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It had been a few hours and Y/N had just walked out. I wanted to follow her but I didn't want to seem too. You know. The whole team was back and Hotch came over to me

"Reid, where's L/N?"

I shrugged

"I'll call her cell."

I rang, hoping she'd answer. I didn't think she would but she did.

"Hi Boss."

"Princess? Where are you?"

"No, sorry. I was just questioning the suspect you asked me about."

"Are you in danger?"

"Yes sir. I can do that."

"Try and get out of there Y/N. I will get Garcia to track your cellphone."

"I'm afraid that's not possible Boss."

"Just stay there, we will come and get you."

"You too Sir."

She hung up. I immediately rang Garcia.

"Garcia, I need you."

"I've always wanted to hear you say that re-"

"Now Garcia!"

"Whoa what's wrong?"

"Y/N has gone undercover to the unsub's house. She's in danger and I need you to track her."

I could hear here typing over the other line

"Her cell is. It's off, she can't be tracked."

"Come on Garcia, I know you can track her."

"Wait. I gave her the address for a suspect, she could be there but she ne-"

"Garcia, can you send me the address please?"


My phone buzzed and I saw an address pop up.

"Thanks Garcia."

I hung up and went into the conference room, alerting Hotch

"Hotch, Y/N is at the Unsub's house. She is in danger."

Hotch alerted the rest of the team as well as the back up officers

"We need everyone on the scene. Morgan, Reid and Rossi will take the first car. JJ, Emily and I will take the second car. The rest follow behind us. We urge all to be vigilant, he has one of our agents captive and he is not afraid to hurt her. Let's go."


He just stood there, shunned.

"No you can't be. Your not."

He walked off, but you followed him.

"How can you be my daughter? She is missi-"

"She's not missing. She was taken from you ten years ago, because you were charged with sexual assu-"

He grabbed your wrist, forcefully.

"NO!! I WASN'T!!!"

His grip got tighter. You tried to release from his grip but it only got tighter and tighter.

"Let go, please."



I was in the SUV with Morgan and Hotch. Morgan was driving, I was in the passenger seat and Hotch was in the back seat. Morgan turned to me as my legs bounced up and down.

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