian doesn't even knock on the private room door that her best man, yoongi was in.

she just turns the nomb slighly, she peeks her head in - yoongi was laid up against the exotic dancer, yoongi, hearing the sound. he opens his eyes, his eyes scanning the expression on sebastian's face: 'fuck, someone is going to die tonight.' yoongi thinks, he knows it.

sebastian finally steps inside the lovemaking room, the female that was laid out on the bed with yoongi, realizing what needed to be done, she awkwardly gets up--eyeing sebastian's tall stance - her aura was all dark and someone could just tell something was wrong. yoongi just knew the load sebastian was about to lay on him was about to break him as well.

sebastian, standing there - rolling two black matte dice she kept with her whenever she needed to think or just knock off some steam: the thing scaring yoongi was that he hasn't seen those killer dice in a full year. so he knew some fucked up shit was about to go down, he sits up from the bed, completely shirtless. he scoots down to the edge of the bed to listen.

whenever the exotic dancer ran off.
sebastian locked the door right after she left them, she scooped out the hallway they were in just in case for anyone listening in, that was the last thing she wanted.
she was in the clear, she was sure the exotic dancer told the guard not to let anyone through because sebastian was through the floor pissed.

sebastian takes a deep breath before turning her shoulder to yoongi. she was still fooling around with the now semi-sweaty dice, whenever she got angry in any type of way - her palms got ridiculous sweaty and it was one of those moments.

"what's wrong, seb?"

"charlie, min, fucking charlie was the snake in this sitution. listen - remember whenever jungkook came to us - talking about there was someone taking our business? it was charlie! jimin exposed his ass, jimin showed me my own drugs with rick's name on it. the load i give is now rick's - which means, i lost money and that motherfucker has it. he is ahead of the game and guess what? i am going to muder charlie's ass." sebastain completely goes off the rails, yoongi's was there every time she had melt-downs, trying to comfort her with a solid plan - which tends to work... most times. (this wasn't most times, yoongi concludes.).

yoongi sits there, completely dumbfounded.
yoongi understands why sebastian was so upset now, yoongi knew she hated to lose or come second place: those words were nowhere near her vocabulary.
sebastian was a boss, and she acted like one.

yoongi's eyes shut, he felt both hands touch his forehead - pushing his midnight-black locks back a bit. he held the hairs back - lighting tugging on them. he was already stressing about this - he didn't like how this was sounding. a massive headache began to take place at the front of his head.

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