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You had been with the BAU for a few months, ten to be precise. You had your far share of good times with the team and bad times. You were very close with everyone at this point but you were the closest to Morgan, which was understandable. But Spencer was a close second as well, sometimes he was ranked higher than Morgan. He had always been there for you during the toughest cases to the easiest cases. Spencer was an awkward guy. He wasn't confident in any way, in his personal life. In his work life, he was fairly confident. Some days when you had local cases or just normal work days, you would go back to Reid's apartment after work and you would normally have movie nights. Popcorn and a documentary sounded boring at first but it became like a weekly routine for you.

You knocked on Spencer's door, in your work attire as you didn't have time to change. You were wearing a black, slim dress with long sleeves, with a pair of black heels and a blazer over the top. A casually dressed Spencer answered, with a warm smile on his face.

"Hey Princess."

You walked in, giving him a small hug. You were so tired, you just flopped onto his couch.


"You have no idea."

He chuckled, turning on the TV.

/// THE NEXT DAY ///

You woke up, wrapped in a pair of arms. It was unusual for you to have one night stands so you were confused. You looked next to you and saw Spencer's cute face, he was fast asleep. You noticed that you were both fully dressed so nothing happened but you didn't want to get up, you didn't want his embrace to end. Unfortunately, it did. Your phone rang abruptly. It was Hotch.

"Hey Hotch, what's wrong?"

"You need to get to the bullpen, Spencer too if you can contact him. His cell seems to be off."

"Um, yeah ok. Will be there in ten."

You ended the call and sat up. You shook Spencer's arm as he opened his eyes slowly.

"Good morning sleepy head."

He smiled, sitting up next to you.

"Oh. Did an-"

"No Spence, don't worry."

You chuckled, as did he.

"So what's up? I was enjoying my sleep."

He smirked playfully as you rolled your eyes

"Hotch wants me and you to get to the bullpen as soon as possible."

He furrowed his eyebrows

"Well that can't be good. Do you want to drop you back to your apartment?"

"No worries, I have my go bag so I'll just get ready here if th-"

"Yeah. Yeah. That's fine."

You got up, grabbing your go bag and changing into a white blouse and black, skinny trousers. With the same pair of heels. Your hair was in plaits from the last night, so you let your hair down. The beach waves flow down your face. You heard the sound of Spencer in the shower, the dripping of the shower head when he turned the water off. You were teasing your hair when he came out, with a towel around his waist and his hair sopping wet. You chuckled, looking at him

"Well that's a sight for sore eyes."

He began to blush, grabbing his toothbrush and walking back into the bathroom. After a while, he came out wearing a dark coloured suit. It was like a navy colour, it suited him. His hair was sprawled out with his brown curls and his facial hair. He was classy for a nerd. You made your way to the bullpen, in Spencer's car.


You got to the bullpen, walking in separate. Spencer walked in first, and in the space of five minutes you walked in. So it didn't seem suspicious. When you walked in, you saw a bunch of people huddled in the bullpen. Strauss was talking to Hotch, and Morgan was stood near them. With a guilty look on his face. You walked over to him

"What's up Morgan?"

He just bowed his head, confusion wasn't even the word to describe your feelings. The Director, Erin Strauss, walked over to you.

"May I see you in my office Agent?"

You nodded and walked behind her. Everyone was starring, no one knew what this was about. Not even Hotch and Rossi.

"What's going on ma'am?"

You took a seat as she sighed deeply.

"Word has got out that you are related to Agent Morgan. Is this correct?"

You sighed

"I was adopted into his family when I was younger ma'am. I don't understand though, what does this have to do with anything?"

"Well Agent, I've been reading your file and it seems you have a history of an assault record. It says a one time offence but it still isn't good. You are on very thin ice lady."

You scoffed

"Really? That tiny thing that was meant to be deleted from my file is holding me back from my position in the FBI?"

She nodded, placing your file on the desk.

"I am willing to give you one chance Agent. Do not blow it or you will have to pack your things and leave. Are we clear?"

"But ma-"

"Are we clear??"

You sighed, bowing your head

"Yes ma'am."

You walked out of her office, anger and upset filled your emotions. You walked past Morgan and Spencer. Morgan put his hand out to grab yours.

"Hey sis wha-"

You jerked your hand away from his grasp and walked off.


"Hey sis wha-"

She snatched her hand away from his grasp and walked off, she was angry but also upset. Morgan walked off, huffing but a little concerned. When no one was looking, I slipped outside to find Y/N. I went to the one place I knew she'd be. She turned around and saw me

"Spence, what are you doing here? How did you find me?"

I smiled

"I know you alway come to this Oak wood bench when your having a stressful day or your are upset or angry, or both."

Her frown grew into a smile. But she quickly turned away, making her face frown again. I sat next to her

"What's wrong?"

She sighed

"Strauss is mad that I am Morgan's sister and she found something in my file that jeopardize my job at the BAU."

I tilted my head as she continued

"Years ago when I was in my dads care, he came home one night drunk. He was being rowdy and horrid so I tried to get to my room, hoping he would just go to bed. But he stopped me and tried to grab me, and hurt me. He was shouting and screaming so loudly, that my neighbors called the cops. He punched me in the face and slapped me. I slapped him one on the cheek and it got me a charge of assault by a stupid police officer that was a friend of my fathers."

I was speechless, hearing Y/N talk about her tragic upbringing was disheartening. She tried to choke back her tears.

"And I- I can't loose this job. I love it too much, and you guys. You are all my family. I jus-"

"Hey it's ok."

I took her within my arms, stroking her hair and her arm. She clutched onto my blazer jacket. I saw in the distance, Emily stood there with her arms crossed.

"He- Oh sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt."

She wiped her tears away and stood up.

"Um no not at all, everything ok?"

She shook her head.

"We got a case, a bad one."

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