The group consisted of Annette, Bernadetta, Byleth, Caspar, Claude, Dimitri, Felix, Hilda, Linhardt, Lysithea, and Sylvain.

Dedue had been apprehensive about not coming alongside with the main army forces, but Dimitri had insisted that he stayed behind in case of anything happened he wanted Dedue to survive and live for himself.

"You know Byleth, I really don't want to die" Linhardt called out to her.

Dimitri looked up to see how she would react, Byleth frowned at Linhardt but remained silent. "Don't say stuff like that Linhardt" Lysithea scolded, "It's not good for morale" she added and then pointed back to where the soldiers and battalions followed them from behind.

Linhardt sighed, "I'm just stating the facts" he replied.

"Still Linhardt" Bernadetta butted in "Lysithea has a point, it is bad for morale" she said.

"I don't know Bernadetta" Sylvain said "It's not like we should be telling them we are guaranteed to win either" he said.

"Tsk, don't be stupid" Felix said sternly "We don't need to tell them either of those things" he said "We just need to show them we will give it our all, and then they will do the same" he added.

Byleth squinted at Felix, "That is oddly wise of you to say" she said.

Sylvain chuckled, "Heh, Felix is getting soft" he said.

Felix frowned at the both of them, "Shut up" he said sternly.

Dimitri chuckled softly at his friends, despite the uncertain future that looms over their heads they manage to find a way to make it a less miserable experience.

"Alright all of you settle down" Claude said while shaking his head then looking at Byleth "I expected better from you" he added. Byleth merely shrugged.

"Oh, lighten up Claude" Hilda said "We still have a good long while before we even reach Enbarr" she added.

Dimitri thought about it and she was right. He guessed that it would take them four maybe five days of traveling till they reached Enbarr.

By the time nightfall came they were roughly between Varley and Bergliez territory.

"We should stop and set up camp" Claude called out.

Dimitri nodded his head in agreement, "That sounds like a good idea" he responded. It didn't take long for everyone to set up camp, he was certain many of them rushed due to their exhaustion from a long day of marching.

Food soon began to flow through the camp, and a fire was made. Dimitri's friends were gathered around, he watched as Felix sat closely to Bernadetta, his face flush as they conversed. Claude and Sylvain sat beside each other passing back and forth a flask.

Dear goddess Dimitri really hoped he wasn't going to have to be on Sylvain duty, to ensure his friend doesn't do anything stupid. 

Nearby them were Annette, Linhardt, and Lysithea. They looked to be deep in a conversation, most likely about magic. And Caspar and Hilda... Well Dimitri knew what they were doing despite the lack of their presence.


Dimitri looks around once again, perhaps he overlooked her? Although it doesn't really seem like a possibility.


No Byleth.

Dimitri stands up and dusts off dirt from his armor, perhaps she just wanted some peace for the night and turned in early. Although, that doesn't seem like something she would do. Dimitri took one last glance at his companions, then went to go and search for her.

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